






发布者: david | 发布时间: 2006-9-10 22:38| 查看数: 69649| 评论数: 76|


christlulu 发表于 2006-10-8 11:56:01
lesson 10  代词(三)
内 容 提 要
不 定 代 词
一、“every”(每一个)只作为定语使用,即必须在其后加上单数可数名词构成名词短语,它不可与everyone(每一个)混淆。 everyone相当于名词,它不可修饰其他名词,只作主语或宾语
1) Every [A] knows that hospitals are institutions where the sick are treated, but how many [B] realize that they were once [C] homes for the indigent and the friendless [D] ?
2) Everyone [A] child in the United States must [B] receive [C] some form of educational instruction [D] .
zhenru 发表于 2006-10-8 15:33:04

very good

liucongshan 发表于 2006-10-8 20:31:17


1)  A 错。Every 后面加 one。

2)   B 错。Everyone 改为 Every。


jingshu 发表于 2006-10-9 21:25:19

1)  A 错。Every 后面加 one。

2)   B 错。Everyone 改为 Every。

It is a piece of cake!

I just want to collect gold coins!

sunshinne 发表于 2006-10-13 10:04:56

1. The scholars met once a year to exchange experience.

2. Foreign ship are not allowed to fish in our territoral waters.

3.I went to the doctor for advice about my health.

4.The letter contained an item of important information

5.In the afternoon I did some baby-sitting, for it is a fun looking after children.

6.The congregation were not numerous that night, but they seemed to be listening attentively to my lecture.

7.Poultry are dear in the city

8.The board of directors are shaking heads at the chairman’s speech.
9.The merchandise have arrived undamaged.

雪snow 发表于 2006-10-15 20:20:48
1) It is widely believed that the pull of gravity on a falling raindrop changes ______ round shape into a teardrop shape.
[A] of the drop B] the drop’s [C] drop of [D] drops their
2) The winner [A] photograph was of [B] an old barn's window covered with [C] a [D] delicate, lacy frost(带花边的霜).
3) At [A] birth, the [B]baby's head is extremely large in [C] relation to a [D] rest of the body.

雪snow 发表于 2006-10-15 20:39:33

lesson 3

1. __The__rose  is__a__beautiful flower.
2.Mr. Smith always smokes__X__cigarette with __a__cup of coffee.
3.__The__door of__the__garage is broken.
4.__The__donkeys are __X__ stupid animals.
5.__The__bread is made from __X__ flour,and __the__flour is made from __X__wheat.
6.She is __a__good musician;she plays __X__piano beautifully.
7.Thousands of __X__visitors go to __the__Great Wall every __X__day.
8.When he was enghteen,he joined __the__navy.
9.He sent me __a__letter and __a__postcard;__the__letter didn't arrive.
10.Li is not at __the__office;I think he's gone__X__home.
11.Is there __a__telephone here?
12.She is studying __X__English and __X__French.
13.I bought __a__pen and some paper,but I left__the__pen  in __the__shop.
14.__The__machine is made of __X__steel and __X__copper.
15._X___honesty is __the__best policy.
16.__The__coal is 60 dollars __a__ton at the moment.
17.I stay at __X__home last night and listened to __the__radio.
18.We went to Paris and saw __the__Palace of  Versailles.
19.He goes back to __the__ country to see his people once __a__year.
20.__The__Liu's are going to __the__cinema.

雪snow 发表于 2006-10-15 21:22:02
1) Walking briskly for thirty minutes will burn as many calories as    .
[A] to run for fifteen minutes
B] running for fifteen minutes
[C] you run for fifteen minutes
[D] fifteen?minute walking
2) The gorilla(大猩猩), while [A] not  quite as curious as [B] the chimpanzee(黑猩猩), shows more persistence [C] and memory retention(记忆力) in solving [D] a problem.
3) Alaska is twice [A] as large [B] as [C] the next largest [D] state, Texas.
4) Thomas Jefferson’s achievements as an architect rival his contributions    a politician.
[A] such  [B] more  [C] as  [D] than
5) I should say Henry is not much a writer as a reporter.
[A] that  [B] so  [C] this  [D] as
6) Natural mica(云母) of [A] a superior [B] quality is cheaper [C] to obtain than synthetic [D] mica.
7) She is older than .
[A] any other girl in the group  [B] any girl in the group
[C] all girls in the group     [D] you and me as well as the group
8) Josephine McCrackin joined [A] the “Santa Cruz Sentinel” in 1905 and, until her death fifteen years later [B] , remained [C] active in journalistic [D] work.
9) The purpose of the research had a more important meaning for them than   .
[A] ours   [B] with us   [C] for ours it had   [D] it did for us
10) Sound travels   air.
[A] faster through water than through [B] faster than through water and
[C] through water faster and[D] where it is faster through water than through
11) Gerbrand von den Feckhout, one of Rembrand’s pupils, followed [A] the style of his teacher so implicitly that [B] his paintings [C] are sometimes confused with his master's [D] .
12) The [A] fearsome of all the [B] animals in [C] the Western [D] Hemisphere is the grizzly bear.
13) Of all economic [A] problems, inflation continues to be [B] the [C] most significant in its daily impact on [D] people and business.
14)     ,the most familiar to general public is the criminal jurisdiction.
[A] All the activities  [B] The activities
[C] Of all the activities   [D] It is the activities
david 发表于 2006-10-15 22:30:50


christlulu 发表于 2006-10-16 08:21:09


1) A错。every不可单独充当句子成分,应在其后加上person或改为everyone。
2) A错。改为Every,修饰child。

christlulu 发表于 2006-10-16 08:23:59

二、“much”和“many”分别修饰不可数名词和可数名词,可作为代词(如much of)和形容词使用
3) Food seasoning plays an important [A] role in the cooking [B] customs of much [C] cultures in [D] the world.
4) The general sales tax has been [A] a major source of income for state governments, much [B] of which derive more than half [C] of their budgets from [D] it.
5) Data received from [A] two spacecraft indicate that there is many evidence [B] that huge thunderstorms are now occurring [C] around the equator [D] of the planet Saturn.

三、 “some”和“any”是表示不定数量的代词,相当于汉语的“一些”,作定语可修饰可数名词复数或不可数名词,其中some(包括它的合成词something,someone, somebody)多用于肯定句,而any(包括它的合成词anything, anyone, anybody)则用于疑问句和否定句中,其中any在否定句中相当于汉语中的“任何”;形容词修饰something, someone, somebody, anything, anyone, anybody, nothing, nobody时,形容词要放在这些词的后边
6) Historians [A] have never reached some general [B] agreement about [C] the precise causes of the [D] Civil War in the United States.

7) Lizards lack [A] the built?in body temperature control [B] many another [C] creatures possess [D] .
8) Some bacterium are extremely [A] harmful, but anothers [B] are regularly [C] used in producing cheeses, crackers, and many other foods [D] .
9) Like [A] most another [B] art forms, the Greek tragedy had [C] its origins in religious [D] observances.

五、one与other “one”作为代词代替前面提到的人或物,它前边加the; “other”作代词修饰复数名词。 “one…another”表示“一个…另一个”的意思,或表示多个(三者以上)之中的“另一个”,“又一个”; “one…the other”表示两者之中剩下的“另一个,又一个”
10) I’d like to [A] buy a coat similar [B] to one [C] you are wearing [D] .
11) Though [A] Art Tatum was totally blind in one eye and had only slight [B] vision in another [C] , he became [D] an internationally renowned jazz musician.

六、 “few”和“little”两者分别为“many”和“much”的反义词,表示“少,很少”的意思,有否定含义,即等于“几乎没有”,如若表示肯定的含义,则应在little和few前加不定冠词“a”,即变为“a few”和“a little”
12) Because they are generally [A] taken simply to obtain a recognizable [B] and relatively clear [C] image, most non?prefessional photographs demand few [D] equipment.

七、 “a great deal (of)” (大量)只作为限定语修饰不可数名词或在句中指代不可数名词作主语或宾语
13) of gift?giving, barter, buying and selling goes on among the Narvjos.
[A] A great deal [B] A great many [C] Much greater [D] Many

八、“nothing but”表示“只不过,就是,只有”
He is nothing but a singer. 他只不过是个唱歌的。
Nothing but a miracle can save us. 只有奇迹才能救我们。
九、“anything but” 表示“根本不,并不”
She is anything but beautiful. 她并不美。
John is anything but a liar. 约翰决不是个骗子。
十、“something of” 表示“略有”
He has seen something of life. 他略有阅历。
I’m something of a cook. 我略懂烹饪。
He is not much of a scholar. 他算不上个很好(高明)的学者。
十一、“none other than”表示“就是”
The new arrival was none other than the President. 刚到的那人就是总统本人。
我们要注意none other than 与 other than 的区别,后者表示“与……不同”
I do not wish him other than he is. 我不希望他改变现状。
The truth is quite other than what we think. 事实与我们所想的不一样。
We did the work none too well. 我们活干得一点也不好。
十三、nowhere可用以成语:be nowhere一无所得,一事无成;get nowhere一事无成,nowhere near离……很远。
He is all attention, and she is all eyes. 他十分留意,她也注意力集中。
Everybody who is anybody (somebody) at all will be at the dance.

JANASON 发表于 2006-10-28 16:51:42

lesson 1应该改成这样:

1. The scholars met once a year to exchange experience.

2. Foreign ship are not allowed to fish in our territoral waters.

3.I went to the doctor for advice about my health.

4.The letter contained an item of important information

5.In the afternoon I did some baby-sitting, for it is a fun looking after children.

6.The congregation were not numerous that night, but they seemed to be listening attentively to my lecture.

7.Poultry are dear in the city

8.The board of directors are shaking heads at the chairman’s speech.

9.The merchandise have arrived undamaged.

JANASON 发表于 2006-10-28 16:57:20




sunshine1102 发表于 2006-10-30 16:29:47

1. The scholars met once a year to exchange esperience.
2. Foreign ships are not allowed to fish in our territoral water.
3. I went to the doctor for some advice about my health.
4.The letter contain an important information.
5.In the afternoon I did some baby-sittings,for it is fun looking after children.
6.The congregation was not numerous that night,but they seemed to  listening attentively to my   lecture.
7.Poultry is dear in the city.
8.The board of director is shaking head  at the chairman’s speech.
9.The merchandises have arrived at undamaged.
serena 发表于 2006-11-2 14:14:50
1. The scholars met once a year to exchange esperience.
2. Foreign ships are not allowed to fish in our territoral water.
3. I went to the doctor for some advice about my health.
4.The letter contain some important information.
5.In the afternoon I did some baby-sittings,for it is fun looking after children.
6.The congregation was not numerous that night,but they seemed to  listening attentively to my   lecture.
7.Poultry is dear in the city.
8.The board of director is shaking head  at the chairman’s speech.
9.The merchandises have arrived at undamaged.
christlulu 发表于 2006-11-2 17:26:26
sarahandyi 发表于 2006-11-12 11:33:50
1.The scholars met once a year to exchange esperience.

2.Foreign ships are not allowed to fish in our territoral water.

3.I went to the doctor for an advice about my health.

4.The letter contain important information.

5.In the afternoon I did some baby-sitting,for it is a fun looking after children.

6.The congregation was not numerous that night,but they seemed to be listening attentively to mylecture.

7.Poultry is dear in the city.

8.The board of director is shaking heads at the chairman’s speech.

9.The merchandise has arrived undamaged

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