






发布者: 梦儿 | 发布时间: 2010-7-9 07:16| 查看数: 1591| 评论数: 4|



  A millionaire gay couple who made legal history when they fathered twins using a surrogate mother held a christening for their children July 4.


  Barrie and Tony Drewitt-Barlow were joined by more than 40 people at a service for their five-month-old twins Dallas and Jasper at St John the Baptist Church in Danbury, Essex. Son Orlando, the third of their five children, was also christened at the service, which was attended by surrogate mother Rosalind Bellamy and the egg donor – “up-and-coming Russian supermodel” Alexandra Cooper-Strash。

  这对“夫妻”名为巴里-德瑞维特-巴洛和托尼-德瑞维特-巴洛,他们在位于丹伯里的圣约翰洗礼会教堂为其这对5个月大的双胞胎达拉斯和贾斯伯举行了洗礼仪式,参加者超过40人。他们的另一个儿子奥兰多——五个孩子中排行第三——也一并受洗。据悉,双胞胎的代孕妈妈罗莎琳德-贝拉米以及卵子捐赠者 ——俄罗斯超级模特亚历山德拉-库伯-斯特拉瑟——也有出席。

  The Drewitt-Barlows, from Danbury, Essex, first hit the headlines in 1999 when they travelled to the US and used donated eggs and a surrogate mother to become fathers to twins Aspen and Saffron, now ten. Following a ruling by an American court, they became the first British children to be registered as having two fathers and no mother. The couple used the same surrogate mother four years later when they went on to become fathers to Orlando, seven, who will also be christened at the service。


  Barrie Drewitt-Barlow admitted he and his partner had "angered church groups over the years". But he added: "It is important for us to have the children all christened. As a Christian family we feel that it is important for our children to be given the opportunity to follow the teachings of the church and if they decide when they are older not to, then that is their choice."


  The triple christening ceremony will feature in a C4 Cutting Edge documentary due to be aired on July 21. The fly-on-the-wall documentary follows the couple's attempts to create a family through surrogacy and egg donation. It also aims to highlight the abuse and homophobia the family have to put up with from other families on a daily basis.The couple, who live in a Grade II-listed home with their children, became multi-millionaires in 1998 when they sold their successful clinical research company。



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