





心理学家:不用笑 单凭期待笑声也能改善心情

发布者: 海伦 | 发布时间: 2006-9-13 09:04| 查看数: 11867| 评论数: 3|

<font color="#090809">If you're down in the dumps, you might just think about watching a funny movie. A new study suggests that the mere expectation of laughter makes us feel good. </font><p><font face="Arial" color="#090809">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Researchers split people into two groups. One group was told they'd be watching a funny movie, the other was not. </font></p><p><font face="Arial" color="#090809">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; "Blood drawn from experimental subjects just before they watched the video had 27 percent more beta-endorphins and 87 percent more human growth hormone, compared to blood from the control group, which didn't anticipate the watching of a humorous video," explained Lee Berk of Loma Linda University. </font></p><p><font face="Arial" color="#090809">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Berk said that combined with prior research into how laughter improves mood, the results "would appear to carry important, positive implications for wellness, disease-prevention and most certainly stress-reduction." </font></p><p><font face="Arial" color="#090809">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The study was small, however, involving just 16 people. </font></p><p><font face="Arial" color="#090809">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Levels of these known feel-good substances remained elevated during the video, which brought about what the researchers call "mirthful laughter," and for 12 to 24 hours afterward. </font></p><p><font color="#090809"><font face="Arial">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The results, announced today, are being presented at an annual meeting called Experimental Biology convened by the American Physiological Society.</font>
                </font></p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp; 如果你的情绪陷入抑郁状态,怎么办?心理学家建议,这时的你可以试着想象一下正在看一部滑稽电影,因为,哪怕仅仅是对笑声的期待也会让我们的心情好受一些。 </p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 据美国“生活科学网”3月31日报道,美国加利福尼亚州洛玛林达大学的研究人员将16位被试分为两组,第一组被告知将看一部好玩儿的电影,第二组则没有被告知。负责此项研究的心理学家李·伯克说:“血液抽样调查显示,与第二组不知道要看电影的人相比,第一组被试在看电影之前,血液中氨多酚(一种会使人愉快的物质)的含量高出27%,生长激素含量高出87%。” </p><p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 伯克在美国心理学协会的实验生物学年会上说,与之前的有关笑声能改善情绪的研究结合起来看,这一结果“对于维持健康和防止疾病及减压等,似乎都具有重要的、正面的暗示”。报道说,在观看录像的过程中,人体内“让人感觉良好”的物质的水平依旧呈上升趋势,且在之后的12小时到24小时内依然保持着效果。 </p>


xiaowu 发表于 2006-9-23 16:56:53
chris前 发表于 2006-9-25 11:01:20
<p>those studies are more like entertainment show</p>
Quickie 发表于 2006-11-19 09:45:28
I am very humorious.......... ......... come talk to me in QQ group #12462709
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