





天气酷热 德主管劝员工别上班

发布者: katy | 发布时间: 2010-7-21 22:30| 查看数: 1344| 评论数: 1|

Young boys cool off in a public fountain in Munich July 13, 2010.As Germany wilts in sweltering temperatures, a manager in a Berlin government office told his 260 sweating workers to go home, a newspaper reported Friday, undermining Germans' reputation for efficiency.[Agencies]

As Germany wiltsin swelteringtemperatures, a manager in a Berlin government office told his 260 sweating workers to go home, a newspaper reported Friday, undermining Germans' reputation for efficiency.

According to the BZ local tabloid, the boss of the Berlin office for tax evasion investigations sent an email to his employees saying: "Everyone should decide for themselves if they feel up toworking in these temperatures."

"This decision should be taken before you pass out... taking time off work today could in many cases be a wise decision which would have my full understanding," wrote Erik Schliephake in the email printed by BZ.

"With greetings bathed in sweat," the boss signed offthe note.

The BZ carried the story on its front page with the headline: "Whoever sweats gets to go home."

Berliners have been baking in a seemingly relentless heatwave in recent weeks, with the mercury frequently soaring into the high 30s Celsius (high 90s Fahrenheit) and July on course to be the hottest on record.



这位主管名叫埃里克 施里费克,BZ报刊登了他的电子邮件。他在邮件中写到:“别等到自己热晕了再去请假……今天请假无论从哪方面说都是一个明智的决定,我完全理解。”





pansy77 发表于 2015-6-4 23:46:08
Thank you for your sharing.
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