






发布者: yingy1ng | 发布时间: 2010-7-24 00:25| 查看数: 1290| 评论数: 1|

  US Army designed a futuristic robotic ex-skeleton to boost the strength and endurance of US soldiers. Recently defence firm Lockheed Martin has received a $1.1 million contract from the US Army to test its next-generation HULC exoskeleton.


  It was reported that the battery-powered device could sense the soldier's individual movements and let him carry weights of up to 200lbs (90.7kg). Soldiers could also have a maximum speed of 7mph over long distances with the possibility of a sudden burst of 10mph when required.


  It was reported that the battery-powered device could sense the soldier's individual movements and let him carry weights of up to 200lbs (90.7kg). Soldiers could also have a maximum speed of 7mph over long distances with the possibility of a sudden burst of 10mph when required.

  据悉,这种“外置机械骨骼”通过电池供电,能够监测到每个士兵的运动,配置“外置机械骨骼”的士兵甚至可以搬动200磅(90.7千克)以上的物体。“外置 机器骨骼”能够使士兵们拥有7英里每小时的最高速度,当需要时甚至可能爆发到10英里每小时。

  It was reported that the battery-powered device could sense the soldier's individual movements and let him carry weights of up to 200lbs (90.7kg). Soldiers could also have a maximum speed of 7mph over long distances with the possibility of a sudden burst of 10mph when required.

  据悉,这种“外置机械骨骼”通过电池供电,能够监测到每个士兵的运动,配置“外置机械骨骼”的士兵甚至可以搬动200磅(90.7千克)以上的物体。“外置 机器骨骼”能够使士兵们拥有7英里每小时的最高速度,当需要时甚至可能爆发到10英里每小时


xyx 发表于 2010-7-24 19:25:20
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