






发布者: yingy1ng | 发布时间: 2010-8-1 12:45| 查看数: 1046| 评论数: 0|

The single largest concern and obsession of many rich is how to leave money to their children.

How much is too much? How can they be prepared? What is the ideal age to receive a trust fund?

Yu Pengnian, a Chinese real-estate tycoon, has some wise words for Americans pondering their children's windfall. Mr. Yu, who announced in April that he is giving away the last $500 million of his fortune to his charitable foundation (putting him over $1 billion of philanthropy), was asked whether his children are angry about the donations. His response:

'They didn't oppose this idea, at least not in public.' (It is a clever dodge. What rich child is going to announce: 'Forget charity. I need my yacht!')

Yet his Mr. Yu's greatest pearl of wisdom came when asked the question again by the Globe & Mail. Mr. Yu's response:

'If my children are competent, they don't need my money. If they're not, leaving them a lot of money is only doing them harm.'

Put another way, leaving your children tons of money is like telling them you don't think they can make it on their own. Too many wealthy parents focus on preventing their children from failing. But in doing so, they also deprive their children of the joys of self-made success.

The idea is all the more remarkable coming from a Chinese tycoon. In Asia, wealth is dynastic by nature. Businesses are created to be passed down through the generations. Wealth and privilege, in Confucian fashion, are truly all in the family.

Mr. Yu is a little eccentric-he wears white Mao suits and matching white shoes, with a bouffant hair-do dyed jet-black. Yet in his own way, the 88-year-old Mr. Yu is helping to shatter the traditions of inheritance. He says he is passionate about philanthropy because of his own poor upbringing, starting out as a street hawker in Hong Kong.

'Everybody has a different view of money,' he told the Globe & Mail. 'Some do good things with it, some rich people do nothing with it.…My goal is to be a leader, a pioneer who encourages rich people, inside and outside of China, to do something charitable.'

Do you think Mr. Yu is right about inheritance and competence?




然而,余先生最睿智的妙语还是在被加拿大《环球邮报》(Globe & Mail)问及同样问题时的回答,他说,如果我的孩子有能力,他们根本就不需要我的钱。如果他们不行,给他们很多钱只会害了他们。




他对加拿大《环球邮报》说, 每个人对钱的看法都不同,有人用它做好事,有些有钱人什么都不做……我的目标是成为一个领导、一个先锋,鼓励国内外的有钱人做慈善事业。



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