






发布者: yingy1ng | 发布时间: 2010-8-1 12:50| 查看数: 998| 评论数: 0|

News that Paul Allen has signed onto the Buffet-Gates Giving Pledge has added to hopes for a new age of philanthropy.

If only everyone on the Forbes list signed the pledge to donate half their wealth, charities would get an additional $600 billion to spend. That would go a long way to helping the country's biggest social problems.

Bill Gates, pledging for the poor.

Or would it?

Pablo Eisenberg, senior fellow at the Georgetown Public Policy Institute, argues in a recent essay in the Chronicle of Philanthropy that rather than helping the poor, the Buffet-Gates Pledge might actually make inequality worse in the U.S.

The reason, he says, is that philanthropy by the rich tends to favor the already privileged.

'They give their biggest donations almost exclusively to universities and colleges, hospitals and medical centers, and arts institutions. They rarely make large gifts to social-service groups, grass-roots organizations, or nonprofit groups that focus on the poor or minorities.'

He added that 'The infusion of additional great sums of money by very wealthy individuals is likely to increase societal inequities, the gap between large and small nonprofit organizations, and the disparity between privileged and disadvantaged citizens.'

There are exceptions, of course. Much of of Mr. Gates money has gone toward health care and education for the poor. And a recent survey from Giving USA found that giving to arts groups and education declined last year while giving to human services and health were up.

Still, total giving to education remains larger than giving to health and human services. And Mr. Eisenberg explained to me by email that 'Within health, I suspect that the winners were the big established institutions.'

So is less giving the answer? Of course not. Mr. Eisenberg rightly praises the intentions of Mr. Gates and Mr. Buffett. Still, he says that until the focus of philanthropy shifts to better help the poor, more money may only add to the problem of inequality.

'Before going out and lavishly celebrating a new era of 'big giving' by billionaires,' he writes, 'we should carefully calculate the potential for both good and bad and devise ways to avoid what might be unintended consequences of what appears at first blush to be a noble endeavor.'

Do you think philanthropy helps the already privileged?

有消息说,保罗•艾伦已签署了巴菲特-盖茨的捐赠誓言(Giving Pledge),这增加了人们对慈善事业将迎来新时代的希望。




乔治敦大学公共政策学院(Georgetown Public Policy Institute)高级研究员艾森伯格(Pablo Eisenberg)在《慈善编年史》(Chronicle of Philanthropy )上最近发表的论文中质疑,巴菲特-盖茨的捐赠誓言可能实际加剧了美国的不平等情况,而不是帮助穷人。




当然也有例外,盖茨的多数资金流向面对穷人的医疗保健和教育行业。美国施惠基金会(Giving USA)近期公布的一项调查显示,去年给予艺术团体和教育机构的资金减少,而给予公共事业和医疗保健的资金增加。






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