





[转帖]Welcome to Yueyang

发布者: BlueMask | 发布时间: 2005-11-21 22:36| 查看数: 5023| 评论数: 3|

Yueyang :
Location: located between 112 - 114 east longitude and 28 - 29 north latitude in the northeast of Hunan province Neighboring Areas: Jiangxi, Guangdong, Guizhou, Sichuan, and Hubei provinces; Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region Physical Features: densely covered by lakes Population: 5.1 million
Urban Population: 820,000
Area: 15,019 sq km Nationalities: Han, Hui, Manchu and Mongolian History: established as a prefecture called Hanchang in 210 B.C. during the Three Kingdoms period; later renamed Paling in Jin and Song dynasties; in 1913, established as Yueyang county Climatic Features: northern subtropical monsoon climate with long warm period, short freeze-up and rich rainfalls; 4 distinct seasons with sunlight of 1792 hours and frost-free period of 277 days Average Temperature: 17C Rivers: the Yangtze River, Xiang River, Zi River, Ruan River and Li River Products: tortoise-snake wine, paper folding fans, artistic porcelain wares, wood and bamboo wares, Baling wine, Tuanhu lotus seed and Yinzhen (Silver Needle) tea Local Highlights: Dragon Race Cultural Festival
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-11-25 0:23:50编辑过]


BlueMask 发表于 2005-11-21 22:39:02

[转帖]Yueyang Tower

Yueyang Tower

(yueyang lou)

Yueyang Tower is one of the Three Great Towers south of the Yangzi (along with the Yellow Crane Tower in Wuhan and Tengwang Pavilion in Nanchang). On the eastern banks of Dongting Lake, the terraces of the tower provide stunning views of the waters below.

It is said that the site was once a platform for the Wu Kingdom (222-250AD) general Lu Su to train his naval troops. The tower was first built in 716 and was subsequently rebuilt on numerous occasions. The current Qing style structure is over 20 meters (66ft) tall and was last renovated in 1983. The tower was built without the use of a single nail.

Yueyang Tower is also the subject of the famous poem 'Notes on the Yueyang Tower' by Song dynasty (420-479AD) poet Fan Zhongyan.

coffee 发表于 2005-11-22 11:54:41
是 没有图片还是 显示错误?
BlueMask 发表于 2005-11-25 00:24:47
有图片,COFFEE 没显示错误啊
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