





Someone Once Said

发布者: dmmshine | 发布时间: 2010-8-6 23:43| 查看数: 1300| 评论数: 0|

Someone Once Said

Someone once said有人曾说

That i was blind我是瞎子

Because i could not see现身面前

What was in front of me 却视而不见

Someone once said 有人曾说

That i was deaf我是聋人

Because i could not hear咫尺问候

The call of someone who was very near却听而不闻

Someone once said有人曾说

That i was dumb我是哑巴

Because i could not speak 身处困境

My mind while i was in the hot seat 却有苦难言

And in reply i said我回答

That i could see 我能看见

The beauty of the world万物妙妍

I could see the beauty of the bird’wings我能看见

When they unfurled鸟儿跃飞前展翅双翼

Just before flight那一刻美丽

And in reply i said我回答

That i could hear我能听见

The very beat of his heart他的心跳之声

When he was happy or when he in fear 无论他是喜是忧

And in reply i said 我回答

That a picture is worth a thousand words一画尤胜千言

So look about and you'll see 举目四望,你会发现

That there are paintings and pictures一幅幅画作图绘

Look around and you'll see寻觅细察,你会发现

That they are drawn and painted by me是我在一一描摹


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