






发布者: yingy1ng | 发布时间: 2010-8-18 20:03| 查看数: 1189| 评论数: 0|

资料图 英国气象预报员直播时竖中指

  Here is the forecast: An outbreak of offensive gestures, followed by severe embarrassment, with the possibility thunderous words from the boss.   BBC News Channel viewers saw weatherman Tomasz Schafernaker brazenly sticking his middle-finger up at breakfast show presenters Simon McCoy and Fiona Armstrong, who were off-camera.   看了下面这则新闻你会觉得,原来不光是中国会有主播打哈欠、疑似露点、补妆、流鼻涕等等不雅镜头被播出去,在电视这个节奏高度紧张的行当里,全世界的同行们都可能因为瞬间的疏忽而出糗。   近日,英国著名天气预报员托马斯-谢弗内克(Tomasz Schafernaker)向同事开玩笑竖中指的镜头就被直播了出去,引起轩然大波,而等待他的还可能会有上司连珠炮般的斥责。   Prior to the gaffe, caught live on BBC News24, anchor Simon McCoy seemed to gently poke fun at Schafernaker by saying: 'Now we will have the weather forecast in a minute and or course it will be 100 per cent accurate and provide all the detail you can possibly want.


资料图 英国气象预报员搞怪表情

  'I've just seen Tom Schafernaker preparing for it.'   At this point, the camera pans to the Polish-born weatherman, who reacted to the sarcastic tone by sticking his middle finger up before suddenly realising he is on camera.   He then proceeds to try and disguise the blunder by scratching his chin.   A gasp can be heard before McCoy quips: 'There's always one mistake. That was it.'   但没想到,这样一句轻松幽默的介绍让率性惯了的谢弗内克冲着两位同事竖起了中指,虽然是开玩笑,但他没有意识到电视直播镜头已经转向了他。一瞬间的错愕让他意识到自己失态了,马上掩住嘴不知所措。而麦考伊和女搭档也深感震惊,他自嘲地说:“人总会犯错误,就像这样。”   This is not the first time Schafernaker, 31, has found himself in hot water.   Last year he stumbled over his words and forecast a 'muddy sh*te' for the Glastonbury festival.   He was also forced to apologise in 2007 after referring to the Outer Hebrides in the Western Isles of Scotland as 'nowheresville.'



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