





指甲油涂抹同居女孩 英国男子酿大祸

发布者: yingy1ng | 发布时间: 2010-8-19 17:12| 查看数: 1466| 评论数: 0|

  一英国男子居然开了个很过火的玩笑。他居然把整瓶指甲油都涂满了同室女孩的脸上! 女孩把男子告上法庭。

  A man who daubed his sleeping flatmate's face with nail varnish as a practical joke.


  The two had shared a drink with friends before Miss Parle took two sleeping pills and went to bed just after midnight.

  Prosecutor James Taghdissian told Exeter Crown Court: 'When she woke at 6am she was unable to open her eyes and panicked.

  'She touched her face and hair and felt grease and other things. She managed to get to the bathroom and washed her face so she could open her eyes, then she phoned a friend to come to her assistance.

  'Mahoney was identified as he was the only other person in the house that could have committed the assault.'


  Mahoney was arrested and told police that the incident was only intended as a joke.

  Mr Parkhill said his client had not been thinking clearly. He had undergone a personal crisis and was under the influence of drugs and alcohol.

  But Mr Taghdissian told the court: 'But during the course of the interview it became obvious that he did not have as friendly relationship with Miss Parle.'

  Recorder John Wright sentenced Mahoney to ten months behind bars.




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