





[游戏] 大家来找茬,每天一句话——登 176 楼赏第 52 句

发布者: soso | 发布时间: 2005-10-7 18:20| 查看数: 53269| 评论数: 186|


david 发表于 2005-10-14 11:26:32
I think that can't use "leader",cammander is ok. The commander of our brand is a well-known compact hero.
lola 发表于 2005-10-14 11:47:38
our company commander is a well-known combat hero
soso 发表于 2005-10-14 18:53:58

7[] Our company commander is a well-known combat hero.

[] 在部队里,leader只用于squad leader(班长)和 platoon leader (排长)。连长及连长以上都用 commander,如,battalion commander(营长),regiment commander(团长),brigade commander(旅长),division commander(师长)。 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Many thanks to lazybones, david and lola for your participation. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 再看一看今天的题目长什么样…… 8[] The symposium was sponsored by the State Education Committee.

[] 这一次的专题讨论会是由国家教育委员会主办的。

有兴趣的朋友不妨一试身手,在此跟帖。参考答案将于明天与下一句话同时推出。敬请关注…… 友情提示:这个系列多数是用词不当型的错误,请大家在这方面多动动脑筋。

bobo 发表于 2005-10-15 09:30:45
i guess it's the word "sponsored", it should be "organized" maybe.... The symposium was sponsored organized by the State Education Committee. by the way....thanks, soso, i learned a lot in this activity....
soso 发表于 2005-10-15 18:22:07

8[] The symposium was sponsored by the State Education Commission.

[] committeecommission 都有“委员会”的意思,但commission多指专门委员会,是执行某种职能的机构,比 committee 的范围大。国务院下属各种委员会都是 commission,如 State Education Commission(国家教育委员会),Science and Technology Commission(科技委员会),Economic Commission(经济委员会)等。

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Many thanks to bobo for your participation as well as your encouragement. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 再看一看今天的题目长什么样…… 9[] A colleague of mine was seriously injured in a communication accident.

[] 我的一个同事,在一次交通事故中受重伤了。 有兴趣的朋友不妨在此跟帖,一试身手。参考答案将于明天与下一句话同时推出。敬请关注…… 友情提示:这个系列多数是用词不当型的错误,请大家在这方面多动动脑筋。

bobo 发表于 2005-10-15 19:29:39
[em05] traffic I guess I won't be wrong this time...
Stone 发表于 2005-10-16 13:12:21
以下是引用bobo在2005-10-15 19:29:39的发言:
[em05] traffic I guess I won't be wrong this time...
A colleague of mine was seriously injured in a communication accident. If change“ A colleague of mine” into “ one of my colleagues”,it may be better.
soso 发表于 2005-10-16 18:37:42

9[] A colleague of mine was seriously injured in a traffic accident.

[] communication虽有“交通”的意思,但只用于 Ministry of Communication(交通部),means of communication(交通工具)等短语中,该词的主要的意思是指相互之间的交往、通讯、交流等。而马路上的车辆、行人的流动称作 traffic,故交通拥挤、交通事故中的“交通”都该用 traffic一词。

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Many thanks to bobo and Stone for your participation. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 再看一看今天的题目长什么样……

10[] It's a great delight to read your article in the May copy of China Reconstructs.

[] 非常高兴在《中国建设》杂志五月号上读到了你的文章。 有兴趣的朋友不妨在此跟帖,一试身手。参考答案将于明天与下一句话同时推出。敬请关注…… 友情提示:本系列多数是用词不当型的错误,请大家在这方面多动动脑筋。

Quickie 发表于 2005-10-16 18:47:10
A colleague of mine was injured in a traffic accident seriously. For #10 : I am delighted to read your article in the May issue of China Reconstructs.
bobo 发表于 2005-10-16 19:11:05
mmmmmmmmm.............i think it's "issue"....
slowpoke 发表于 2005-10-17 10:44:57
以下是引用bobo在2005-10-16 19:11:05的发言:
mmmmmmmmm.............i think it's "issue"....I agree.
soso 发表于 2005-10-17 19:57:37

10[] It's a great delight to read your article in the May issue of China Reconstructs.

[] copy 指书刊的“本、册”,如:a book printed in one million copies, issue 则指杂志报刊的“期、号”。

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Many thanks to Quickie, bobo and slowpoke for your participation. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 再看一看今天的题目长什么样……

11[] They agreed to repair the damage free of cost.


有兴趣的朋友不妨在此跟帖,一试身手。参考答案将于明天与下一句话同时推出。敬请关注…… 友情提示:本系列多数是用词不当型的错误,请大家在这方面多动动脑筋。

david 发表于 2005-10-17 20:01:37
They agreed to repair the damage freely.
bobo 发表于 2005-10-17 23:42:36
free of charge? They agree on repairing the damage free of charge.
slowpoke 发表于 2005-10-18 03:49:00
Yes, free of charge. cost - the buyer. charge - the seller. They agreed to repair the damage free of charge.
Stone 发表于 2005-10-18 14:23:24
They agreed to repair the damage free of charge.
Quickie 发表于 2005-10-18 15:42:55
Yes, "Free of Charge" or simply "FOR FREE" They agreed to repair the damage FOR free.
slowpoke 发表于 2005-10-18 17:52:00
以下是引用Quickie在2005-10-18 15:42:55的发言:
Yes, "Free of Charge" or simply "FOR FREE"
They agreed to repair the damage FOR free.

Good point. That works too.
soso 发表于 2005-10-18 21:25:09

11[] They agreed to repair the damage free of charge.

[] cost charge 都有“费用”的意思,cost多指生活费用,如living cost(生活费),而 charge 常用于服务行业中的收费,“免收费用”应为“free of change。”

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Many thanks to david, bobo, slowpoke, Stone, and Quickie for your participation. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 再看一看今天的题目长什么样……

12[] The car crashed into a tree and suffered a severe damage.

[] 汽车撞到一棵树上,损坏严重。

有兴趣的朋友不妨在此跟帖,一试身手。参考答案将于明天与下一句话同时推出。敬请关注…… 友情提示:本系列多数是用词不当型的错误,请大家在这方面多动动脑筋。

bobo 发表于 2005-10-18 21:53:37
undergo? I have no idea.....[em09]
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