





[游戏] 大家来找茬,每天一句话——登 176 楼赏第 52 句

发布者: soso | 发布时间: 2005-10-7 18:20| 查看数: 53274| 评论数: 186|


soso 发表于 2005-11-22 17:27:03
41[] The human body maintains an internal environment favorable to normal cell activity.
[] 表示“内部环境”时只用 environmentsurroundings environment作“外界环境”解时,可以互换使用。如: A plant will often grow differently in a different environment surroundings. 每种植物在不同环境中常常生长得不一样。

Many thanks to snowwhite bleue for your participation.

42[] The steel industry installed other large-scale energy saving equipments.

友情提示(滑鼠光标选中可见):The steel industry installed other large-scale energy saving ...
snowwhite 发表于 2005-11-22 18:03:06
My answer for 42# The steel industry installed other large-scale energy saving equipment.
soso 发表于 2005-11-23 16:52:56
42[] The steel industry installed other large-scale energy saving equipment.
[] 名词equipment一般不用复数。又如:What kind of equipment are you talking about? I mean production equipment for ICs, colour TVs, and VTRs. 你讲的是哪类设备?我指的是集成电路、彩色电视机和磁带录像机的生产设备。
Many thanks to snowwhite for your participation.

43[] We have to carry out experiments nearly everyday.
[] 我们几乎每天都要做实验。

友情提示(滑鼠光标选中可见):We have to carry out experiments nearly ...
snowwhite 发表于 2005-11-23 18:57:32
my answer for 43# We have to carry out experiments nearly daily.
soso 发表于 2005-11-24 20:27:27
43[] We have to carry out experiments nearly every day.
[] everyday 是形容词,意为“每日的”、“日常的”、“平凡的”(=of every day; daily),例如:Traffic accidents are everyday occurrences. 交通事故是平凡的事件。/These are my everyday shoes, not my best ones. 这些是我平常穿的鞋子,并不是最好的. every day是形容词+名词的短语,常用作状语,如:A student should prepare and review lessons every day. 学生要天天准备功课。
Many thanks to snowwhite for your participation.

44[] There were enough evidences to prove him guilty.
[] 有足够的证据证明他有罪。
友情提示(滑鼠光标选中可见):There ... enough ... to prove him guilty.
soso 发表于 2005-11-24 20:31:14
43[] We have to carry out experiments nearly every day.
[] everyday 是形容词,意为“每日的”、“日常的”、“平凡的”(=of every day; daily),例如:Traffic accidents are everyday occurrences. 交通事故是平凡的事件。/These are my everyday shoes, not my best ones. 这些是我平常穿的鞋子,并不是最好的. every day是形容词+名词的短语,常用作状语,如:A student should prepare and review lessons every day. 学生要天天准备功课。
Many thanks to snowwhite for your participation.

44[] There were enough evidences to prove him guilty.
[] 有足够的证据证明他有罪。
友情提示(滑鼠光标选中可见):There ... enough ... to prove him guilty.
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-11-24 20:34:31编辑过]
iceboy 发表于 2005-11-27 17:02:10
There were enough evidence to prove him guilty
NoNine 发表于 2005-11-27 22:32:34
there was enough evidence to prove him guilty
soso 发表于 2005-11-28 11:56:45
44[] There was enough evidence to prove him guilty.
[] evidence作“证据”解时不用复数,又如:The lawyer furnished abundant evidence to prove her innocent. 律师提供充分证据证明她的清白。
Many thanks to iceboy NoNine for your participation.

45[] All genuine knowledge originates in direct experiences.
[] 一切真正的知识都来源于直接经验。
友情提示(滑鼠光标选中可见):All genuine knowledge originates in direct ...
Quickie 发表于 2005-11-29 03:39:06
All genuine Knowledge originates in direct experience. ( without the S )
NoNine 发表于 2005-11-29 14:20:58
all genuine knowledge originates in direct experience.
nine 发表于 2005-11-30 09:21:34
以下是引用Quickie在2005-11-29 3:39:06的发言:
All genuine Knowledge originates in direct experience. ( without the S )
i agree with q. what is a pity,it is my first time to take part in this game.[em30][em30][em30][em30]
samin 发表于 2005-11-30 18:28:39
All genuine knowledge originate in direct experiences
soso 发表于 2005-12-1 13:09:13
45[] All genuine knowledge originates in direct experience.
[] 名词 experience=knowledge gained by doing or seeing things)作“经验”解时不用复数。又如: Has he had much experience in work of this sort? 做这类工作他有足够的经验吗?如果作“阅历”解时,可用复数,如: He told us about his experiences abroad. 他告诉我们他在国外的种种经历。

46[] Laundry facility for the building is on the first floor.
[] 这幢大楼的洗衣设备在一楼。

友情提示(滑鼠光标选中可见):Laundry ... for the building is on the first floor.
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-12-1 13:10:16编辑过]
nine 发表于 2005-12-1 15:30:32
One of the Benjamin Franklin's finding was that lightning is electricity.
samin 发表于 2005-12-1 15:30:34
[em04][em04][em04][em04]wrong again
nine 发表于 2005-12-1 15:37:26
Laundry equipment for the building is on the first floor.
iceboy 发表于 2005-12-1 17:20:00
Laundry facility of the building is on the first floor.
soso 发表于 2005-12-2 16:42:48
46[] Laundry facilities for the building are on the first floor.
[] facility作“设备”、“设施”解时用复数形式,又如:A hotel should have all modern facilities. 旅馆应有各种现代化设施。

47[] His feature cannot be recognized in the dark.
[] 暗中辨认不出他的面容。

友情提示(滑鼠光标选中可见):His ... cannot be recognized in the dark.
Quickie 发表于 2005-12-2 20:29:22
His feature(s) cannot be recognized in the dark.
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