





[游戏] 大家来找茬,每天一句话——登 176 楼赏第 52 句

发布者: soso | 发布时间: 2005-10-7 18:20| 查看数: 53276| 评论数: 186|


NoNine 发表于 2005-12-3 08:57:35
his features cannot be recongnized in the dark
soso 发表于 2005-12-3 15:57:27
47[] His features cannot be recognized in the dark.
[] feature作“面貌”、“面容”解时,须用复数,又如:The eyes, nose, mouth, chin, and forehead are features. 眼、鼻、口、下巴及额称为面容。/ I can't recall her features distinctly. 我记不清她的面貌。

48[] Doctors will not receive fares for services if patients are not able to pay.
[] 如果病人无力支付,医生会免收诊费。

友情提示(滑鼠光标选中可见):Doctors will not receive ... for services if patients are not able to pay.
david 发表于 2005-12-3 17:46:00
Doctors will not receive fare for services if patients are not able to pay.
Quickie 发表于 2005-12-3 23:41:22
Doctors will not receive <<FEES>> for services if patients are not able to pay.
soso 发表于 2005-12-4 15:49:01
48[] Doctors will not receive fees for services if patients are not able to pay.
[] fee多指“学费”、“会费”、“诊费”、“服务费”、“入场费”和“税”等,又如:The admission fee is 2 dollars. 门票为两美元。fare主要指“车费”、“船费”等,如: Bus and taxi fares will be raised next year. 明年公共汽车费和出租车费要涨价。/ What is the fare to New York and back? 往返纽约车费是多少?

49[] A Hollywood cinema will be shown in the auditorium.

友情提示(滑鼠光标选中可见):这 么 简 单 还 想 要 提 示 ???
Quickie 发表于 2005-12-4 21:02:28
A Hollywood <<< FILM >>>> will be shown in the auditorium.
kevin 发表于 2005-12-4 21:16:00
if so , what's about movie or flick ?
soso 发表于 2005-12-5 15:30:08
49[]A Hollywood film will be shown in the auditorium.
[] 严格地说cinema指建筑物,意为“电影院”或泛指“电影”;film 指“影片”。由于go to the films也表示“去看电影”,人们误认为两者均可作“影片”解,其实作“影片”解时只用film,如: a black and white film黑白片 /a technicolour film 彩色片。/a documentary film 纪录片/ a comic film 喜剧片/a feature film 故事片/ a dramatic film 戏剧片等。

50[] The flood victims got a lot of foods and shelter.

友情提示(滑鼠光标选中可见):这 么 简 单 还 想 要 提 示 ???
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-12-5 15:30:52编辑过]
Quickie 发表于 2005-12-5 22:38:25
The flood victims got a lot of food( NO S ) and shelter.
david 发表于 2005-12-6 10:37:53
I agree with quickie The flood victims got a lot of food and shelter.
nine 发表于 2005-12-6 16:24:18
mine is the same with q's and david's.:lol:lol:lol:lol
soso 发表于 2005-12-6 20:12:45
50[] The flood victims got a lot of food and shelter.
[]名词 foot作“食品”、“食物”解时,习惯上用单数形式,又如:The government has handed out 82,500 tons of food to 3. 5million farmers in flood-striken areas 政府已经向3,500, 000遭受水灾的农民发放了82,500吨食品。如果强调各类食品时,亦可用复数形式,如:He wrote out a list of all the foods which were forbidden. 他开列了一张忌口食物的清单。
51[] He joined the force when he was 18.
[] 18岁那年参军了。
友情提示(滑鼠光标选中可见):He joined the ... when he was 18.
Quickie 发表于 2005-12-6 23:28:11
He joined the <<< Military>>> when he was 18. or He joined the <<< forces >>> when he was 18
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-12-6 23:29:57编辑过]
BlueMask 发表于 2005-12-6 23:50:03
I agree with the answer above.[em03]
kevin 发表于 2005-12-7 16:15:55
He joined the army...
soso 发表于 2005-12-7 22:47:09
51[] He joined the forces when he was 18.
[]force的复数forces作“军队”、“兵力”解。又如:Superior forces must be concentrated to destroy the enemy. 必须集中优势兵力歼灭敌人。

52[] I'll buy some furnitures for my new house.
[] 我要为新居买几件家具。

友情提示(滑鼠光标选中可见):I'll buy some ... for my new house.

Stone 发表于 2005-12-8 14:00:24
I'll buy some furniture for my new house.
kevin 发表于 2005-12-9 16:42:51
soso, 是不是应该扩大一下错误类型了范围呢?这样更有趣味性,如只是用词错误,大家的范围就小了,有的答案别人说过了就没人再愿意说了。
lullaby 发表于 2005-12-9 19:35:35
I'll buy some furniture for my new house. 家具是不可数名词[em09]
fantasy 发表于 2005-12-10 18:35:29
so good ,i like these
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