






发布者: yingy1ng | 发布时间: 2010-8-26 16:19| 查看数: 1204| 评论数: 0|

资料图 小天后蕾哈娜送别男友大秀热吻

  Rihanna shared a lingering goodbye kiss with her boyfriend Matt Kemp today as he prepared to fly out of Los Angeles. Kemp, 25, then dashed off to catch a flight to Arizona where his team the Los Angeles Dodgers will take on the Arizona Diamondbacks.


资料图 两人亲密无间

  The pair, who quietly started dating last year, have proved inseparable in recent weeks and were last spotted visiting LA's Colony nightclub together to watch rapper Lil' Jon perform.

  蕾哈娜与棒球运动员肯普的恋情悄无声息地开始于2009年,近段时间来,两人你侬我侬形影不离的画面频繁见诸于各家八卦媒体,就在上礼拜前几天,两人还手牵手的来到洛杉矶的一家酒吧观看说舌歌手Lil' Jon的演出。   Rihanna, who endured an assault at the hands of her ex-boyfriend Chris Brown, has revealed she is happier than ever. 'There's a balance in my life that wasn't there before,' she tells Seventeen magazine.


资料图 演唱会男友也如影随形

  'It's a really different peace, a different energy. It's really liberating. It makes you feel so proud when you look back and see how much it took you to actually get here. 'And it's the best feeling. I'm really enjoying life right now.'

  “这是种最幸福的感受,我真的很享受现在的人生。”她说。   Rihanna is on a break from her Last Girl On Earth tour, which resumes in America later this month.

  趁着《Last Girl On Earth》巡演的间隙,蕾哈娜特意到机场送别男友马特-肯普,而肯普所在的“洛杉矶道奇队“即将于“亚利桑那响尾蛇队”展开新一轮的比赛。


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