





贾斯汀身体透支累倒 演唱会无奈推迟

发布者: yingy1ng | 发布时间: 2010-8-30 20:33| 查看数: 1802| 评论数: 0|

资料图 "小正太"贾斯汀

  Justin Bieber left his fans in Syracuse, N.Y., disappointed today when he announced that he is too sick to perform tonight at the New York State Fair.   作为艺人,走红的代价便是有每天都排得满当当的工作安排要去完成,但明星也是人,在高强度的工作下,也难免会有掉链子的时候。当红正太贾斯汀-比伯终于顶不住每天高强度的工作,在纽约演唱会的前夕病倒了。   We're backstage with teen idol and pop sensation Justin Bieber.Fans will have to wait until Wednesday, when Bieber has rescheduled the performance.   A statement was released via the New York State Fair's website stating: "Due to an illness and under doctor's orders, Justin Bieber has been forced to re-schedule his Sunday, August 29 concert at the New York State Fair to Wednesday, September 1, at 7 p.m."   Organizers will have to reschedule Bieber's concert at the Verizon Wireless Arena show in Manchester, N.H., which was originally scheduled for Wednesday.


资料图 "小正太"贾斯汀活力四射

  That performance will now be held on Thursday, Dec. 9, according to the State Fair's website.   Bieber alluded to the illness on his Twitter feed yesterday, stating that he's "Been super sick lately but u guys are carrying me."

  昨天,小正太在twitter描述道自己的病情,“最近病得实在不轻,但为了你们还是会坚持下去。”   Today he took to Twitter to update his fans on the situation: "im getting rest right now and trying to recover from the not so good news from the doctor..."

  Later he stated "im gonna be ok just need to rest but I wanted all of u too know i never want to let any of u down. ever."



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