






发布者: yingy1ng | 发布时间: 2010-9-2 15:12| 查看数: 1349| 评论数: 0|

  导读:第62届黄金时段艾美奖颁奖典礼可谓惊喜连连。大部分的演员和剧集都是以黑马(dark horse)姿态突围获奖,很多人都是首次获奖。在这里,选取了四位获奖男女演员,为您呈现一场艾美赢家的性格秀。

资料图 雅奇·潘嘉比获得剧情类最佳女配角

  The 62nd prime-time Emmy Awards (the top awards for television production in the US) last Sunday night proved to be full of surprises.


  The majority of statuetteswent to first-time winners: Many actors and actresses took home the award for the first time, and some new shows made their debut at the ceremony too.


  Here, we picked out four award-winning actors and actresses who have been honored for playing roles in new television shows.



  Sharp-tongued, keen-eyed, smart cookie  刻薄尖锐,聪颖佳人

  “You’ll never forget her as Kalinda Sharma, the sharp-tongued, keen-eyed investigator. There’s a fine line between being manipulative and being slutty, and she’s not going to cross it. She’s a smart cookie–confident, intelligent, aware of her sexuality.”


  [注释: ■Sharp和keen都形容人“敏锐、精明的”。而sharp-tongued和keen-eyed就分别指“说话刻薄的”和“目光尖锐的”。Cookie在口语中可用来指“人”,例如a tough cookie,指“硬汉子”。]

  Archie Panjabi won the award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series. She plays private investigatorKalinda Sharma in The Good Wife, a CBS legal drama, which will return for a second season this fall.

  雅奇·潘嘉比获得剧情类最佳女配角。她在CBS 摄制的法律剧集《傲骨贤妻》中扮演私家侦探卡琳达·沙玛一角,该剧的第二季将于秋季与观众见面。


  Go nuts, over-the-top disaster  令人抓狂,大麻烦

  “Sue Sylvester doesn’t go nuts – she makes others go nuts, effortlessly. In less skilledhands, there’s no doubt she would be an over-the-top disaster. But thanks to the incomparableJane Lynch, I can’t wait to see what trouble the character stirs up next.”

  “苏·斯维斯特自己并不会抓狂,却可以轻而易举地让别人发狂。在那些技术并不高超的队员眼中,她无疑是个大麻烦。但由于简 林奇精彩绝伦的演绎,我已经迫不及待地想看看他接下来要制造什么麻烦了。”

  [注释: ■ Nuts作为形容词指“发狂的”,go nuts指“抓狂”, 如: I’ll go nuts if I have to wait for two hours。说某人是个“大麻烦”可以说sb is a disaster/trouble。Over-the-top形容“过头的”。Stir up trouble意思是“引起麻烦”。]

  Jane Lynch won the award for Outstanding Support Actress in a Comedy Series for playing a high school cheerleading coach Sue Sylvester in Glee. It’s Fox’s musical comedy, which is starting its second season soon.

  简 林奇凭借在《欢乐合唱团》中扮演高中拉拉队教练苏·斯维斯特一角,而获得喜剧类最佳女配角奖项。作为福克斯推出的音乐喜剧,该剧即将进入第二季。


  Level the playing field, forcefulness  能屈能伸,很给力

  “Being smart, acrid, alternatelysharp and sentimental, Jackie Peyton is compelledto make sense of the chaos and to level the playing field whenever she can. There’s a forcefulness to the character.”


  [注释: ■Level the playing field原意是“创造平等的环境”“拉近……的距离”,在此引申为“能屈能伸”。在剧中,Jackie医生面对很多复杂情况,需要及时权衡的能力。Forceful指人“强有力的”,Jackie医生性格坚强好胜,是一个是很给力的角色。]

  Edie Falco won the Emmy for Outstanding Lead Actress in a Comedy Series for her performance as nurse Jackie Peyton in Nurse Jackie, Showtime’s dark comedy series. The series starts its third season this fall.


  Stay-at-home dad, larger-than-life  居家奶爸,个性非凡

  “Despite being a stay-at-home dad, Cameron Tucker is larger-than-life. His many talents and passions revealed over the episodes became an ever-building running gag.”


  [注释: ■Stay-at-home作为形容词,指“不离开家的”,“不爱出门的”。Cameron在剧中就是一个居家的全职奶爸,又具有戏剧色彩,喜欢自娱自乐。Larger-than-life指“非凡的”,多指人的性格。]

  Eric Stonestreet, Outstanding Support Actor in a Comedy Series, plays Cameron Tucker, a homosexual man in Modern Family, ABC’s mockumentary-style comedy series. It will return for a second season this fall.



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