






发布者: liucongshan | 发布时间: 2006-10-8 21:13| 查看数: 9820| 评论数: 10|

<strong><font color="#000000" size="7">唐诗中英对照(20首)<br/></font></strong><span class="tpc_content"><font size="2"><font color="#000000"><font size="6">五言古诗 <br/>张九龄 <br/>感遇其一 <br/><br/>孤鸿海上来, 池潢不敢顾; <br/>侧见双翠鸟, 巢在三珠树。 <br/>矫矫珍木巅, 得无金丸惧? <br/>美服患人指, 高明逼神恶。 <br/>今我游冥冥, 弋者何所慕? <br/>Five-character-ancient-verse <br/>Zhang Jiuling <br/>THOUGHTS I <br/><br/>A lonely swan from the sea flies, <br/>To alight on puddles it does not deign. <br/>Nesting in the poplar of pearls <br/>It spies and questions green birds twain: <br/>"Don't you fear the threat of slings, <br/>erched on top of branches so high? <br/>Nice clothes invite pointing fingers, <br/>High climbers god's good will defy. <br/>Bird-hunters will crave me in vain, <br/>For I roam the limitless sky." <br/><br/><br/><br/></font></font></font></span>

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-10-8 21:54:10编辑过]


liucongshan 发表于 2006-10-8 21:17:30
<strong><font size="7">002 <br/>五言古诗 <br/>张九龄 <br/>感遇其二 <br/><br/>兰叶春葳蕤, 桂华秋皎洁; <br/>欣欣此生意, 自尔为佳节。 <br/>谁知林栖者? 闻风坐相悦, <br/>草木有本心, 何求美人折? <br/>Five-character-ancient-verse <br/><br/>Zhang Jiuling <br/>ORCHID AND ORANGE I <br/><br/>Tender orchid-leaves in spring <br/>And cinnamon- blossoms bright in autumn <br/>Are as self- contained as life is, <br/>Which conforms them to the seasons. <br/>Yet why will you think that a forest-hermit, <br/>Allured by sweet winds and contented with beauty, <br/>Would no more ask to-be transplanted <br/>THan Would any other natural flower? <br/><br/><br/></font></strong>
liucongshan 发表于 2006-10-8 21:19:47
<strong><font size="6">003 <br/>五言古诗 <br/>张九龄 <br/>感遇其三 <br/><br/>幽人归独卧, 滞虑洗孤清, <br/>持此谢高鸟, 因之传远情。 <br/>日夕怀空意, 人谁感至精? <br/>飞沈理自隔, 何所慰吾诚? <br/>Five-character-ancient-verse <br/>Zhang Jiuling <br/>THOUGHTS III <br/><br/>The hermit in his lone abode <br/>Nurses his thoughts cleansed of care, <br/>Them he projects to the wild goose <br/>For it to his distant Sovereign to bear. <br/>Who will be moved by the sincerity <br/>Of my vain day-and-night prayer? <br/>What comfort is for my loyalty <br/>When fliers and sinkers can compare? <br/><br/></font></strong>
liucongshan 发表于 2006-10-8 21:23:03
<br/><strong><font size="6">004 <br/>五言古诗 <br/>张九龄 <br/>感遇其四 <br/><br/>江南有丹橘, 经冬犹绿林; <br/>岂伊地气暖? 自有岁寒心。 <br/>可以荐嘉客, 奈何阻重深? <br/>运命惟所遇, 循环不可寻。 <br/>徒言树桃李, 此木岂无阴? <br/>Five-character-ancient-verse <br/><br/>Zhang Jiuling <br/>ORCHID AND ORANGE II <br/><br/>Here, south of the Yangzi, grows a red orangetree. <br/>All winter long its leaves are green, <br/>Not because of a warmer soil, <br/>But because its' nature is used to the cold. <br/>Though it might serve your honourable guests, <br/>You leave it here, far below mountain and river. <br/>Circumstance governs destiny. <br/>Cause and effect are an infinite cycle. <br/>You plant your peach-trees and your plums, <br/>You forget the shade from this other tree. <br/><br/><br/></font></strong>
liucongshan 发表于 2006-10-8 21:27:09
<strong><font size="6">005 <br/>五言古诗 <br/>李白 <br/>下终南山过斛斯山人宿置酒 <br/><br/>暮从碧山下, 山月随人归; <br/>却顾所来径, 苍苍横翠微。 <br/>相携及田家, 童稚开荆扉; <br/>绿竹入幽径, 青萝拂行衣。 <br/>欢言得所憩, 美酒聊共挥; <br/>长歌吟松风, 曲尽河星稀。 <br/>我醉君复乐, 陶然共忘机。 <br/>Five-character-ancient-verse <br/><br/>Li Bai <br/>DOWN ZHONGNAN MOUNTAIN <br/>TO THE KIND PILLOW AND BOWL OF HUSI <br/><br/>Down the blue mountain in the evening, <br/>Moonlight was my homeward escort. <br/>Looking back, I saw my path <br/>Lie in levels of deep shadow.... <br/>I was passing the farm-house of a friend, <br/>When his children called from a gate of thorn <br/>And led me twining through jade bamboos <br/>Where green vines caught and held my clothes. <br/>And I was glad of a chance to rest <br/>And glad of a chance to drink with my friend.... <br/>We sang to the tune of the wind in the pines; <br/>And we finished our songs as the stars went down, <br/>When, I being drunk and my friend more than happy, <br/>Between us we forgot the world. <br/><br/><br/></font></strong>
liucongshan 发表于 2006-10-8 21:39:18
<font color="#000000" size="6">006 <br/>五言古诗 <br/>李白 <br/>月下独酌 <br/><br/>花间一壶酒, 独酌无相亲; <br/>举杯邀明月, 对影成三人。 <br/>月既不解饮, 影徒随我身; <br/>暂伴月将影, 行乐须及春。 <br/>我歌月徘徊, 我舞影零乱; <br/>醒时同交欢, 醉后各分散。 <br/>永结无情游, 相期邈云汉。 <br/>Five-character-ancient-verse <br/><br/>Li Bai <br/>DRINKING ALONE WITH THE MOON <br/><br/>From a pot of wine among the flowers <br/>I drank alone. There was no one with me -- <br/>Till, raising my cup, I asked the bright moon <br/>To bring me my shadow and make us three. <br/>Alas, the moon was unable to drink <br/>And my shadow tagged me vacantly; <br/>But still for a while I had these friends <br/>To cheer me through the end of spring.... <br/>I sang. The moon encouraged me. <br/>I danced. My shadow tumbled after. <br/>As long as I knew, we were boon companions. <br/>And then I was drunk, and we lost one another. <br/>...Shall goodwill ever be secure? <br/>I watch the long road of the River of Stars. <br/></font>
liucongshan 发表于 2006-10-8 21:42:08
<font color="#000000" size="6"><strong>007 <br/>五言古诗 <br/>李白 <br/>春思 <br/><br/>燕草如碧丝, 秦桑低绿枝; <br/>当君怀归日, 是妾断肠时。 <br/>春风不相识, 何事入罗帏? <br/>Five-character-ancient-verse <br/><br/>Li Bai <br/>IN SPRING <br/><br/>Your grasses up north are as blue as jade, <br/>Our mulberries here curve green-threaded branches; <br/>And at last you think of returning home, <br/>Now when my heart is almost broken.... <br/>O breeze of the spring, since I dare not know you, <br/>Why part the silk curtains by my bed? <br/></strong></font>
liucongshan 发表于 2006-10-8 21:42:42
<font color="#ff1493" size="2"><font color="#000000" size="6">008 <br/>五言古诗 <br/>杜甫 <br/>望岳 <br/><br/>岱宗夫如何? 齐鲁青未了。 <br/>造化钟神秀, 阴阳割昏晓。 <br/>荡胸生层云, 决眥入归鸟。 <br/>会当凌绝顶, 一览众山小。 <br/>Five-character-ancient-verse <br/><br/>Du Fu <br/>A VIEW OF TAISHAN <br/><br/>What shall I say of the Great Peak? -- <br/>The ancient dukedoms are everywhere green, <br/>Inspired and stirred by the breath of creation, <br/>With the Twin Forces balancing day and night. <br/>...I bare my breast toward opening clouds, <br/>I strain my sight after birds flying home. <br/>When shall I reach the top and hold <br/>All mountains in a single glance?</font>
liucongshan 发表于 2006-10-8 21:43:35
<font color="#000000" size="6">009 <br/>五言古诗 <br/>杜甫 <br/>赠卫八处士 <br/><br/>人生不相见, 动如参与商, <br/>今夕复何夕? 共此灯烛光。 <br/>少壮能几时? 鬓发各已苍。 <br/>访旧半为鬼, 惊呼热中肠。 <br/>焉知二十载, 重上君子堂。 <br/>昔别君未婚, 儿女忽成行; <br/>怡然敬父执, 问我来何方。 <br/>问答乃未已, 驱儿罗酒浆。 <br/>夜雨剪春韭, 新炊间黄粱。 <br/>主称会面难, 一举累十觞; <br/>十觞亦不醉, 感子故意长。 <br/>明日隔山岳, 世事两茫茫。 <br/>Five-character-ancient-verse <br/>Du Fu <br/>TO MY RETIRED FRIEND WEI <br/><br/>It is almost as hard for friends to meet <br/>As for the morning and evening stars. <br/>Tonight then is a rare event, <br/>Joining, in the candlelight, <br/>Two men who were young not long ago <br/>But now are turning grey at the temples. <br/>...To find that half our friends are dead <br/>Shocks us, burns our hearts with grief. <br/>We little guessed it would be twenty years <br/>Before I could visit you again. <br/>When I went away, you were still unmarried; <br/>But now these boys and girls in a row <br/>Are very kind to their father's old friend. <br/>They ask me where I have been on my journey; <br/>And then, when we have talked awhile, <br/>They bring and show me wines and dishes, <br/>Spring chives cut in the night-rain <br/>And brown rice cooked freshly a special way. <br/>...My host proclaims it a festival, <br/>He urges me to drink ten cups -- <br/>But what ten cups could make me as drunk <br/>As I always am with your love in my heart? <br/>...Tomorrow the mountains will separate us; <br/>After tomorrow-who can say? <br/></font>
liucongshan 发表于 2006-10-8 21:44:12
<font color="#ff1493" size="2"><font color="#000000" size="6">010 <br/>五言古诗 <br/>杜甫 <br/>佳人 <br/><br/>绝代有佳人, 幽居在空谷; <br/>自云良家子, 零落依草木。 <br/>关中昔丧乱, 兄弟遭杀戮; <br/>官高何足论? 不得收骨肉。 <br/>世情恶衰歇, 万事随转烛。 <br/>夫婿轻薄儿, 新人美如玉。 <br/>合昏尚知时, 鸳鸯不独宿; <br/>但见新人笑, 那闻旧人哭? <br/>在山泉水清, 出山泉水浊。 <br/>侍婢卖珠回, 牵萝补茅屋。 <br/>摘花不插发, 采柏动盈掬。 <br/>天寒翠袖薄, 日暮倚修竹。 <br/>Five-character-ancient-verse <br/>Du Fu <br/>ALONE IN HER BEAUTY <br/><br/>Who is lovelier than she? <br/>Yet she lives alone in an empty valley. <br/>She tells me she came from a good family <br/>Which is humbled now into the dust. <br/>...When trouble arose in the Kuan district, <br/>Her brothers and close kin were killed. <br/>What use were their high offices, <br/>Not even shielding their own lives? -- <br/>The world has but scorn for adversity; <br/>Hope goes out, like the light of a candle. <br/>Her husband, with a vagrant heart, <br/>Seeks a new face like a new piece of jade; <br/>And when morning-glories furl at night <br/>And mandarin-ducks lie side by side, <br/>All he can see is the smile of the new love, <br/>While the old love weeps unheard. <br/>The brook was pure in its mountain source, <br/>But away from the mountain its waters darken. <br/>...Waiting for her maid to come from selling pearls <br/>For straw to cover the roof again, <br/>She picks a few flowers, no longer for her hair, <br/>And lets pine-needles fall through her fingers, <br/>And, forgetting her thin silk sleeve and the cold, <br/>She leans in the sunset by a tall bamboo.</font>
liucongshan 发表于 2006-10-8 21:47:15
<font color="#ff1493" size="2"><font color="#000000" size="6">011 <br/>五言古诗 <br/>杜甫 <br/>梦李白之一 <br/><br/>死别已吞声, 生别常恻恻。 <br/>江南瘴疠地, 逐客无消息。 <br/>故人入我梦, 明我长相忆; <br/>君今在罗网, 何以有羽翼? <br/>恐非平生魂, 路远不可测。 <br/>魂来枫林青, 魂返关塞黑; <br/>落月满屋梁, 犹疑照颜色。 <br/>水深波浪阔, 无使蛟龙得。 <br/>Five-character-ancient-verse <br/>Du Fu <br/>SEEING Li Bai IN A DREAM I <br/><br/>There are sobs when death is the cause of parting; <br/>But life has its partings again and again. <br/>...From the poisonous damps of the southern river <br/>You had sent me not one sign from your exile -- <br/>Till you came to me last night in a dream, <br/>Because I am always thinking of you. <br/>I wondered if it were really you, <br/>Venturing so long a journey. <br/>You came to me through the green of a forest, <br/>You disappeared by a shadowy fortress.... <br/>Yet out of the midmost mesh of your snare, <br/>How could you lift your wings and use them? <br/>...I woke, and the low moon's glimmer on a rafter <br/>Seemed to be your face, still floating in the air. <br/>...There were waters to cross, they were wild and tossing; <br/>If you fell, there were dragons and rivermonsters.</font>
liucongshan 发表于 2006-10-8 21:47:15
<font color="#ff1493" size="2"><font color="#000000" size="6">011 <br/>五言古诗 <br/>杜甫 <br/>梦李白之一 <br/><br/>死别已吞声, 生别常恻恻。 <br/>江南瘴疠地, 逐客无消息。 <br/>故人入我梦, 明我长相忆; <br/>君今在罗网, 何以有羽翼? <br/>恐非平生魂, 路远不可测。 <br/>魂来枫林青, 魂返关塞黑; <br/>落月满屋梁, 犹疑照颜色。 <br/>水深波浪阔, 无使蛟龙得。 <br/>Five-character-ancient-verse <br/>Du Fu <br/>SEEING Li Bai IN A DREAM I <br/><br/>There are sobs when death is the cause of parting; <br/>But life has its partings again and again. <br/>...From the poisonous damps of the southern river <br/>You had sent me not one sign from your exile -- <br/>Till you came to me last night in a dream, <br/>Because I am always thinking of you. <br/>I wondered if it were really you, <br/>Venturing so long a journey. <br/>You came to me through the green of a forest, <br/>You disappeared by a shadowy fortress.... <br/>Yet out of the midmost mesh of your snare, <br/>How could you lift your wings and use them? <br/>...I woke, and the low moon's glimmer on a rafter <br/>Seemed to be your face, still floating in the air. <br/>...There were waters to cross, they were wild and tossing; <br/>If you fell, there were dragons and rivermonsters.</font>
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