





你会拍马屁吗? Are you a man with brown nose?

发布者: katy | 发布时间: 2010-9-25 13:53| 查看数: 2864| 评论数: 4|

“拍马屁”大家都不陌生吧! 自古以来,擅长“拍马屁”的大有人在,从“拍马屁”中获得个人利益的同样大有人在.《鹿鼎记》中韦小宝不学无术,但天生聪慧,拍起马来简直是无师自通,深得康熙的宠爱.

“Apple-polishing” is well known for every one of us. Dated from the ancient time, people were used to acquire the individual benefits by the way of flattering their supervisors. For example, WEI Xiaobao, the hero in the novel named Royal Tramp, who is ignorant in studying, but with inborn intelligence in officialdom. He is such a man with brown nose that wins the trust from Emperor Kangxi


“Apple-polishing” still exists in the reality, spreading from our workplaces to our lives. For example, somebody may pour water for the leader at the sight of tablets held in hands, or someone will make a restaurant reservation in a second after the thinking well of lobster from leaders. Thereupon, some of us may consider that:” if you can be a man with brown nose and if you know how to ‘behave properly’ in the workplace, it is possible for you to have a promotion in the career even though you never get the efficient abilities in work”.


If what we mentioned above is true, does it mean that no one kind-hearted, with honesty and capabilities can survive in such environment? Do you believe in the achievements created by the man with the only skill of pleasing leaders? What is your opinion on it? Would you like to ingratiate your supervisors for any reason?


hyena 发表于 2010-9-25 14:23:21
I don't hink i am the man with brown nose. It's a natural thing.


参与人数 1鲜花 +10 收起 理由
katy006688 + 10


fengherili 发表于 2010-9-25 19:59:21
I believe myself , soI need't ingratiate my supervisors .If I want to achieve my dream ,I must be hard for it . I believe the life is fair . Arond my life ,there is a workmate who is a man with brown nose .Most of our wokemates hate him very much .I try to avoid to touch with him . When we see him do something for our supervisor ,we all think he is acting like the clown !
huowa222 发表于 2010-9-27 21:44:21
it is prevalent in chinese society,especailly in some state--own corporations. the mind of apple polishing which date from the acient time, has rooted firmly in chinese people's brain andwill not vanish in a while. therefore, many brilliant youths complant about it, even lose faith in chinese future. however, those excellent youths, i think, shouldnot take it mind, pull yourself up and show your ability confidently, learn how to deal with your workmates even your boss. after all, basic commnication skills not apple polishing are necessary in your daily life. a brillant man lacking communication skills mean a loser.
superworkingman 发表于 2010-9-28 10:39:10
Given the brown nose on a man having a sincere good heart,those talks of flattery uttered from the mouth under the brown nose maybe sound somewhat comfortable,after all most of us like to listen to good words no matter how you perform good or bad.
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