





Do you know how to say it in English?

发布者: 芥末膏 | 发布时间: 2005-11-25 11:29| 查看数: 32034| 评论数: 37|

There are many words in our Chinese English teaching texts are very old ones. Do people in the English countries still use them? And some words we just don't know how to say them in English. Now let's share our knowledge to help those who don't know yet. I hope this topic could be continued and supported by all of our valuable members. Do you know how to say 饭馆的领位 in English? It's called " host ". Sentence example: Let's wait for the host to take us to the table. She's busy now. Very simple? But you just don't know, right? Hehe....

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-1-20 10:01:50编辑过]


kevin 发表于 2005-11-25 13:33:04
i'm really enriched, tks !
芥末膏 发表于 2005-11-26 11:41:19
Well. Do you know how to say 老年人 in America ?

" Old people "? I'm afraid they will kick you up to the sky like Bruce

" Elderly people"? Sounds better. But it's old fashioned.

Now what's the right answer?

It's called: " Senior citizens " or just say: " Seniors ".

Americans call people who are over 65 and who are normally retired as
Senior Citizans. Sample sentence: We should be nice to those seniors. They have done a lot for our society.

So next time, never ever call them "old people". If you do? Haha...
Don't blame me for not telling you about it.
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-11-26 11:45:05编辑过]
芥末膏 发表于 2005-11-29 17:15:18
Now do you know how to say "饭馆服务员” in English? "Waiter, waitress?" No....... Again, they're old fashioned words. People call them "Servers" nowadays in the U.S.. Sample sentence: Call that server! I've found a fly in my plate. It's so disgusting.
芥末膏 发表于 2005-11-30 23:33:40
Do you know how to say "保姆,佣人,小时工" in English? "Maid" ? "Servant" ? No. Both are out of date. People in the States call it "Domestic worker". It applies to any hired job that's within the house. And for job that's related to work outside the house, you may call it " Hired help". For example, a babysitter is a Domestic Worker, but the people you hire to help you deliver a letter or buy something is called Hired Help.
Linda 发表于 2005-12-1 15:04:12
Got it. It's very useful for us,thank you very much!
July 发表于 2005-12-1 21:33:40
good,all the words i don't know before,thank you tell us that,i'm glad know lots of old word.
芥末膏 发表于 2005-12-6 23:18:22
Do you know how to say "剩饭剩菜" in English? It's called " Leftovers" Sample sentence: My wife has cooked so much food for lunch. And we could eat the leftovers at dinner.
Stone 发表于 2005-12-7 09:35:43
以下是引用芥末膏在2005-11-26 11:41:19的发言:
Well. Do you know how to say 老年人 in America ?

" Old people "? I'm afraid they will kick you up to the sky like Bruce

" Elderly people"? Sounds better. But it's old fashioned.

Now what's the right answer?

It's called: " Senior citizens " or just say: " Seniors ".

Americans call people who are over 65 and who are normally retired as
Senior Citizans. Sample sentence: We should be nice to those seniors. They have done a lot for our society.

So next time, never ever call them "old people". If you do? Haha...
Don't blame me for not telling you about it.

Thanks million. I make this mistake before, I used the word " old ". I felt ashame of myself. Now I know the correct saying. Thanks again 芥末膏. but why don't you find an English name, it is more convenient.
芥末膏 发表于 2005-12-7 11:03:32
OK. Since you asked, I'll change my name to James Bond.
芥末膏 发表于 2005-12-7 11:28:52
Do you know how to say "笔记本电脑“ in English? Americans say " Laptop Computer". Lap is your knee and top is above. Computer on your knee describes how portable the computer is. Sample sentence: Did you see my laptop? I left it in the meeting room.
芥末膏 发表于 2005-12-9 17:42:43
Now do you know how to say "空姐或空哥" in English? In our textbooks, they always tell: Stewardess for 空姐 and Steward for 空哥 But the truth is nobody now in U.S. still call them that. They say: Flight attendant. Are you aware of this? Now just keep it in mind.
芥末膏 发表于 2005-12-21 17:23:58
Do you know how to say 在飞机场候机楼前的"旅客下车区” in English? It's called "Passenger drop off area" or simply just "Passenger drop off" Sample sentence: Let's meet at the passenger drop off area no later than 17:00, OK?
芥末膏 发表于 2005-12-21 17:26:54

Do you know how Americans say “高速公路” in English? They call it "Freeway". Sample sentence: I don't like driving on the freeway. It always makes me feel nervous.
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-12-21 17:27:17编辑过]
jessie 发表于 2005-12-22 17:24:57
So many words i don't know how to say before see your posts ,I have to keep it in my mind hurry up!When I meet the similar situation,maybe I can speak them freely.芥末膏,Thank u so much.
芥末膏 发表于 2005-12-22 23:24:52
Thanks for the compliment. I find them very useful for our daily talk. If you enjoy seeing them, my job is rewarded. I'll keep on posting more to all our English lovers.
芥末膏 发表于 2005-12-22 23:28:54
Do you know how Americans say 交通红绿灯 in English? Traffic light? Not wrong, but they don't say it this way. They call it "stoplight". Sample sentence: Hurry up! The stoplight is going to turn red.
芥末膏 发表于 2006-1-9 17:59:57

Do you know how to say "对讲机“ in English? It's called "Walkie Talkie". Sample sentence: Do you have a Walkie Talkie? If you do, we could talk over it during our ride to the suburb.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-1-9 18:00:44编辑过]
BlueMask 发表于 2006-1-9 23:20:27
Those words are very useful.Thanks,Bond. Walk-ie Talk-ie,very funny and visual
BlueMask 发表于 2006-1-9 23:22:20
Oh,those sample sentences also are very interesting
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