





[环球趣闻视听精选] Benefits from Ban

发布者: yingy1ng | 发布时间: 2010-10-9 18:56| 查看数: 1180| 评论数: 0|



  People in the small Australian town of Bundanoon south of Sydney had serious doubts when they decided to ditch bottled water for the sake of the environment.   Their 'Bundy on Tap' campaign meant losing the profits from the sale of commercially made bottled water and making it available instead from new public water fountains in the street and a primary school, as well as from reusable bottles.   However, campaign organizer and café owner Huw Kingston, who stopped selling bottled water a year ago, says any losses have been offset by the worldwide attention the campaign has attracted.   [Interview with Huw Kingston, founder of the Bundy on Tap campaign]   Newsagent Peter Stewart is another man who's delighted with the outcome of the campaign.   [Interview with newsagent Peter Stewart]   It isn't just shop owners who have been at the forefront of the campaign. Staff and students at Bundanoon School have also been involved, with water fountains installed in the playground and all children given specially designed reusable water bottles.   School Principal Robyn Versluis believes the students have benefited from being part of the initiative.   [Interview with school principal Robyn Versluis]   Another man applauding the initiative is Professor Stuart White from the Institute for Sustainable Futures (ISF) at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS), who says bottled water is wasteful for several reasons.   [Interview with Professor Stuart White]   So what is the lesson from Bundanoon? Campaign organizer Huw Kingston reckons that what his town has achieved proves that community action can be a driver of environmental change.

  [Interview of Huw Kingston, founder of the Bundy on Tap campaign]


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