





爱晶岩‘s diary

发布者: 爱晶岩 | 发布时间: 2006-10-25 16:21| 查看数: 39612| 评论数: 32|


爱晶岩 发表于 2006-10-31 19:09:55
<p>Lesson 33</p><p>It's a fine day today.</p><p>There are some clouds in the sky,but the sun is <font color="#0000ff">shining</font>.</p><p>Mr.Jones is with his family.</p><p>They are walking <font color="#0000ff">over</font> the bridge.</p><p>There are some boats on the river.</p><p>Mr.Jones and his wife are looking at them.</p><p>Sally is looking at a big ship.</p><p>The big ship is going under the bridge.</p><p>Tim is looking at an <font color="#0000ff">aeroplane</font>.</p><p>The aeroplane is flying over the river.</p>
tea 发表于 2006-11-1 14:42:34
爱晶岩 发表于 2006-11-1 19:39:00
<p>谢谢!</p><p>Lesson 35</p><p>This is a <font color="#0000ff">photograph</font> of our <font color="#0000ff">village</font>.</p><p>Our village is in a <font color="#0000ff">valley</font>.</p><p>It is between two hills.</p><p>The village is <font color="#0000ff">on</font> a river<font color="#0000ff">.(这里的on是表示“邻近、靠近”)</font></p><p>Here is another photograph of the village.</p><p>My wife and I are walking along the banks of the river.</p><p>We are on the left.</p><p>There is a boy in the water.</p><p>He is swimming across the river.</p><p>Here is another photograph.</p><p>This is the school building .</p><p>It is <font color="#0000ff">beside</font> a park<font color="#0000ff">.(beside 也可用next to )</font></p><p>The park is on the right.</p><p>Some childen are coming out of the building.</p><p>Some of them are going into the park.</p>
爱晶岩 发表于 2006-11-5 20:32:43
Lesson 37

You're working hard,George.

What are you doing?

I'm making a bookcase.

Give me that hammer please,Dan.

Which hammer?This one ?

No,not that one .The big one .

Here you are.

Thanks ,Dan.

What are you going to do now,George?

I'm going to paint it.

What colour are you going to paint it?

I'm going to paint it pink.


This bookcase isn't for me.

It's for my daughter,Susan.

Pink's her favourite colour.

[ 本帖最后由 爱晶岩 于 2006-11-5 20:39 编辑 ]
爱晶岩 发表于 2006-11-7 19:34:14
Lesson 39

What are you going to do with that vase,Penny?

I'm going to put it on this table,Sam.

Don't do that.

Give it to me.

What are you going to do with it?

I'm going to put it here,in front of the window.

Be careful!

Don't drop it!

Don't put it there,Sam.

Put it here,on this shelf.

There we are.

It's a lovely vase.

Those flowers are lovely,too.
爱晶岩 发表于 2006-11-13 19:52:28

Is that bag heavy,Penny?

Not very.


Put it on this chair.(在没有扶手的椅子上用“on”,在有扶手的椅子上用“in”)

What's in it ?

A piece of cheese.

A loaf of bread.

A bar of soap.

A bar of chocolate.

A bottle of milk.

A pound of sugar.

Harf a pound of coffee.

A quarter of a pound of tea.

And a tin of tobacco.

Isthat tin of tobacco for me?

Well.It's certainly not for me.
爱晶岩 发表于 2006-11-13 19:58:58
Lesson 43

Can you make the tea,Sam?

Yes,of course I can,Penny.

Isthere any water in this kettle?

Yes ,there is .

Where's the tea?

It's over there,behind the teapot.

Can you see it ?

I can see the teapot,but I can't see the tea.

There it is !

It's in front of you.

Ah,yes,I can see it now.

Where are the cups?

There are some in the cupboard.

Can you find them?

Yes.Here they are.

Hurry up,Sam!

The kettle's boiling.
爱晶岩 发表于 2006-11-13 20:08:25
Lesson 45

Can you come here a minute please,Bob?


Where's Pamela?

She's next door.

She's in her office,sir.

Can she type this letter for me ?

Ask her please.


Can you type this letter for the boss please,Pamela?

Yes,of course I can.

Here you are.

Thank you,Bob.



What's the matter?

I can't type this letter.

I can't read it.

The boss's handwriting is terrible.


参与人数 1鲜花 +10 收起 理由
ferly + 10


ferly 发表于 2006-11-14 17:58:44
好像是初次探忘, 送点小钱,楼主加油!
爱晶岩 发表于 2006-11-26 18:14:04
Lesson 47

Do you like coffee,Ann?

Yes,I do.

Do you want a cup?


Do you want any sugar?


Do you want any milk?

No,thank you.

I don't like milk in my coffee.

I like black coffee.(加牛奶的咖啡用white coffee。black tea为红茶)

Do you like biscuits?

Yes,I do.

Do you want one?

爱晶岩 发表于 2006-11-26 19:21:53
Lesson 49

Do you want any meat today,Mrs.Bird?


Do you wantbeef or lamb?


This lamb's very good.

I like lamb,but my husband doesn't.

Whatabout some steak?

This is a nice piece.

Give me that piece,please.

And a pound of mince,too.

Do you want a chicken,Mrs.Bird?

They're very nice.

No,thank you.

My husband likes steak,but he does't like chicken.

To tell you the truth,Mrs.Bird,

(=To be honest with you)

I don't like chicken either.

[ 本帖最后由 爱晶岩 于 2006-11-26 19:23 编辑 ]


参与人数 1鲜花 +5 收起 理由
ferly + 5 很好啊,加油


爱晶岩 发表于 2006-12-6 20:59:09
Lesson 51

Where do you come from?

I come from Greece.

What's the climate like in your country?

It's very pleasant.

What's the weather like in spring?

It's often windy in March.

It's always warm in April and May, but it rains sometimes.

What's it like in summer?

It's always hot in June, July and August.

The sun shines every day.

Is it cold or warm in autumn?

It's always warm in September and October.

It's often cold in November, and it rains sometimes.

Is it cold in winter?

It's often cold in December, January and February.

It snows sometimes.

爱晶岩 发表于 2006-12-6 21:01:54
Lesson 53

Where do you come from?

I come from England.

What's the climate like in your country?

It's mild, but it's not always pleasant.

The weather's often cold in the North and windy in the East.

It's often wet in the West and warm in the South.

Which seasons do you like best?

I like spring and summer.

The days are long and the nights are short.

The sun rises early and sets late.

I don't like autumn and winter.

The days are short and the nights are long.

The sun rises late and sets early.

Our climate is not very good, but it's certainly interesting.

It's our favourite subject of conversation.

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