





Cell phone signals excite brain手机信号会刺激大脑皮层

发布者: wangtyj | 发布时间: 2006-11-2 11:45| 查看数: 24371| 评论数: 2|

<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="530" border="0"><tbody><tr><td class="l15e"><font class="f14" id="zoom"><p>{1}WASHINGTON (Reuters) — Cell phone emissions excite the part of the brain cortex nearest to the phone, but it is not clear if these effects are harmful, Italian researchers reported. </p><p>  {2}About 730 million cell phones are expected to be sold this year, according to industry estimates, and nearly 2 billion people around the world already use them.</p><p>  {3}Of these, more than 500 million use a type that emits electromagnetic fields known as Global System for Mobile communications.</p><p>  {4}Dr. Paolo Rossini and colleagues used Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation or TMS to check brain function while people used these phones.</p><p>  {5}They had 15 young male volunteers use a GSM 900 cell phone for 45 minutes. In 12 of the 15, the cells in the motor cortex adjacent to the cell phone showed excitability during phone use but returned to normal within an hour.</p><p>  {6}The cortex is the outside layer of the brain and the motor cortex is known as the “excitable area” because magnetic stimulation has been shown to cause a muscle twitch.</p><p>  {7}The researchers stressed that they had not shown that using a cell phone is bad for the brain in any way, but people with conditions such as epilepsy, linked with brain cell excitability, could potentially be affected.</p><p>  {8}“It should be argued that long-lasting and repeated exposure to EMFs (electromagnetic frequencies) linked with intense use of cellular phones in daily life might be harmful or beneficial in brain-diseased subjects,” they wrote.“Further studies are needed to better circumstantiate these conditions and to provide safe rules for the use of this increasingly more widespread device.”</p><p>  {9}Medical studies on cell phone use have provided mixed results. Swedish researchers found last year that using cell phones over time can raise the risk of brain tumors. But a study by Japan’s four mobile telephone operators found no evidence that radio waves from the phones harmed cells or DNA.</p><p>  {10}The Dutch Health Council analyzed several studies and found no evidence that radiation from mobile phones was harmful. </p></font></td></tr><tr><td height="15"></td></tr><tr><td background="http://image2.sina.com.cn/edu/images/62532.gif" height="1"><img height="1" src="http://image2.sina.com.cn/edu/images/c.gif" width="1" alt=""/></td></tr><tr><td height="10"></td></tr><tr><td class="c07" align="center" height="40"><b>手机信号会刺激大脑皮层<b></b></b></td></tr><tr><td class="l15"><font class="f14" id="zoom"><p>  {1}华盛顿(路透社)消息:据意大利的研究人员报告,手机辐射使最靠近手机的那部分大脑皮层兴奋,但尚不清楚这些影响是否有害。</p><p>  {2}据业界估计,今年的手机销量将达到7.3亿部,目前世界上已经有近20亿人在使用手机。</p><p>  {3}在这些人当中,有超过5亿人使用能发射电磁场的全球移动通讯系统(GSM)手机。</p><p>  {4}保罗-罗西尼博士及其同事们利用穿颅磁刺激(TMS) 来检查人们使用手机时大脑的活动情况。</p><p>  {5}他们让15名年轻的男性志愿者使用GSM 900手机打45分钟的电话。结果发现,15人中有12个人在通话时其接近手机的大脑皮层内的细胞处于活跃状态,一个小时之内又恢复了正常。</p><p>  {6}大脑皮层位于大脑的外层,而大脑活动皮层又称为“易感区”,因为电磁波刺激证明可导致那里的肌肉阵颤。</p><p>  {7}研究人员强调,他们的研究并没有显示使用手机会对大脑造成什么伤害,但患有如癫痫病等与大脑细胞敏感性紧密相关的人可能会受到影响。</p><p>  {8}他们在报告中称:“长期、反复暴露于与日常生活中频繁使用手机紧密相关的电磁波(EMFs)中,可能会对大脑疾病患者产生有害或者有益的影响,但这需要进一步的研究,以便更好地对这些条件加以论证,并为这一愈来愈广泛使用的工具提供安全规则。”</p><p>  {9}关于使用手机的医学研究有各种各样的结果。瑞典研究人员去年发现,过度使用手机可能增加罹患脑瘤的风险。而日本四大手机运营商所做的一项研究报告却发现,没有证据表明来自手机的无线电波会对人体细胞或者脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)造成损害。</p><p>  {10}荷兰健康学会分析了几项研究结果后也表示,尚未发现手机辐射对人体造成伤害的证据。 </p></font></td></tr></tbody></table>


happylynn 发表于 2006-11-3 10:32:19


wangtyj真好 我最看不了这种科技说明文了 你把它分成一段一段的 还标注段落 真是清晰明了 GREAT JOB!THANK YOU VERY MUCH!
Quickie 发表于 2006-11-10 17:57:11
We better use less of the celluar phone.
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