





抓拍自由女神遭雷击 摄影师苦等40年

发布者: yingy1ng | 发布时间: 2010-10-14 13:34| 查看数: 1155| 评论数: 0|

  This is the amazing moment a lightning bolt was captured as it struck the iconic Statue of Liberty. The impressive image was caught by New York photographer Jay Fine who spent the night braving the storm in Battery Park City, Manhattan, in a bid to get the perfect picture.

  屹立在美国纽约的自由女神像日前被摄影发烧友Jay Fine 捕捉到了与闪电“亲密接触”的瞬间,这张“惊世骇俗”的照片是摄影师Jay Fine在位于纽约曼哈顿南端的炮台公园(**的夜晚)守候了一夜才捕捉到的。

  Mr Fine spent nearly two hours poised with his camera and took more than 80 other shots before striking lucky with this particular bolt of lightning at 8.45pm on September 22.

  9月22日,摄影师Jay Fine花了近2个小时在这风雨交加的夜晚拍摄到了超过80张关于闪电的照片,而这张与自由女神像“亲密接触”的照片拍摄时间是位于晚上8点45分。

  The 58-year-old, who has been trying for more than 40 years to capture the magnificent moment, said he was stunned when he saw the image. He said: 'I had been watching weather reports so I knew a storm was coming and it just seemed like a great opportunity. 'I was ready and waiting when the lightning finally started and took 81 shots before finally getting this one.'I was shocked when I realised what had happened. 'It was pure luck really, a once in a lifetime opportunity. It's the first photograph of its kind I have ever seen.'

  58岁的摄影师Jay Fine为了拍摄奇观已经兢兢业业地在摄影界工作了40多年。他说:“当我看到闪电击中自由女神像的时候,我惊呆了。之前,我查了天气预报我知道晚上即将有暴风雨,所以我觉得这是一个拍摄闪电的好机会。”他还说,我总共拍摄了81张照片,当我拍摄到自由女神像这张的时候,我觉得我是非常幸运的,身为一名摄影师,这是我一辈子福气。

  Lady Liberty is thought to have been hit by about 600 bolts of lightning every year since she was built in 1886.

  据悉,自由女神像自从1886年被引进以来,每年至少被闪电“亲吻”600次。自由女神像(Statue of Liberty)是法国赠送给美国的独立100周年礼物,位于美国纽约市哈德逊河口附近。是雕像所在的自由岛的重要观光景点。


  lightning bolt n. 闪电球


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