





How much is four minus four? 四减四可以不等于零吗?

发布者: kevin | 发布时间: 2005-11-29 14:04| 查看数: 2328| 评论数: 5|

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<TD class=redt align=middle><FONT size=4></FONT></TD></TR>
<TD class=font1 align=middle><FONT size=4></FONT></TD></TR>
<TD class=font1><FONT size=4>One day, the teacher inquired Peter: "How much is four minus four?" Peter was tongue-tied. </FONT>
<FONT size=4>  一天,老师问彼得:“4减4等于几?”彼得张口结舌答不上来。</FONT>
<FONT size=4>  The teacher got angry and said: "What a fool! You see, if I put four coins in your pocket, but there is a hole in your pocket and all of them leak out, now what is left in your pocket?"</FONT>
<FONT size=4>  老师生气地说:“真笨!比如我给你衣袋里装进4个硬币,可你衣袋上有个窟窿,硬币全从这里漏掉了,那么,你衣袋里还剩下什么?”</FONT>
<FONT size=4>  "The hole." replied Peter.</FONT>
<FONT size=4>  “还剩下个窟窿。”彼得答道。</FONT></TD></TR></TABLE>


Quickie 发表于 2005-11-30 11:32:17
What is 4 X 4 ?
Four Wheel Drive.
coconut 发表于 2005-11-30 11:41:41
a common car has only four wheel.why to say '4 X 4 '?
Quickie 发表于 2005-11-30 13:14:56
<STRONG>Four Wheel drive means all four wheels are in gears to move the vehicle.</STRONG>  
kevin 发表于 2005-11-30 16:29:37
quite right ,4WD, that's it
coconut 发表于 2005-12-1 16:43:07
oh,i understand a bit.[em06]
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