






发布者: yingy1ng | 发布时间: 2010-10-18 18:13| 查看数: 1144| 评论数: 1|

本帖最后由 yingy1ng 于 2010-10-18 18:15 编辑


Tony Blair in running for bad sex award



  Former prime minister's memoir nominated for prize dedicated to clumsy erotic scenes in fiction.


  Tony Blair has received a double insult from the Literary Review, with the nomination of his bestselling autobiography, A Journey, for its bad sex award. The slight is not only to his skill at bedroom prose, but also to his claims to historical accuracy, since the award is dedicated to clumsy clinches in fiction.


  The magazine's deputy editor Tom Fleming today confirmed the genre-busting nomination for the prize, which celebrates "poorly written, redundant or crude passages of a sexual nature". According to Fleming it is the first time a work of non-fiction has been up for the award. "It's absolutely unprecedented," he said. "He's groundbreaking in every way."

  该杂志副主编汤姆 弗莱明于今日确认了对布莱尔的这项“突破体裁”的奖项提名,该奖项旨在颁发给“在描写性爱时文笔糟糕、冗长、粗俗的作品”。弗莱明表示,这是非小说类作品首次获得该奖提名。他说:“这真史无前例,他在很多方面开创了历史先河。”



  The former prime minister is nominated for a purple passageabout the night spent with his wife Cherie following the news of the Labour leader John Smith's sudden death. "That night she cradled me in her arms and soothed me; told me what I needed to be told; strengthened me. On that night of 12 May 1994, I needed that love Cherie gave me, selfishly. I devoured it to give me strength. I was an animal following my instinct," Blair wrote.

  令前首相布莱尔入围的是一段词藻华丽的文字,描写了他和妻子切丽在工党领袖约翰 史密斯突然去世后度过的一个夜晚。布莱尔写道:“当晚,她拥我入怀,轻轻抚慰我,告诉我理应知道的事情,给我力量。那是1994年5月12日的晚上,我自私地渴求切丽给我的爱,我挥霍着这份爱,化为自己的力量。我如一头野兽般听从本能的召唤。”

  Although the judging process is at an early stage, Fleming suggested that Blair would be a strong contender in a "good year" for the award, with Ian McEwan's Solar and Martin Amis's The Pregnant Widow already under consideration for the shortlist.

  尽管评审工作还处于初期,但弗莱明表示在今年这样一个该奖项的“好年头”,布莱尔是位强有力的竞争者。伊恩 麦克尤恩的《日光》、以及马丁 艾米斯的《怀孕的寡妇》也已入围候选名单。

  The shortlist for the Bad sex award is due to be announced next month, with the prize no author wants to win due to be awarded on 29 November.


  Blair's nomination is not the first time that his autobiography has been classified as fiction, as bookshops have reported customers with anti-war sympathies repeatedly reshelving the book into the crime section, following a Facebook-led campaign. Now it seems, A Journey may be moving into erotic fiction.



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