





[原创]Part-time job for students

发布者: lazybones | 发布时间: 2005-10-8 19:11| 查看数: 12118| 评论数: 4|

<FONT face="Times New Roman">Nowadays, many students hunt part-time jobs in their spare time, which has aroused wide concern in the society. Among them, many have parents of means. It is unnecessary for them to worry about their bread and butter. Do part-time jobs make sense on students’ development? You could see some pros and cons of odd jobs as follows:</FONT>
<o:p><FONT face="Times New Roman"></FONT></o:p>
<FONT face="Times New Roman">It is no denying the fact that part-time jobs do have lots of attractive advantages. First, students take part in part-time job can get more opportunities to apply their knowledge learned from books to practice. Second, during work students could learn how hard it is to earn money and thereby apprehend their parents better. The result would be an improved relationship between them. Third, students with part-time job can earn their pocket money and, to some extent, relieve the economic burdens of their families. Forth, part-time jobs let the students realize their value and therefore increase the students’ confidence in their future work. Fifth, students could help to foster the sense of independence and competition. Survey shows that students with part-time jobs perform more mature than their peers. Sixth, many students could enjoy pleasure from their part-time jobs. They live a rich and colorful life at the age of juveniles.</FONT>
<FONT face="Times New Roman">With so many merits, part-time jobs also have their defects. Part-time jobs often distract students’ attention from their study which is definitely their main mission. As it is, too much part-time job do occupy the students precious time set aside for preparation, review and further study to widen their horizons. Unfortunately, many students have shown a decline in their academic abilities due to part-time jobs more than enough. Furthermore, part-time jobs expose students to social illnesses in their early life lacking of the ability to distinguish what is good from what is wrong, which might result in mental diseases or even criminals. That is also the cons we do not expect.</FONT>
<o:p><FONT face="Times New Roman"></FONT></o:p>
<FONT face="Times New Roman">From what have been mentioned above, we can safely draw the conclusion that a certain mount of part-time work is likely to contribute to the students’ development, and on the contrary, too much of it will bring drawbacks. As parents or teachers, we have the responsibility to guide the students on how to arrange their time reasonably and introduce them to the proper road of all-round development which is also a part of quality-oriented education.</FONT><br>


slowpoke 发表于 2005-10-16 17:10:32
<FONT face="Times New Roman">Nowadays, many students hunt part-time jobs in their spare time, which has aroused wide concern <FONT color=#ff0000>in the society (Leave it out but you don't have to. "in the society" sounds redundant. You probably thought about it in Chinese and translated it into English.).</FONT> Among them, many have parents of means. It is unnecessary for them to worry about their bread and butter. Do part-time jobs make sense on students’ development? You <FONT color=#ff0000>could(will)</FONT> see some pros and cons of <FONT color=#ff0000>odd(not sure what does this mean?)</FONT> jobs as follows:</FONT>
<FONT face="Times New Roman"></FONT>
<FONT face="Times New Roman">It is no denying the fact that part-time jobs do have lots of attractive advantages. First, students <FONT color=#ff0000>take(who take)</FONT> part in part-time job  part-time job<FONT color=#ff0000>(s)</FONT> can get more opportunities to apply their knowledge learned from books to practice. Second, during <FONT color=#ff0000>(the)</FONT> work students could learn how hard it is to earn money and thereby apprehend their parents better. The result would be an improved relationship between them. Third, students with part-time job<FONT color=#ff0000>(s)</FONT> can earn their pocket money and, to some extent, relieve the economic burdens of their families. Forth, part-time jobs let the students realize their value and therefore increase the students’ confidence in their future work. Fifth, students could help to foster the sense of independence and competition. <FONT color=#ff0000>(A)</FONT> Survey shows that students with part-time jobs perform more mature<FONT color=#ff0000>(ly)</FONT> than their peers. Sixth, many students could enjoy pleasure from their part-time jobs. They live a rich and colorful life at the age of juveniles.</FONT>
<FONT face="Times New Roman">With so many merits, <FONT color=#ff0000>part-time jobs also have their defects(not sure what you are trying to say but iIwould say, taking a part-time job for a student also has disadvantages).</FONT> Part-time jobs often distract students’ attention from their study which is definitely their main mission. As it is, too much part-time job <FONT color=#ff0000>do(es)</FONT> occupy  students precious time<FONT color=#ff0000> (that should have been)</FONT> set aside for preparation(<FONT color=#ff0000>of what?),</FONT> review and further study to widen their horizons. Unfortunately, many students have shown a decline in their academic abilities due to part-time jobs<FONT color=#000000> more than enough.</FONT><FONT color=#ff0000> </FONT>Furthermore, part-time jobs expose students to social illnesses in their early <FONT color=#ff0000>life(lives)</FONT> lacking <FONT color=#ff0000>of(leave it out)</FONT> the ability to distinguish what is good from what is wrong, which might result in mental diseases or even <FONT color=#ff0000>criminals(crimes)</FONT>. That is also the cons we do not expect.</FONT>
<FONT face="Times New Roman"></FONT>
<FONT face="Times New Roman">From what have been mentioned above, we can safely draw the conclusion that a certain mount of part-time work is likely to contribute to the students’ development<FONT color=#ff0000>, </FONT><FONT color=#ff0000>and on the contrary(. however)</FONT>, too much of it will bring drawbacks. As parents or teachers, we have the responsibility to guide the students on how to arrange their time reasonably and introduce them to the proper road of all-round development which is also a part of quality-oriented education.</FONT>
slowpoke 发表于 2005-10-16 17:12:38
Dear Lazybones,
I am not sure it is the way you wanted. You said you were more into the language itself rather than the writing. Let us know what you think. Thanks.
lazybones 发表于 2005-10-17 13:52:14
1 odd job = part-time job
2 <FONT face="Times New Roman">First, students <FONT color=#ff0000>take(who take)</FONT> part in ...</FONT>
<FONT face="Times New Roman">    Is the 'who' here is order to  express more clearly obligatory (一定不可以省掉吗)? </FONT>
<FONT face="Times New Roman">3 preparation (预习) , 需要换一个词吗?</FONT>
I suppose I am a troublemaker.<FONT color=#ff0000><STRONG> <FONT color=#0000ff>I want to invite you for a dinner,slowpoke and cactus.</FONT></STRONG></FONT> IELTs.

slowpoke 发表于 2005-10-17 15:14:43
1. I didn't know the term "odd job". Now I have learned that from you. Thanks!
2. No. "who" has to be there in this case because "students" is the subject of the following attributive clause.
3. Preparation is fine but I would put "for classes" or something like that after it. It just doesn't sound right to me without that. I can't really explain why.
Lazybones, you are no troublemaker. Your english is absolutely excellent. Every time I read your posts I learned a lot from you, to be honest. Again, as I said earlier I am not an expert. I may be wrong. I just want you to know how I see your writing, and I would be glad if it were helpful in one way or another. In the meanwhile if others read our posts and more or less learned something from them, it'd be a benefit of everybody. That's why we do that here.<br><br>

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