





Pass By The Summer

发布者: lynda | 发布时间: 2006-11-30 04:49| 查看数: 6572| 评论数: 17|

Lost /given/are burned into slight smoke, with a background of golden color/the memory touches the trace of flood after boiling /it doesn’t pure although there is a rain /in the play of life /red cloth is hung again /pick up the foot printings that ever dropped down /don’t look back any longer.

I said to Coral, I’m really going to leave .I can’t stop for I have failed ever. And it was the last poem that I wrote for her.

Time was flowing. I even didn’t know what it brought to me .Not until one week flied away, did I realized that seven days has escaped. During that time, facing the examination, we both were at a loss. She said the summer was destined a parted season. My heart damped. I said I wanted to have a walk along the ocean, or jogged around the street with a big sun above. “Don’t romantic!” she shouted, “The summer is to pass off. Exam is drawing near! Are you like black?”“At least, it’s not a white poem.” My reply. Feelings delivered between us through the keyboard .we both felt very happy, as if it was still June, the exam was so far from us.

But it comes what should come. It seemed that it wasn’t hot in June. Maybe I didn’t care the temperature.I told my mother that Chinese wa* **cellent. But I can’t sleep at night, am I ???No! It’s too hot because it’s in summer! But the next day I failed completely. It’s out of my expect, in the sense though. Stepping out of the room, I met coral. We looked each other for a moment. She said she was up, I said I was up either. I even didn’t know what it meant. In fact, it was the first sentence we said to each other after the exam. Then I went to Internet. I canceled all the poem coral sent to me and went to forum to send emails. I said farewell to all my good friends on net. I was beat this year, but I would never give up however; anyhow life was supposed to be happy. Stared at the fingers on the keyboard, I wanted to sit here for my entire life. At least, it’s unnecessary to face the life.

Many things are brought out by time, you must face it as long as you live. Later on I picked up my result on my own. I felt headache after that. Going out with coral again. I asked if we kept up with each other in the future, she said if it rained tomorrow we’d keep in touch. I said it seldom rained this year you know. Coral kept silence for a long time. She said she would rather go out, to a place where no one has gone to. I said: “you ’re so handsome!If it’s me, my mother would teach me a good lesson!”“ It’s also better than me, my mother died away last year, you know.”I was touched at the moment, I had just forgotten that! I felt fairly sorry, but I couldn’t find a proper way to comfort her. I turned to her, and found her eyes red, then I also wanted to cry. But I only said: “It’s too hot!”She said she liked Autumn. Autumn was a harvest and the most beautiful season, and it often made her think of her mother. I said so did I, and the fallen leaves. Saying so, tears were rolling down my cheers.

I told my mother my failure in the rain. She comforted me not mind too much, there was still chances. I hung off the phone. All day long, I sat alone on the branch in the park.

On the way back home, I met Bee. I shouted at him: “What about you?” He also shouted: “I’ll go to a private school, and I’ll go tomorrow. ” “I’d like to see you off. ” “Don’t do that! Don’t tell others where I’ll be going. I only told you about it.” I said: “Slightly you go, as you come slightly, you wave your hands slightly, and don’t take any cloud away.” He said: “ Yes. But cloud was so little in summer. I want to take any but I can’t.” I said goodbye to him, wished him a good journey and remind him not to forget to write to me. So we parted.

We took the same train to go out. Maybe both of us need time to calm down .She was to look for her fortune as me. But we both said nothing. In fact the next day after the exam it rained, and rained heavily. But I always think, Now that passing, why should we look back once more?When a person spurts down, see the path he have walked, and then stands up, then he will be faint, and lost his direction.

After autumn comes winter. If winter comes, can spring still be far behind? Hope is everywhere. I think the next summer I will not pass by like this. After all there isn’t a repeated way in the world.

Now I've been worked and live a hard but happy life in Hefei far away from my hometown.At the same time I still persist withmy study. And I’ve made successes in many fields, I think. Though sometimes I feel alone or maybe boring, I know in journey of life, no one is always a success and no one is always a failure, so long as you made your effort, you paid, and you’ll certainly get what you want. God help those who help themselves. I have never doubted about it. I bless for myself.

In the play of life / red cloth is hung again / pick up the foot printings that dropped down / don’t look back any longer

[ 本帖最后由 lynda 于 2006-11-30 06:20 编辑 ]


phantom 发表于 2006-11-30 09:10:52
If winter comes, can spring still be far behind?

i prefer these words
lynda 发表于 2006-11-30 11:02:56
Thank you . I have no doubted about it .
Rita娜 发表于 2006-12-1 10:58:02
I was moved by the words, the article is full of sadness and joy together, but I was very happy to see the last paragraph in the end.

to be frank, the writer of the work is full of talent and romance.
lynda 发表于 2006-12-1 12:27:30
I think all the girl will show her aspect of romance someitme , won't it ?
芥末膏 发表于 2006-12-1 16:01:20
Is this written by you Lynda? Envying!!!!!!
拒绝融化地冰 发表于 2006-12-1 17:51:24

Rita娜 发表于 2006-12-2 09:42:38
Pretty good, to be frank.

I should learn much more from you,lynda.
lynda 发表于 2006-12-3 19:25:20
yes, i write it by myself , don't doubt about it , ok?
lynda 发表于 2006-12-3 19:45:57
thank you Rita, maybe you are much betterthan me , everyone has his/her advantage ,right ?
Rita娜 发表于 2006-12-4 11:13:16
yeah, lynda, you are so modest, xixi

i will keep going......
shilwa 发表于 2006-12-4 16:54:55
5555....it touches me.i like the words in it .it seems so fantastic.
Rita娜 发表于 2006-12-5 15:27:33
Oh, yeah
happylynn 发表于 2006-12-7 08:02:21
I like it so much...
Rita娜 发表于 2006-12-7 11:25:08
pretty good, isn't it ?
iris2008 发表于 2006-12-13 13:36:06
it's good ,isn't it ? you are great !!
Rita娜 发表于 2006-12-21 12:08:57
aha, come on, everybody. and do ur best to show urself here
tataoo 发表于 2007-8-19 13:15:03
God helps these who help themselves,i believe in it.

bless u and bless me,too bless everyone i've met and to met.
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