





sentence practice(跟贴有奖)

发布者: christlulu | 发布时间: 2006-12-13 22:11| 查看数: 7608| 评论数: 20|


Level 1:short and broken

Level 2:short, correct and colorless简单的主谓宾结构eg: History is important.

Level 3:short, correct and colorful简单句式加上发光的词汇词组

eg: History is so important that it not only enables us to increase the understanding of some rules, but also enhances our ability to foresee the future.

Level 4:long, correct and colorful 主从复合句,倒装,强调句等的结合

eg: History plays a significant role in contemporary society, revealing some rules to us and enhancing our ability to foresee the future.

Of great importance is history which not only enables us to increase the understanding of some rules, but also enhances our ability to foresee the future.


终极目标:Without history, human beings would be cornered on a desert island, with their origin diminishing in the remote past and their future losing itself in the wilderness.


L2L3: 发现有用的词组:eg: a great deal of attention on

造句: Scientists focus a great deal of attention on outer space, which is fraught with natural resources.






Eg: History is important.

History is of importance.

History is so important that it not only enables us to increase the understanding of some rules, but also enhances our ability to foresee the future.

History plays a significant role in contemporary society, revealing some rules to us and enhancing our ability to foresee the future.

Of great importance is history which not only enables us to increase the understanding of some rules, but also enhances our ability to foresee the future.

Without history, human beings would be cornered on a desert island, with their origin diminishing in the remote past and their future losing itself in the wilderness.

第一篇:a lot of people want to make a lot of money.

[ 本帖最后由 christlulu 于 2006-12-13 23:21 编辑 ]


christlulu 发表于 2006-12-13 22:13:39
第一篇:a lot of people want to make a lot of money.

KEVIN:A lotof greedy peoplewant to make a lot of bloody money.


[ 本帖最后由 christlulu 于 2006-12-16 23:18 编辑 ]
kevin 发表于 2006-12-14 09:08:33
A lotof greedy peoplewant to make a lot of bloody money.

[ 本帖最后由 kevin 于 2006-12-14 09:09 编辑 ]


参与人数 1鲜花 +20 收起 理由
christlulu + 20 好贴,加油!


christlulu 发表于 2006-12-16 23:25:02
A large number of people do their utmost to maximize their financial gain.
shilwa 发表于 2006-12-21 16:01:32
A lot of people regardless of greedy or not are urged yo make more and more money in our real life


参与人数 1鲜花 +20 收起 理由
christlulu + 20 好贴,加油!


上官飞飞 发表于 2007-1-21 13:22:16
冬冬 发表于 2007-2-22 19:27:54
A great deal of pepole want to clean up a profit.


参与人数 1鲜花 +20 收起 理由
christlulu + 20 好贴,加油!


我要考试 发表于 2007-2-25 10:14:57

回复 #2 christlulu 的帖子

In order to provide a rich and colorful life to their family, a lot of people want to earn large amount of money ,gradually or overnight.
dudu811900 发表于 2007-3-6 13:01:13
More and more people have the desire for money due to the increasingly development of material life.

[ 本帖最后由 dudu811900 于 2007-3-6 13:08 编辑 ]


参与人数 1鲜花 +20 收起 理由
christlulu + 20 好贴,加油!


juanzi7540 发表于 2008-7-6 11:05:32
A large number of people
sblol 发表于 2008-7-8 00:56:51
There are always quite a few people who are so greedy that they would never miss even a tiny chance to earn as much as possible.
Nancy-A 发表于 2008-7-28 20:46:16
History is of importance.
king168 发表于 2008-7-31 15:26:13
A lot of people want to make a lot of money so as to have an enjoyful life.

A lot of greedy people want to make a lot of more money to satisfy their selfish
小猫女子 发表于 2008-8-1 12:46:06
these sencerts are very difficulty,please give me a hand
yaya# 发表于 2008-9-17 12:49:35
up till now a large number of poor people really want to use lots of methods to make uncountable money in order to make their life happiness.
rockyluo 发表于 2008-10-6 22:49:11
There are so many people who are eager to seeking for wealth .
aiwozhonghua9 发表于 2008-10-13 17:19:49
匿名 发表于 2008-10-18 19:49:48
this story is of beauty
a11111111111 发表于 2008-10-19 17:55:34
飘雪轻盈 发表于 2008-11-17 16:58:59
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