





Saying goodbye

发布者: lynda | 发布时间: 2006-12-14 06:36| 查看数: 4254| 评论数: 4|

Time is passing. Quickly and mercilessly . I even don't know how to do when I heard your voice

There has been so cold since early winter. And so does my heart . I remain in my room lying in bed all day long . it’s quite unusual for me . then I saw in the wall the birthday card you;ve sent to me last year . both of us can be found in that beautiful card. Once we kept on beating each other up at the fence and were so happy everyday . that only lasted for a little while htough .

Can it really be six years ago that I first saw you ? It is truly a life time , I know . we have become good friends in the days following by. I found you easy to talk with and I asked you for studies . your were a excellent boy as welll adanaught one . you often went out playing . then I always stopped you and advised you like your sister ,as you said.actually ,you were a like my brother for you would always appreciate me ,comforted me , and encourage me to pass through all those difficulties. Everything would be ok is what you said to me everyday. When I was happy you were happy like a beatific child ,as I was sad you were no more than a sad patient . you were quite ,very quite ,and would just listen to what I had to say. I was happy with you and htought fo you a real friend.

I have relived the memory about you many many times all through my life . although we were apart after graduate ,we kept intouch with each other bywriting letters ,sending emails ,making calls and so on . once your letter filled me with great vitality , I feel we were together all the time, and of course I thought it as being friends . but I know that we both really felt differently.

Later, you came to see me and stayed for some days. You hug me into your boast the moment you saw me, but I escaped from you immediately. we sauntered all day long shopping and eating at day time. As night drawing near, all I did was just sit there with you watching the stars hung highly in the sky and talking about our future. You said you want to be rich and successful, and give a happy life to your lover. I saw into your eyes, but what I said was nothing. I went my room hurting because I didn't told you my feeling. I knew what you’d like to tell me , but you didn't speak out, I was a little frightened . I didn’t grasp at my feeling and told myself I would tell you just how I feel someday.

The next day it had been raining since morning. I sent you to the railway station and saw you off with foreboding. I watched you go on the train, I cried as I talked to you for what I felt was going to be the last time.

I hadn’t received your letter for half a year or so and no call. Time is passing. I hope that perhaps someday I will be able to visit you . I wish to get together another time. But I received your message before I called you to tell you my real feeling , saying that you were in love with a girl who loves you most .and you said sorry to me . I was happy and sad at the same time . now I know that I could never be with ,and that we could only be friends , I tried hard to have fun that night ,but I couldn’t help crying after your phoning . you said you would have a peaceful life with you GF, and would never connect me hence forth. It is also the first time in my entire life to be separated from my dear friends.

I cried until I couldn’t anymore. That was also the last time I saw you and felt you in reality.

You’ve ever told me your great dreams that one day you would become a highly successful man. And now ,what you’ve dreamed has become true , you are a success with position and status. You’ve ever told me how can you be successful without me . but now evertthing changed . I don’t know why, why did it have to happy ,why did it all have to end ? I don’t hate you ,but when you made this decision, do you show the least regard for my feelings? I feel tired and can’t go another step because I am pooped. I felt heart-broken. How do you know it?

I have been thought I will cry badly in the fllowing days , but when the thing happens , you’ll feel it is not so bad indeed. However terrific it is, life is still to go along . although I’ve been sad for a long time . now I calm down , I say “good morning ” to my friend every day. When you are down and blue ,go to a comedy. After all , laughter is the best medicine . so now I like smiling .all the people who know me think me an active and happy people , that is what I want.

I wipe the tears away from my eyes. I pray the god would be with you forever.

Goodbye, my darling friend, my six years, my special memories passing by.

[ 本帖最后由 lynda 于 2007-1-2 18:26 编辑 ]


南宫绝 发表于 2006-12-14 10:39:50
tomorrow is another day!
shilwa 发表于 2006-12-15 10:28:27
"you were quite ,very quite "i want to point that it should be "quiet"? time is flying,and the affairs let along funny or sad ,they have gone.so,tomorrow is more important,right?
shilwa 发表于 2006-12-21 16:45:13
The days is going.Just look forward
tataoo 发表于 2007-8-18 22:43:11
wipe ur tears and be happy,

time to bed..
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