






发布者: david | 发布时间: 2005-10-9 13:59| 查看数: 8458| 评论数: 1|

☆ Get an idea about the topic
Along with economic development, social progress and rising living standards, the demand for tourism has been more brisk as touring is becoming more convenient and frequent than before. Are you interested in traveling? Are you willing to share your interesting experience with us? Today’s salon is your best choice.

☆ Related words
travel agency 旅行社 airline company 航空公司
touring guide 导游 traveler’s cheque 旅行支票
spring/autumn outing 春/秋游 single/return ticket 单程/往返票
traveling expenses 旅费 passengers 旅客
holiday travel 假日旅游 passport 护照
world tour 环游世界 visa 签证
sightseeing 观光 customs 海关
visiting group 观光团 sundries 零星小物
landscape scenery 山水风光 toilet articles 盥洗用品
chief sights 主要名胜 traveling bag 旅行包
idyllic scenery 田园风光 accommodation 住宿
ruins 遗址 cruise ship 游轮
natural scenery 自然风景 ocean liner 远洋定期客轮
Buddha scenic spot 佛教胜地 five-star hotel 五星级饭店
holiday resort 度假胜地 resort hotel 度假旅馆
heritage sites 古迹 guest room 客房

☆ Questions of Brainstorming
1. Are you planning on going anywhere for your next vacation?
² If so, where?
² Who with?
² How long will you stay?
2. Could you live in another country for the rest of your life?
3. What’s your opinion about a package tour?
4. How much luggage do you usually carry? What 10 things would you bring?
Explain why.
5. Have you ever been in a difficult situation while traveling?


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