






发布者: rainbowzzm | 发布时间: 2007-1-1 09:12| 查看数: 3049| 评论数: 6|

1I love you我爱你

2.I’m crazy about you.我非常喜欢你

3.I care about you deeply .我非常关心你

4.I’d do anything for you.我不惜为你赴汤蹈火

有感情,但不确定有爱情的说法:Naïve and Tentative Expressions

5.I have a crush on you . 我对你有点动心

6.I like you我喜欢你

7.You give me a funny feeling .你让我感觉很有趣

保守含蓄的说法:Reserved Expressions

8.I’m always thinking of you. 我总是想着你

9.You mean a lot to me .你对我来说意味着很多

10.I’m very fond of you .我很喜欢你

强烈的、戏剧化的说法:Strong ,Dramatic Expressions

11.You light up my life. 你照亮了我的人生

12.I think ofyou morning ,noon and night. 我从早到晚终日思念你

13.You’re everything to me .你是我的一切

14.You mean the world to me .你对我来说是整个世界

=You ‘re the most important thing in my life.

15.My heartbelongs to you.我的心属于你

16.You make my heart sing. 你让我的心歌唱

17.You take my breath away .你让我忘记呼吸

18.I can’t live without you.我没有你活不下去

19.You drive me crazy.你让我疯狂

20.I can’t get you out of my mind .我无法将你忘记

21Without you,nothing matters to me没有你,什么事都没有意义

/everything is meaningless.

22.All I want from you is your love .我所要的只是你的爱,

Material things don’t matter.财物我都不计较,我只要你的爱

What I want is your love .

23.You’re my angel. 你是我的天使

24.You’re my sweetheart/my darling你是我的甜心/我的亲爱/我特别的人

/my special one.


海伦 发表于 2007-1-5 09:00:32
sweet words
Quickie 发表于 2007-1-5 09:13:25
girls are just too emotional for these types of words.....
狄菲曼舞 发表于 2007-1-5 09:14:39
I love you,love you,love you,love you,you,you,you,you.....哈哈
Quickie 发表于 2007-1-5 09:15:00
in another word, they are just too " gullible " for these kinds of words.......
phantom 发表于 2007-1-5 09:34:40
sweet words are not always from his/her heart.
lullaby 发表于 2007-1-5 10:14:31
原帖由 phantom 于 2007-1-5 09:34 发表

sweet words are not always from his/her heart.

I agree with you.When he/she did something wrong,he/she will say some sweet and lovely words lie him/her.

So action are more improtant than sweet words.
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