





Lesson 46 Expensive and uncomfortable 既昂贵又受罪

发布者: tea | 发布时间: 2007-1-9 09:05| 查看数: 8961| 评论数: 10|

Summary writing 摘要写作

Answer these questions in not more than 70words.


1Where did the plane from London arrive? What did workers unload from it? (and)

2What did they contain?

3Was one of the boxes extremely heavy or not? What did a worker do? (so)

4What did he find on top of a pile of woollen goods?

5Was the man arrested or not?

6Had he travelled in the box from London or from Sydney?

7How much did he have to pay?

8How much does an ordinary ticket cost?


Rewrite the following sentences using the joining words in parentheses:


1The man had had an uncomfortable trip. He was very hungry. (not only… but… as well)

2He had not eaten anything for thirteen hours. He had not drunk anything for thirteen hours. (neither… nor)

3Woollen goods cannot be eaten. At least they are soft. The man had had a few hours' sleep. (but… so)

Letter writing 书信写作

1Write your home address and the date in the way they would appear in a letter to a friend who lives abroad.


2Write the address of a friend who lives abroad in the way it would appear in a letter to you.


Key structures 关键句型

Verbs followed by to, at, for and with (Compare KS22)与 to, at, for和 with连用的动词(对比第22课关键句型)

We can put to, at, for and with after certain verbs.


对比: Compare:

I saw Tom yesterday. 昨天我见到了汤姆。

I shall see to the dinner tonight. (I shall prepare it.)今晚我做晚饭。

Use this list for reference:请参考下表:

aTo: accustom(ed), amount, appeal, apply(or for), attach(ed), attend, belong, challenge, compare (or with), condemn(ed),confess, confine, consent, convert, entitle(d), listen mention, object, occur, prefer, react(or against), reply, respond,see, submit, surrender, turn, yield.


bAT: amused. (or by), arrive (or in), astonish (ed)(or by), exclaim, glance, guess, knock(SD 6), look (SD 37b), point (or to), shock(ed)(or by), stare, surprise(d) (or by), wonder (or about), work (or on).

与at连用的动词:对……感到有趣;到达;感到惊愕;惊叫;对……看一眼;猜测;敲(第 6课难点);看(第37课难点b);指向;感到震惊;盯着……看;感到惊讶;感到惊异;钻研。

cFOR: account, ask (or of), act(or on), apologize, blame, beg, call (SD 34), charge, exchange, hope, look, mistake, mourn, pay (SD 45b), prepare, provide, search, thank, vote (or on)(KS 22d), wait (or on).

与 for连用的动词:说明(原因);请求;代表;因……而道歉;责备;乞求;需要(第 34课难点);收费;交换;希望;寻找;误认为;哀悼;为……付款(第 45课难点 b);准备;提供;寻求;感谢;投票支持(第 22课关键句型);等候。

dWITH: agree, begin, communicate, compare (or to), compete (or against), comply, confuse, contrast(or to), cope,correspond, disgust(ed), finish, help(or in), interfere (or in), mix, occupy(ied), part, please(d), quarrel (or about),reason, satisfy (fied) (or by), threaten (ed).


Exercises 练习

APoint out verbs in the passage which are followed by to, at, or for.

找出课文中与 to, at, for连用的动词。

BSupply the missing words (to, at, for and with) without referring to the above lists as far as possible:

用 to, at, for或 with填空,尽可能不查以上动词表:

1I don't agree ______ you.

2She preferred ______ wait ______him.

3We have been corresponding ______ each other for years.

4How do you account ______ this?

5Do you object ______ my smoking?

6I'm surprised ______ you!present.

7You must reply ______ his letter.

8He has some important business to attend ________.

9Do you mean to say you exchanged that lovely carwater.

10Has it occurred ______ you that she must have arrived ______ London Airport by now?

11I was shocked ______ his indifference!

12You must comply ______ the rules of the game.

13Poor Mary! She has so much to cope ______!

14Please don't mention it ______ my husband, but I paid £50______ this hat.

15She was quite unprepared ______the news.

16Don't blame me ______ the accident!

17I'm disgusted ______ your behaviour!

18You forgot to thank Aunt Jane ______ her

19It is rude to stare ______ people.

20I'm not satisfied ______ your work.

21His debt now amounts ______ £100.

22Mix the contents of this packet ______ a little ________ this?

23I knocked ______ the door.

24Whom does this book belong ______?

25I reasoned ______ him, but he would not listen ______me.

26She's accustomed ______ living in comfort. She'll never part ______ her precious possessions.

27At what time will you call ______me? better.

28The spy surrendered himself ______ the enemy and was condemned______ death.

29I've looked ______ it everywhere, but I can't find it.

30I'll see ______ the cooking tonight.

31I must apologize ______ keeping you waiting. exercise?

32The class failed to respond ______ the teacher's new methods.

33He turned ______ me for help, even afterI had quarrelled ______ him.

34Like Micawber, I hope ______something

35Please apply ______ the secretary for information.

36There was a note attached ______ the parcel.

37Just guess ______the price of this carpet.

38How long have you been working ______this

39The concert began ______ a piece by an unknown composer.

40How much did they charge you ______ that?

Multiple choice questions 多项选择题

Comprehension 理解

1The man was discovered because ______.

a. a worker opened the box

b. the box was heavy

c. the box contained woollen goods, but was very heavy

d.he had hidden in the box

2The man had hidden in the box ______.

a. to get to Sydney

b. because it contained woollen goods

c. to avoid paying the fare from London to Sydney

d. because no one would find him


3Workers began ______ a number of wooden boxes.

a.unloadb. to unloading

c. unloaded d. unloading

4Which boxes contained clothing? ______.

a.The wooden b. The wood

c. The woody onesd. The wooden ones

5It occurred to him to open it. He thought ______it.

a.of opening b. to open

c. to have opened d.opening

6What did he find? He was surprised at what ______.

a.did he find b.he did find

c. he found d.he has found

7______ a ticket to Sydney? £2,000.

a. How many is b. How much is

c. How much has d. How much costs

Vocabulary 词汇

8The boxes contained clothing. They contained ______.

a. clothsb. cloth

c. clothes d. dresses

9No one could account for it. They couldn't ______ it.

a.explainb. estimate

c. interpretd. describe

10The man was lying on top of a ______of woollen goods.

a.carpet b.column

c.bag d.heap

11He admitted hiding in the box. He ______ it.

a. announcedb. described

c. confessedd. declared

12He had been confined to the box, so he ______.

a. couldn't moveb. could move

c. couldn't sleepd. couldn't run away


tea 发表于 2007-2-4 12:40:40
Summary writing 摘要写作

Answer these questions in not more than 70words.


1Where did the plane from London arrive? What did workers unload from it? (and)

2What did they contain?

3Was one of the boxes extremely heavy or not? What did a worker do? (so)

4What did he find on top of a pile of woollen goods?

5Was the man arrested or not?

6Had he travelled in the box from London or from Sydney?

7How much did he have to pay?

8How much does an ordinary ticket cost?

The plane from London arrived at Sydney and workers unload a number of wooden boxes in it.

They contained clothing.

One of the boxes was extremely heavy so a worker opened it up.

He found a man who was lying on top of a pile of woollen goods.

The man was arrested.

He had travelled in the box from London.

He had to pay $3,500.

An ordinary ticket costed $2,000.


Rewrite the following sentences using the joining words in parentheses:


1The man had had an uncomfortable trip. He was very hungry. (not only… but… as well)

2He had not eaten anything for thirteen hours. He had not drunk anything for thirteen hours. (neither… nor)

3Woollen goods cannot be eaten. At least they are soft. The man had had a few hours' sleep. (but… so)

The man had not only had an uncomfortable trip but was very hungry as well.

He had neither eaten nor drunk antthing for thirteen hours.

Woollen goods cannot be eaten, but at least they are soft, so the man had had a few hours's sleep.

Letter writing 书信写作

1Write your home address and the date in the way they would appear in a letter to a friend who lives abroad.


20 Caoyang St.,

Hefei City,

Anhui Province,


Feb. 4th, 2007.

2Write the address of a friend who lives abroad in the way it would appear in a letter to you.


21 Brook St.,




Key structures 关键句型

Verbs followed by to, at, for and with (Compare KS22)与 to, at, for和 with连用的动词(对比第22课关键句型)

We can put to, at, for and with after certain verbs.


对比: Compare:

I saw Tom yesterday. 昨天我见到了汤姆。

I shall see to the dinner tonight. (I shall prepare it.)今晚我做晚饭。

Use this list for reference:请参考下表:

aTo: accustom(ed), amount, appeal, apply(or for), attach(ed), attend, belong, challenge, compare (or with), condemn(ed),confess, confine, consent, convert, entitle(d), listen mention, object, occur, prefer, react(or against), reply, respond,see, submit, surrender, turn, yield.


bAT: amused. (or by), arrive (or in), astonish (ed)(or by), exclaim, glance, guess, knock(SD 6), look (SD 37b), point (or to), shock(ed)(or by), stare, surprise(d) (or by), wonder (or about), work (or on).

与at连用的动词:对……感到有趣;到达;感到惊愕;惊叫;对……看一眼;猜测;敲(第 6课难点);看(第37课难点b);指向;感到震惊;盯着……看;感到惊讶;感到惊异;钻研。

cFOR: account, ask (or of), act(or on), apologize, blame, beg, call (SD 34), charge, exchange, hope, look, mistake, mourn, pay (SD 45b), prepare, provide, search, thank, vote (or on)(KS 22d), wait (or on).

与 for连用的动词:说明(原因);请求;代表;因……而道歉;责备;乞求;需要(第 34课难点);收费;交换;希望;寻找;误认为;哀悼;为……付款(第 45课难点 b);准备;提供;寻求;感谢;投票支持(第 22课关键句型);等候。

dWITH: agree, begin, communicate, compare (or to), compete (or against), comply, confuse, contrast(or to), cope,correspond, disgust(ed), finish, help(or in), interfere (or in), mix, occupy(ied), part, please(d), quarrel (or about),reason, satisfy (fied) (or by), threaten (ed).


Exercises 练习

APoint out verbs in the passage which are followed by to, at, or for.

找出课文中与 to, at, for连用的动词。

BSupply the missing words (to, at, for and with) without referring to the above lists as far as possible:

用 to, at, for或 with填空,尽可能不查以上动词表:

1I don't agree ___with___ you.

2She preferred ___to___ wait ___for___him.

3We have been corresponding ___with___ each other for years.

4How do you account ___for___ this?

5Do you object __to____ my smoking?

6I'm surprised ____at__ you!present.

7You must reply ___to___ his letter.

8He has some important business to attend ___to_____.

9Do you mean to say you exchanged that lovely car __for___ this?.

10Has it occurred ___to___ you that she must have arrived __at____ London Airport by now?

11I was shocked ___at___ his indifference!

12You must comply ____with__ the rules of the game.

13Poor Mary! She has so much to cope ___with___!

14Please don't mention it ___to___ my husband, but I paid £50___for___ this hat.

15She was quite unprepared __for____the news.

16Don't blame me __for____ the accident!

17I'm disgusted ___with___ your behaviour!

18You forgot to thank Aunt Jane __for____ her

19It is rude to stare ___at___ people.

20I'm not satisfied ___with___ your work.

21His debt now amounts __to___ £100.

22Mix the contents of this packet ___with___ a littlewater.

23I knocked ___at___ the door.

24Whom does this book belong __to____?

25I reasoned __with____ him, but he would not listen __to____me.

26She's accustomed ___to___ living in comfort. She'll never part ___with___ her precious possessions.

27At what time will you call ___for___me? better.

28The spy surrendered himself _to_____ the enemy and was condemned__to____ death.

29I've looked __for___ it everywhere, but I can't find it.

30I'll see ___to___ the cooking tonight.

31I must apologize __for____ keeping you waiting.

32The class failed to respond ___to___ the teacher's new methods.

33He turned __to____ me for help, even afterI had quarrelled __with____ him.

34Like Micawber, I hope ___for___something

35Please apply ___to___ the secretary for information.

36There was a note attached ____to__ the parcel.

37Just guess __at____the price of this carpet.

38How long have you been working ___at___this exercise?

39The concert began __with____ a piece by an unknown composer.

40How much did they charge you ___for___ that?

Multiple choice questions 多项选择题

Comprehension 理解

1The man was discovered because ______.

a a worker opened the box

b. the box was heavy

c. the box contained woollen goods, but was very heavy

d.he had hidden in the box

2The man had hidden in the box ______.

a. to get to Sydney

b. because it contained woollen goods

c to avoid paying the fare from London to Sydney

d. because no one would find him


3Workers began ______ a number of wooden boxes.

a.unloadb. to unloading

c. unloadedd unloading

4Which boxes contained clothing? ______.

a.The wooden b. The wood

c. The woody ones d The wooden ones

5It occurred to him to open it. He thought ______it.

aof opening b. to open

c. to have opened d.opening

6What did he find? He was surprised at what ______.

a.did he find b.he did find

c he found d.he has found

7______ a ticket to Sydney? £2,000.

a. How many is b How much is

c. How much has d. How much costs

Vocabulary 词汇

8The boxes contained clothing. They contained ______.

a. clothsb. cloth

c clothes d. dresses

9No one could account for it. They couldn't ______ it.

aexplainb. estimate

c. interpretd. describe

10The man was lying on top of a ______of woollen goods.

a.carpet b.column


11He admitted hiding in the box. He ______ it.

a. announcedb. described

c confessedd. declared

12He had been confined to the box, so he ______.

a couldn't moveb. could move

c. couldn't sleepd. couldn't run away
上官飞飞 发表于 2007-2-15 17:19:21

Lesson 46 Expensive and uncomfortable 既昂贵又受罪

Lesson 46 Expensive and uncomfortable 既昂贵又受罪

Summary writing 摘要写作

Answer these questions in not more than 70words.


1Where did the plane from London arrive? What did workers unload from it? (and)

The plane from London arrived at Sydney and workers unloaded of wooden boxes from it.

2What did they contain?

They contained clothing.

3Was one of the boxes extremely heavy or not? What did a worker do? (so)

One of the boxes was extremely heavy so a worker opened it up.

4What did he find on top of a pile of woollen goods?

He found a man lying on top of a pile of woollen goods.

5Was the man arrested or not?

The man was arrested.

6Had he travelled in the box from London or from Sydney?

He had travelled in the box from London.

7How much did he have to pay?

He had to pay £3,500.

8How much does an ordinary ticket cost?

An ordinary ticket costs£2,000.

Composition 作文

Rewrite the following sentences using the joining words in parentheses:


1The man had had an uncomfortable trip. He was very hungry. (not only… but… as well)

The man not only had had an uncomfortable trip but was very hungry as well.

2He had not eaten anything for thirteen hours. He had not drunk anything for thirteen hours. (neither… nor)

He had neither eaten nor drunk anything for thirteen hours.

3Woollen goods cannot be eaten. At least they are soft. The man had had a few hours' sleep. (but… so)

Woollen goods cannot be eaten but at least they are soft so the man had a few hour's sleep.
上官飞飞 发表于 2007-2-15 17:45:59

Lesson 46 Expensive and uncomfortable 既昂贵又受罪

BSupply the missing words (to, at, for and with) without referring to the above lists as far as possible:

用 to, at, for或 with填空,尽可能不查以上动词表:

1I don't agree __with____ you.

2She preferred __to____ wait ___for___him.

3We have been corresponding __with____ each other for years.

4How do you account __for____ this?

5Do you object __to____ my smoking?

6I'm surprised ___at___ you!present.

7You must reply __to____ his letter.

8He has some important business to attend ___to_____.

9Do you mean to say you exchanged that lovely car for this.

10Has it occurred __to____ you that she must have arrived __at____ London Airport by now?

11I was shocked __at____ his indifference!

12You must comply __with____ the rules of the game.

13Poor Mary! She has so much to cope __with____!

14Please don't mention it __to____ my husband, but I paid £50_for___ this hat.

15She was quite unprepared __for____the news.

16Don't blame me __for____ the accident!

17I'm disgusted __with____ your behaviour!

18You forgot to thank Aunt Jane __for____ her

19It is rude to stare __at____ people.

20I'm not satisfied __with____ your work.

21His debt now amounts __to____ £100.

22Mix the contents of this packet __with_ a littlethis?

23I knocked __at____ the door.

24Whom does this book belong __to____?

25I reasoned _with_____ him, but he would not listen __to____me.

26She's accustomed ___to___ living in comfort. She'll never part _with_____ her precious possessions.

27At what time will you call __for____me? better.

28The spy surrendered himself __to____ the enemy and was condemned___to___ death.

29I've looked ___for___ it everywhere, but I can't find it.

30I'll see ___to___ the cooking tonight.

31I must apologize __for____ keeping you waiting. exercise?

32The class failed to respond __to____ the teacher's new methods.

33He turned ___to___ me for help, even afterI had quarrelled __with____ him.

34Like Micawber, I hope __for____something

35Please apply __to____ the secretary for information.

36There was a note attached ___to___ the parcel.

37Just guess __at____the price of this carpet.

38How long have you been working __at____this

39The concert began ___with___ a piece by an unknown composer.

40How much did they charge you ___for___ that?

Multiple choice questions 多项选择题

Comprehension 理解

1The man was discovered because ______.

a. a worker opened the box

b. the box was heavy

c. the box contained woollen goods, but was very heavy

d.he had hidden in the box

2The man had hidden in the box ______.

a. to get to Sydney

b. because it contained woollen goods

c. to avoid paying the fare from London to Sydney

d. because no one would find him


3Workers began ______ a number of wooden boxes.

a.unloadb. to unloading

c. unloaded d. unloading

4Which boxes contained clothing? ______.

a.The wooden b. The wood

c. The woody ones d. The wooden ones

5It occurred to him to open it. He thought ______it.

a.of opening b. to open

c. to have opened d.opening

6What did he find? He was surprised at what ______.

a.did he find b.he did find

c. he found d.he has found

7______ a ticket to Sydney? £2,000.

a. How many is b. How much is

c. How much has d. How much costs

Vocabulary 词汇

8The boxes contained clothing. They contained ______.

a. clothsb. cloth

c. clothes d. dresses

9No one could account for it. They couldn't ______ it.

a.explainb. estimate

c. interpretd. describe

10The man was lying on top of a ______of woollen goods.

a.carpet b.column

c.bag d.heap

11He admitted hiding in the box. He ______ it.

a. announcedb. described

c. confessedd. declared

12He had been confined to the box, so he ______.

a. couldn't moveb. could move

c. couldn't sleepd. couldn't run away

[ 本帖最后由 xinyuegegegood 于 2007-2-15 17:52 编辑 ]
健行见远 发表于 2009-9-10 20:52:50
Multiple choice questions 多项选择题

Comprehension 理解

1The man was discovered because ___a___.

a. a worker opened the box

b. the box was heavy

c. the box contained woollen goods, but was very heavy

d.he had hidden in the box

2The man had hidden in the box __c____.

a. to get to Sydney

b. because it contained woollen goods

c. to avoid paying the fare from London to Sydney

d. because no one would find him


3Workers began __c____ a number of wooden boxes.

a.unloadb. to unloading

c. unloaded d. unloading

4Which boxes contained clothing? ____d__.

a.The wooden b. The wood

c. The woody onesd. The wooden ones

5It occurred to him to open it. He thought _a_____it.

a.of opening b. to open

c. to have opened d.opening

6What did he find? He was surprised at what _c_____.

a.did he find b.he did find

c. he found d.he has found

7_____b_ a ticket to Sydney? £2,000.

a. How many is b. How much is

c. How much has d. How much costs

Vocabulary 词汇

8The boxes contained clothing. They contained ___c___.

a. clothsb. cloth

c. clothes d. dresses

9No one could account for it. They couldn't ___a___ it.

a.explainb. estimate

c. interpretd. describe

10The man was lying on top of a ___d___of woollen goods.

a.carpet b.column

c.bag d.heap

11He admitted hiding in the box. He ___c___ it.

a. announcedb. described

c. confessedd. declared

12He had been confined to the box, so he __a____.

a. couldn't moveb. could move

c. couldn't sleepd. couldn't run away
健行见远 发表于 2009-9-10 20:56:04
Composition 作文

Rewrite the following sentences using the joining words in parentheses:


1The man had had an uncomfortable trip. He was very hungry. (not only… but… as well)

2He had not eaten anything for thirteen hours. He had not drunk anything for thirteen hours. (neither… nor)

3Woollen goods cannot be eaten. At least they are soft. The man had had a few hours' sleep. (but… so)

1.The man had not only had an uncomfortable trip but was very hungry as well.

2.He had neither eaten nor drunk antthing for thirteen hours.

3.Woollen goods cannot be eaten, but at least they are soft, so the man had had a few hours's sleep.
健行见远 发表于 2009-9-10 21:00:46
Summary writing 摘要写作

Answer these questions in not more than 70words.


1Where did the plane from London arrive? What did workers unload from it? (and)

The plane from London arrived at Sydney and workers unloaded of wooden boxes from it.

2What did they contain?

They contained clothing.

3Was one of the boxes extremely heavy or not? What did a worker do? (so)

One of the boxes was extremely heavy so a worker opened it up.

4What did he find on top of a pile of woollen goods?

He found a man lying on top of a pile of woollen goods.

5Was the man arrested or not?

The man was arrested.

6Had he travelled in the box from London or from Sydney?

He had travelled in the box from London.

7How much did he have to pay?

He had to pay £3,500.

8How much does an ordinary ticket cost?

An ordinary ticket costs£2,000.
健行见远 发表于 2009-9-11 21:08:43
Exercises 练习

APoint out verbs in the passage which are followed by to, at, or for.

找出课文中与 to, at, for连用的动词。

BSupply the missing words (to, at, for and with) without referring to the above lists as far as possible:

用 to, at, for或 with填空,尽可能不查以上动词表:

1I don't agree ___with___ you.

2She preferred ___to___ wait ___for___him.

3We have been corresponding ___with___ each other for years.

4How do you account ___for___ this?

5Do you object __to____ my smoking?

6I'm surprised ____at__ you!present.

7You must reply ___to___ his letter.

8He has some important business to attend ___to_____.

9Do you mean to say you exchanged that lovely car __for___ this?.

10Has it occurred ___to___ you that she must have arrived __at____ London Airport by now?

11I was shocked ___at___ his indifference!

12You must comply ____with__ the rules of the game.

13Poor Mary! She has so much to cope ___with___!

14Please don't mention it ___to___ my husband, but I paid £50___for___ this hat.

15She was quite unprepared __for____the news.

16Don't blame me __for____ the accident!

17I'm disgusted ___with___ your behaviour!

18You forgot to thank Aunt Jane __for____ her

19It is rude to stare ___at___ people.

20I'm not satisfied ___with___ your work.

21His debt now amounts __to___ £100.

22Mix the contents of this packet ___with___ a littlewater.

23I knocked ___at___ the door.

24Whom does this book belong __to____?

25I reasoned __with____ him, but he would not listen __to____me.

26She's accustomed ___to___ living in comfort. She'll never part ___with___ her precious possessions.

27At what time will you call ___for___me? better.

28The spy surrendered himself _to_____ the enemy and was condemned__to____ death.

29I've looked __for___ it everywhere, but I can't find it.

30I'll see ___to___ the cooking tonight.

31I must apologize __for____ keeping you waiting.

32The class failed to respond ___to___ the teacher's new methods.

33He turned __to____ me for help, even afterI had quarrelled __with____ him.

34Like Micawber, I hope ___for___something

35Please apply ___to___ the secretary for information.

36There was a note attached ____to__ the parcel.

37Just guess __at____the price of this carpet.

38How long have you been working ___at___this exercise?

39The concert began __with____ a piece by an unknown composer.

40How much did they charge you ___for___ that?
shuizhongyue 发表于 2011-7-3 19:51:59

Rewrite the following sentences using the joining words in parentheses:

1The man had had an uncomfortable trip. He was very hungry.(not only ...but as well)

The man had not only had uncomfortable trip but was very hungry as well.

2He had not eaten anything for thirteen hours . He had not drunk anything for thirteen hours.(neither...nor)

He had neither eaten nor drunk anything for thirteen hours.

3Woollen goods cannot be eaten . At least they are soft. The man had had a few hours' sleep.( but...so)

Woollen goods cannot be eaten but at least they are soft so the man had had a few hours' sleep
shuizhongyue 发表于 2011-7-6 17:33:08

1. Write your home address and the date in the way they would appear ina letter to a friendwho lives aboard.

198 Hong Qi St.,

Nan Gang ,

Harbin ,


6th July 2011-

2Write the address of a friend who lives abroad in the way it would appear in a letter to you

132 Gordon St.



shuizhongyue 发表于 2011-7-6 18:30:03
Summary writing

Answer these questions in not more that 70 words

1Where did the plane from London arrive? What did workers unload from it?(and)

2What did they contain?

3Was one of the boxes extremely heavy or not? What did a worker do? (so)

4 What did he find on top of a pile of woollen goods?

5Was the man arrested or not?

6 Had he travelled in the box from London or from Sydney?

7 How much did he have to pay?

8 How much does an ordinary ticket cost?

The plane from London arrived at Sydney airport and workers beganto unload a number of wooden boxes.They caotained clothing .One of the boxes extremely heavy so a worker wanted to open up the box. Aman was lying in the box on top of a pile of woollen goods.

the man arrested.He had travelled in the box from London .The man was ordered to pay 3.500 for the cost of the trip. The normal price ofa ticket is 2.000!
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