






发布者: phantom | 发布时间: 2007-1-17 08:31| 查看数: 2157| 评论数: 0|

First Day on Campus


  It was my first day on campus. The Winona State University of Minnesota, a small but neat and clean school. I flew a long way from Bangladesh to be here. The whole place looks white from the plane as it was covered with snow. I knew from my brother that it's very cold in Minnesota as it is on the north. So I covered myself with warm clothes.

  I was nervous to be in a new place, but kind of curious too. A Bangladeshi student of WSU came to pick me up. I found myself in a new world, new people.

  It’s impossible now to express those feelings in words here. But I can tell you my experiences. I felt little comfortable when I saw some Bangladeshi students in the orientation. They were the representative of Bangladeshi student organization. I met students from different countries, like China, Japan, Africa, Iraq. I met one guy from Palestine. Time were moving with joy, I met a beautiful girl from South America who was really a nice person.

  We got a lunch break. First time in my life I got the opportunity to taste American food which looks nice but didn’t fulfill my appetite as I love rice and curry. But I know I have to depend on these foods. After lunch we were taken to visit the campus. Our group leader took us to different buildings and explained clearly. By this time I made some friends who are from Malaysia. I was enjoying every minute. We were also taken to a building to take pictures for our school I.D. I asked my group leader who was a Bangladeshi to take me to my dorm. I was kind of scared first as my roommate is an American. But when I met Riley (My roommate) I felt like he is one of us.

  The sun went to bed soon and I felt tired as I walked a long way in the snow and it’s freezing outside. I prepared my mind for the next day as I have to go to my first class at 8:30 in the morning. So time to go to bed.

  Such is my first day on campus.








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