





《口译教程》- Peter主讲

发布者: gsm0002 | 发布时间: 2007-1-21 10:07| 查看数: 9079| 评论数: 15|

Article one:

Hello, I'm Robert Brown from Standford University. I'm very happy to meet you here in this land ofwonder.

I've been looking forward to visiting your great country, and I feel very honored and pleased that i'll be working with my Chinese colleagues in the head office of your automobile group. As you know, this is my very first visit to China, and I'm here to witness with my own eyes the magical power of the once remoted "Oriental Dragon". You can image how excited I was when I received your invitation to join you in your project. Back in my college days, a professor of Oriental civilization introduced me to the wealth of Confucianism and Taoism, and by doing that he planted in the depth of my mind the inexplicable "China dream". And I'm even more excited now that I've set foot on the beautiful land of China, I've had my "China dream" for years and I'm here to realize this dream. Just think this charming cosmopolitan city is going to be my home for the remaining days of the year! There's so much to learn about this mysterious country, from the ancient civilization to the current reform. I'm really looking forward to my Chinese life.

I'll work closely with my Chinese colleagues on our research projects, through which I believe I'll realize my "China dream" in the most rewarding direction.

[ 本帖最后由 gsm0002 于 2007-1-22 11:36 编辑 ]


gsm0002 发表于 2007-1-21 11:08:31

Article two

Welcome to Shanghai, Dr. and Mrs. Hill. Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Mike Lee. I'm deputy managing director of the Sino-American Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. I've long heard of you and as a matter of fact, I referred to your research findings in a couple of my papers during my graduate studies.

It gives me such a great pleasure to meet you and your family here in Shanghai and I'm very glad that you're working with us for the next six months. We provide you with two lab assistants and if necessary, we would like to invite one of your associates to join us.

If you don't mind, we'd like to accommodate you in Holiday Inn, which is located in th down area, a thirty-minute drive from our lab. The company will pay for the hotel rooms. Our guest house, a small family-style apartment building, is also available to you if you decide to move out of the hotel. In any case, I'm sure you and your family will enjoy your stay in this city. We'll do everything we can to accommodate you and make you feel at home. If you should encounter any inconveniences in your life and work, do not hesitate to let me know and I'll be very glad to help you out.

Our managing director will host a reception banquet in your honour tonight, and we would like you and your family to come to the dinner.

I'll see you again then.
gsm0002 发表于 2007-1-21 11:11:05

Article three

Your Honor Mr. Mayor,

My Chinese friends,

Ladies and gentlemen,

I feel honored to come here on my first visit to your beautiful city. On behalf of all the members of my mission, I would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks to our host for their earnest invitation and gracious hospitality we have received since we set foot on this charming land. I'm also very happy that this visit has given me an excellent opportunity to convey to you and to the people of Shanghai warm greetings and sincere good wishes of the government and people of my country. Although we live with a distance of tens of thousands miles between us, "Long distance seperates no bosom friends",as one of your Tang poets said.

The whole world is watching with great interest the remarkable changes that are taking place in China, particularly in Shanghai. This is a great country with the fastest growing economy in the world. China's rise as one of the strongest economic powers in the Asian-Pacific region has attracted a growing number of business and financial giants in our country to invest in China, particularly to invest in a number of long-term projects in Shanghai and its surrounding areas. Over the last few years, there has never been any places other than Pudong that holds so much attraction for our people in the business community. It is with this awareness that we have come here to seek better ways of promoting our economic and financial cooperation. One of the objectives of my mission is to sign our Investment Protection Agreement. I'm also seeking feasibilities of establishing, through partnership with our Chinese colleagues, consultancy services for transnational cooperation in Shanghai.

Last but not the least, I would like to extend in person our official invitation to the mayor of Shanghai. We would like His Honor to visit the city of San Francisco at his earlist convenience, so as to give us an opportunity to return the warm reception and hospitality we enjoy here.

On the occassion of this reception, I wish Mr. Mayor and all our Chinese friends present here tonight good health!

Thank you!

[ 本帖最后由 gsm0002 于 2007-1-22 11:54 编辑 ]
gsm0002 发表于 2007-1-22 12:16:54

Article four

Your Excelleny Vice President and Mrs. Williams,

Our distinguished guests,

Ladies and gentlemen,

It's my privilege and great pleasure to host this banquet in honor of Vice President and Mrs. Williams and other distinguished guests...I would avail myself of this opportunity to extend my warm welcome to you all. A remark in the Analects of Confucius best expresses what I feel now, "It's such a great delight that I have friends visiting from afar". Evidently, Vice President William's current visit has demonstrated his Excellency's determination to further enhance the friendly and cooperative relations between our two countries. I'm deeply convinced that frequent exchanges of visits between the top government officials of the two countries are beneficial not only to the improvement of our relations, but also to the peace and stability of the Asian-Pacific region and the world as a whole.

Over the years since the establishment of the diplomatic relationship between our two countries. We have carried out sincere and resultful cooperation in political, economic, trade, cultural, educational, scientific and technological, public health and other fields. In particular,our cooperation in off-shore oil exploration and automobile industry have been advancing rapidly ever since the exchange of visits between your Prime Minister and our Premire. We are satisfied with the development in these areas, and willing to make further efforts with your government and people to push these cooperative relations to a new height.

Currently, China is engaged in a national drive for an unprecedented economic reform. It would not be possible for this grand reform program to yield successful results, if China should be deprived of domestic social-political stability, of an international environment,of peace and developments, and of economic and technical cooperation between China and other countries. It is our common wish to seek sustained world peace and global economic prosperity. It is in the spirit of safeguarding world peace and ensuring mutual development and prosperity that we have make our current foreign policies, as well as economic and trade policies, and wish to promote our relations with any other countries.

In closing, I would like you to join me in a toast.

To the health of Vice President and Mrs. Williams.

To the health of all our distinguished guests.

To the lasting friendship and cooperation between our two countries.

To the peace and properity of the world.

gsm0002 发表于 2007-1-22 13:06:38

Article five

Respectable Madam Chairperson,

Representatives of the conference,

Ladies and gentlemen,

In this most beautiful autumn season, we welcome in Beijing the opening of the Fourth World

Conference on Women, the largest and one of the the important international meetings of its kind in world history. Representatives from 185 UN member states, from the United Nations and

international organizations, of various regions, as well as from over 2,000 non-governmental

groups, gather together to make a solemn promise that they will take rapid action to eliminate

discrimination against women, so that they can quickly enjoy with men to create and share peace

and prosperity of the 21st century.

Equality between men and women is fully justified. Back in the early days of human history,

women and men jointly built their homelands, shared with wild fruits and trophies and brought up the younger generation. However, for many centuries women were denied the basic right to equality with them, and deprived of their dignity and the decision-making power over affairs of the state and of the family. The world has long been under the control of men. Regarded unfortunetely as second-class citizens, women are frequently subject to discrimination, violence and humiliation.

However, things will eventually return to their original nature. Today, equality between men and

women is generally recognized as a basic human right by the international community and has

been written into the charter of UN. Over the past half century, intuitive men and courageous women across the world have made tremendous efforts and to a large extent, succeeded in enabling

females, who make up half of humanity, to regain equal rights with men.

We place our hope on the current World Conference on Women because it will take more

effective steps to speed up the process of enhancing the status of women worldwide, so that men

and women across the world will enter 21st century in equal partnership. We place our hope on the conference because we believe it will promote mutual understanding and friendly changes between various nations, particularly between women, so that countries around the wprld will also share

equal partnership.

We hope that the conference will become a brilliant landmark of promoting the civilization, peace,and progress of humanity. For this, we warmly herald the opening of the Fourth World Conference On Women and wish the conference a complete success.

Thank you!

[ 本帖最后由 gsm0002 于 2007-1-31 14:57 编辑 ]
happylynn 发表于 2007-1-24 03:12:51

gsm0002, could you plz give us a brief introduction of Peter first?

Thanks very much!
fairy 发表于 2007-1-24 15:04:19

It took me neally 40 minutes to understand all the arcticles .
fairy 发表于 2007-1-24 15:13:23
By the way ,could you please tell me what's the Chinese in Tang poiets "Long distance seperates no bosom friends"
gsm0002 发表于 2007-1-25 11:32:30

回复 #8 fairy 的帖子

海内存知己,天涯若比邻 - A bosom friend afar brings distance near (or Long distance separates no Bosom friends).
fairy 发表于 2007-1-25 19:20:18
Thanks very much ,gsm0002
gsm0002 发表于 2007-1-31 16:48:13

Article six

Honorable Mr. Chairman,

Ladies and gentlemen,

The world today asks for global cooperation to fight a common war against poverty.

The recent concerning of the United Nations World Summit for Social Development in Copenhagen bore witness to the need for the world community to pool their efforts to fight poverty.

Poverty remains a major challenge facing the world today, United Nations Statistics show that 20 percent of the world's population currently live below the poverty line.

In the past century, many developing countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America have achieved remarkable successes in their economic and social development, especially somenewly industrialized nations arising in Asia and Latin America. Developing countries as a whole have reduced their economic disparity against the developed ones, but the gap between the rich and the poor as well as between the extremes of wealth and poverty in some developing countries has not fundamentally improved. Last year, the per capita GNP of developed countries was US$16,610, whereas that of developing countries was only US$950, or 5.7 percent of the former. Specially the per capita GNP of Switzerland reached US$36,410, the highest level in the world, whereas the per capita CNP of Mozanbique, the poorest country, was only US$80.

Twenty years ago the United Nations defined 25 least developed countries, and the number has increased to 48 today. A recent survey by the UN International Fund for Agricultural Development shows that in 114 developing contries, 1 billion people amongthe total 4 billion population live below the poverty line, 40 percent more than what was reported in a similar survey conducted 40 years ago. Major reasons for the sustained poverty in some African and South Asian countries invlove the backward economic infrustructure, frequent natural disasters, too rapid population growth, heavy debt burden, political turbulence and the chaos caused by war.

Poverty, to a less extent, is also found in Western countries, such as the phenomena of a widening gap between the rich and the poor, an increase in the number of people living below the poverty line and serious unemployment. Relative poverty is an officially recognized phenomena in Western countries. For example, a recent report issued by the Food and Nutrition Service under the US Department of Agriculture reveals that more than 27 milion Americans or 10 percent of the US population, rely on food stamps provided by the government.

Entering the 1990s, with the end of cold war, all people hope to stop turbulence and, furthemore, to develop their economies and improve their living standards. Peace and development have become two major topics in today's world. As the economies internationalize, an international coordinating mechanism mediating among developed countries has been set up; economic cooperation between developing and developed countries has also been enhanced; and the United Nations, the World Bank and other global organizations have played a positive role in coordinating international economic order and in helping poor countries make economic and technological progress. Apparently,it has become the common desire and the general trend for all people in the world to win peace and development while removing turbulence and poverty. Let us work together to make tomorrow a better day for all of us.

Thanks you, Mr. Chairman!

[ 本帖最后由 gsm0002 于 2007-1-31 17:28 编辑 ]
gsm0002 发表于 2007-1-31 16:49:31

Article seven

Ladies and gentlemen,

I would like to take this opportunity to report on the development of recent European Union meeting, at which the EU made great strides in developing Euro-Chinese relations; enhancing cooperation with China and improving the image of Europe in china.

Specifically, the EU will institutionalize regular exchange of opinions with China on issues of mutual concern. On trade, the EU will conduct dialogues with China on monetary and financial policies; encourage China to join the NTO and other international economic organizations; and provide service to European companies that are willing to enter the Chinese market. Mutual cooperation includes such promising fields as legal construction, technical and professional training, intellectual property protection, poverty alleviation, environmental protection and information networking.

The EU has formed a positive judgment on China's overall situation and the country's role in international affairs. We highly value China's achievements over the last decade, and we are aware that China is undergoing profound and dramatic transformation in its social-economic development, a process in which the EU can playa major role. China is one of the fastest growing economies in the world today. The development of our cooperative relations with China is a wise and necessary approach, because a strong and stable China agrees with the strategic interests of the EU.

Here I would like to emphasize that this policy did not come at a surprise. Recently, the EU adopted a new strategy toward Asia at a summit meeting in Germany. That strategy admitted that Asia is at a stage of economic take-off and that Europe is lagging behind the US and Japan in developing ties with Asia. It called for stronger political dialogues with Asia and an enhanced European presence in the region. The EU has realized that it can no longer be satisfied with simple statements, but should place more emphasis on real action. This determination can be seen clearly in our new policy. For example, the EU intends to increase the number of meetings at the ministerial and ambassordorial level to bring China into the international community and cooperate with it in resolving regional disputes. It also plans to create a China Export Group to faciliate the development of joint projects between Europe and China, and to open a Business Council office in Beijing. At any rate, the new strategy has brightened up the outlook for Euro-China relations.

With that I would like to stop here. Thank you for your attention.

[ 本帖最后由 gsm0002 于 2007-1-31 17:31 编辑 ]
gsm0002 发表于 2007-2-1 12:04:38

Article eight

Article eight

Ladies and gentlemen,

The new year is around the corner, bringing us a step closer to the promising 21st cetury. I would like to extend my New Year's greetings to all my guests and wish everyone good health and all the best in the new year!

Safeguarding world peace and promoting mutual prosperity are still the most important tasks today facing the people across the world. China, like many other nations, will continue to work towards these ends. All along China's fronties, the hostile, silence and suspicion of the past have given way to harmony and prosperity.

While representing only a small part of China's total foreign trade volume, the rapid development of border trade has clearly shown that the practice of reforming and opening to the outside world is

spreading in China from the coastal provinces further into the country's interior. The leaders in Beijing have decided to open many formerly closed areas to the world, establish new trading ports and make it easier for China's neighbors to exchange goods and services. The ancient Silk Road is now

regaining its former prosperity and has become a new bridge for economic cooperation with other

nations. Some cooperation can work only on a basis of equality and mutual benefit, this new opening will not only help improve the situation on China's fronties, but benefit tremendously many other

countries as well.

The development of border trade is only one minor success in China's policy of peace and common prosperity. It has always been an integral part of China's Foreign Policy to develop friendly ties and been a friendly neighbor to the rest of Asia and the world. The past decade has witnessed the

continuation of this policy. Through an exchange of visits with other state leaders, traditional friendship has been consolidated and bilateral relations have improved, and with some countries normal

diplomatic ties have been resumed. As for the territorial border disputes, many of them have been

peacefully resolved and other matters of mutual concenr have made considerable headway as a result of peaceful negotiation. China's relations with its neighbor countries are better than ever before. This is undoubtablly in the best interests of the Chinese people and of the peoples in the countries. So that they may have a safe environment in which they will go about building better lives.

In the new year the Chinese people of all nationalities will remain united. Adhering to the policy of reform and opening and to the idea of building a socialist market economy, China will make every

effort to develop and improve the lives of her citizens. At the same time, as a powerful force in

maintaining world peace, China will continue to make her contributions to world peace and


电脑凡凡 发表于 2007-6-3 11:05:07
上官飞飞 发表于 2007-7-4 18:12:33
849634 发表于 2007-7-11 13:44:04

Thanks very much ,gsm0002
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