





和“芥末”一起学英语 —— On the side

发布者: 芥末膏 | 发布时间: 2007-3-15 09:16| 查看数: 3982| 评论数: 1|

On the side

When we have meals at western restaurants, you may often be asked what dressing you'd like to have with your salad. You would then give your preference to the servers. Normally they will put the dressing on the salad when they bring the dish to you. But some customers prefer to have the dressing placed in a small plate instead of putting them all on the salad. In this situation, what do you need to say to the servers?

You need to say: Could I have the dressing on the side? They will then give you another small plate with dressing to accompany with the salad.

Got it? In Chinese, it's like: 单独给上一个调料。I think it's also a very useful phrase in a Chinese restaurant when you have to say in English.


kevin.yu 发表于 2008-7-11 13:05:27
Could I have the dressing on the side?

Could I have some beer on the side?
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