





Lesson 77 A successful operation 一例成功的手术

发布者: tea | 发布时间: 2007-3-27 12:35| 查看数: 5461| 评论数: 0|

Summary writing摘要写作

Write a summary of the passage in not more than 70 words. Write two different paragraphs using the points and connections given below.



Write two paragraphs in about 150 words using the ideas given below:


1A mummy disappeared from a museum----newspaper reports----strange stories about the mummy----the public got alarmed.

2An officlal announcement was issued from the museum----scientists were studying the mummy----it would be back in its place soon.

Key structures关键句型

What happened? What has happened? What has been happening?(KS5,29,53)



AUnderline all the verbs in the passage which tell us what happened, what has happened, and what has been happening.


BGive the correct form of the verbs in parentheses. Do not refer to the passage until you finish the exercise:


The mummy of an Egyptian woman who____(die) in 800 B. C. just____ (have) an operation. As there ____(be) strange marks on the X-ray plates taken of the mummy, doctors____ (try) to find out whether the woman____ (die) of a rare disease. The only way to do this____ (be) to operate. The operation, which____ (last) for over four hours,____ (prove) to be very difficult. The doctors____ (remove)a section of the mummy and____ (send) it to a laboratory. They also____ (find) something which the X-ray plates not____ (show). The doctors not____ (decide) yet how the woman____ (die).They____ (fear) that the mummy would fall to pieces when they____ (cut) it open, but fortunately this not____ (happen). The mummy successfully____ (survive) the operation.

CSupply since, for or ago in the following sentences:

since, forago填空:

1He stayed with us____ two weeks.

2She arrived two weeks ____.

3I have not seen him____ Monday.

4He has been ringing up continually____ lunchtime.

5We waited____ ages.

6He left a month____ and I have not seen him____ then.

7It has not rained____ March.

8My grandparents lived here a long time ____.

9I have not heard from him____ 1993.

10We have been working on this new plane____ over a year now.

Special difficulties难点

Words often confused经常容易混淆的词

Study these examples:


aB.C and A.D

The mummy of an Egyptian woman who died in 800 B. C..(1.1)

Julius Caesar died in 44 B. C.朱利时斯·凯撒死于公元前44年。

William the Conqueror invaded Britain in A.D.1066.威廉征服者于公元1066年入侵英国。


Hard resin covered the skin.(11.7-8)

This briefcase is made of leather. 这个公文包是皮做的。

Look at her rosy cheeks. She has a lovely complexion.看看她那玫瑰色的面颊。她的肤色太美了。

cWax(蜡)and Candle(蜡烛).

a small wax figure of the god Duamutef(11.9-10)

The lights went out so we lit candles.灯灭了,所以我们点燃了蜡烛。


Choose the correct words in the following sentences:选择正确的词:

1Even though she is old, she still has a good(skin)(complexion).

2These seat covers are made of(skin)(leather).3 A baby's (skin) (leather) is very soft.

4It is pleasant to have a meal by (candle) (wax) light.

5Homer lived around 800 (A. D.) (B. C.)

Multiple choice questions多项选择题


1Doctors operated on the mummy ____.

(a) to find out what the woman had died of

(b) to find out what was inside it

(c) to remove a small wax figure of the god, Duamutef

(d) because the woman died of a rare disease

2The doctors ____.

(a) found out what they were looking for

(b) couldn't prevent the mummy from falling to pieces

(c) haven't yet found out what they were looking for

(d) expected to find the small wax figure inside the mummy


3What did the woman die of? ____did the woman die?

(a) How

(b) Where

(c) What

(d) When

4The only way to do this There was only one way____ doing this.

(a) in

(b) of

(c) by

(d) to

5The operation proved to be very difficult. It proved to be ____operation.

(a) difficult

(b) the difficult

(c) a difficult

(d) difficult the

6It was difficult because of the hard resin ____the skin.

(a) covered

(b) which covering

(c) in covering

(d) covering

7They haven't decided yet. They are ____undecided.

(a) even

(b) yet

(c) more

(d) still

Vocabulary 词汇

8An operation is usually performed by a____.

(a) doctor

(b) dentist

(c) scientist

(d) surgeon

9There were strange ____on the X-ray plates.

(a) markings

(b) notes

(c) signs

(d) messages

10They wanted to know if the woman had died of a rare ____.

(a) illness

(b) pain

(c) ache

(d) hurt

11The operation lasted for over four hours. That's how long it ____.

(a) went

(b) went on

(c) went over

(d) went off

12There was a small wax figure in it. It was ____.

(a) a carving

(b) a shape

(c) a number

(d) a body


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