





Lesson 78 The last one? 最后一枝吗?

发布者: tea | 发布时间: 2007-3-27 12:36| 查看数: 4180| 评论数: 0|

Summary writing摘要写作

In not more than 80 words, deseribe the writer's experiences. Write two different paragraphs using the points and connections given below.



Write two paragraphs in about 150 words using the ideas given below:


1Two young boys wanted to smoke ---- took two cigarettes from father's packet ---- went and hid in the garage.

2They lit the cigarettes ---- smoke and coughing ---- father saw smoke coming from garage ---- rushed down ---- smiled when he saw boys ---- offered them cigars ---- the boys accepted them ---- both very sick.

Letter writing书信写作

Arrange the following heading in the correct order. Put in full stops and commas where necessary:


Brisbane/ 15 Gower St/ 24th April 19----/ Australia/ Queensland

Key structures关键句型

A and The 冠词 (KS6, 30, 54) (复习63054课关键句型)


APut in a(n) or the where necessary. Do not refer to the passage until you finish the exercise:

在需要的地方填上a (n)the,完成练习后再对照课文,核对你的答案:

After reading ____article entitled____Cigarette Smoking and Your Health I lit ____cigarette to calm my nerves. I smoked with ____concentration and____ pleasure as I was sure that this would be my last cigarette. For____ whole week I did not smoke at all and during this time my wife suffered terribly. I had all____ usual symptoms of someone giving up ____smoking:____ bad temper and ____enormous appetite. My friends kept on offering me____ cigarettes and ____cigars. They made no effort to hide their amusement whenever I produced ____packet of____ sweets from my pocket. After seven days of this I went to____ party.

BWrite sentences using a, the, some or any with the following:

用以下短语与a the someany造句:

1Making coffee. Do you want ?

2Exports/ increase/ this year.

3Afraid/ thunder/ lightning.

4Boy/ sent/ school/ deaf.

5Tax laws/ help/ rich.

6Spend evening/ listen/ music.

7Crime/ not pay.

8Like/ apple or orange?

9Are you/ artist or musician?

10Take/ sugar/ tea?

Special difficulties难点

The verb keep has a different meaning in each of these sentences. Study them carefully:

在下列句子中keep 有不同的含义。

My friends kept on offering me cigarettes. (1.7) (Continued.)

Please keep off the grass. (Do not walk on it.)


He kept away from the party. (He did not come.)


Under my essay, the teacher wrote, Good work! Keep it up! (Continue making an effort.)


He ran so fast, I could not keep up with him. (I could not remain beside him.)


A big notice on the door said, Keep out! (Do not come in.)


The cat was kept in during the fireworks. (It was made to stay indoors.)



Supply the missing words in the following sentences:


1I think he kept____ ____the meeting on purpose.

2Keep ____the floor. I have just finished scrubbing it.

3He has just begun a diary. I wonder how long he will keep it ____.

4He kept____ making the same mistake.5 We keep Tim ____ of the room because Betty has measles.

6Most people spend their lives trying to keep____ ____their neighbours.

7Three children were kept ____after school for being noisy in class.

Multiple choice questions多项选择题


1What prompted the writer to give up smoking?

(a) Something he had read.

(b) His health.

(c) Something he had heard.

(d) Something his wife said.

2The writer ____.

(a) succeeded in giving up smoking for good

(b) began smoking again to please his wife

(c) only gave up smoking for a short time

(d) started smoking again because he didn't like sweets


3Did he____ a cigarette?

(a) lit

(b) light

(c) lighted

(d) lighting

4He smoked with concentration. He concentrated____ it.

(a) with

(b) on

(c) in

(d) for

5He had an enormous appetite. He ____.

(a) had hungry

(b) had hunger

(c) was hungry

(d) hungered

6They kept on offering him cigarettes. They ____.

(a) continued to do this

(b) did so

(c) kept them

(d) held them

7Everybody around him was smoking. ____ smoking.

(a) They was all

(b) They all was

(c) They were all

(d) All of them was

Vocabulary 词汇

8He had a bad temper. He was in a bad ____.

(a) spirit

(b) mood

(c) feeling

(d) disposition

9They made no effort to hide their amusement. They ____.

(a) didn't try to

(b) didn't afford to

(c) couldn't afford to

(d) didn't have a trial

10I produced a packet of sweets from my pocket. I took one ____.

(a) off

(b) out

(c) out of

(d) from

11Brian urged me to accept a cigarette. He tried to____ me to have one.

(a) make

(b) pursue

(c) persuade

(d) do

12He urged me to accept a cigarette. He wanted me to____ one.

(a) take

(b) agree to

(c) receive

(d) undertake

Sentence structure句子结构

Join these sentences, then check your answer against the text.


They made no effort to hide their amusement. I produced a packet of sweets from my pocket.


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