





Lesson 87 A perfect alibi 极好的不在犯罪现场的证据

发布者: tea | 发布时间: 2007-3-27 12:41| 查看数: 4399| 评论数: 0|

Summary writing摘要写作

In not more than 80 words show how the inspector proved that the man's alibi was false. Write two different paragraphs using the points and connections given below.



Continue the conversation begun in the passage. Write about 150 words using the ideas given below:


The man suddenlyrememberedthat he had caught the later train----didn't he notice anything unusual?----not unusual for a train to be late----how did he spend the time?----waited on the platform for 25 minutes----read a newspaper----the inspector suggested that the man was lying----a neighbour saw him leave the house at 8.15, just after the murder----the man was arrested.

Letter writing书信写作

The Signature How you sign your name depends on how well you know the person you are writing to. You may use ending.



Write suitable letter-endings and signatures to the following:


Your sister; your wife or husband; your employer; a close friend.

Key structures关键句型

He said thatHe told meHe asked…间接引语(KS153963)(复习第153963课关键句型)


AImagine that you are writing a newspaper report of the conversation that took place between the man and the inspector. Answer these questions on the passage. Where necessary, use the words given in parentheses:


Lines 1-2

What did the man say he was doing at the time the murder was committed?

Line 3

What did the inspector ask him?

Lines 4-5

Did the man say that he did or that he didn't? At what time did he have to be at work? (because)

What would his employer confirm?

Lines 6-7

What did the inspector ask him then?

Line 8

What did the man suppose? Did he ever catch a later train? (but)

Line 9

What did the inspector ask?

Line 10

At what time did the man say he had arrived at the station? What did he do there? (He added that he )

Lines 11-12

What did the inspector ask him? Did the man say that he had or that he hadn't? (when the inspector asked himthe man)

Line 13

What did the inspector suggest?

Lines 13-16

What did the inspector point out?

BHere is part of a report that appeared in a newspaper. Write the actual conversation that took place between the man and the inspector. Do not refer to the passage until you finish the exercise. (SD26)


At the time the murder was committed, the man said that he was travelling on the 8 o'clock train to London. The inspector asked if he always caught such an early train. The man answered that he did. He had to be at work at 10 o'clock. His employer would confirm that he was there on time. Then the inspector asked him if a later train would get him to work on time. The man supposed that a later train would get him to work on time but he never caught a later train. The inspector asked him what time he arrived at the station. The man said that he had arrived there at tento eight. He added that he bought a paper and waited for the train. When the inspector asked him if he had noticed anything unusual, the man said that he had not.Multiple choice questions多项选择题


1The man thought his alibi was perfect because _____.

(a) he caught the 8 o'clock train

(b) he was at the station at 7.50

(c) he arrived at work on time

(d) his employer knew he always caught the 8 o'clock train

2The 8 o'clock train broke down that morning _______.

(a) when the man was on it

(b) and it arrived late

(c) and the man knew this very well

(d) so the inspector knew the man was lying


3He was travelling to London. He works ________ London.

(a) at

(b) to

(c) in

(d) on

4He catches an early train. He ____ every day.

(a) uses to

(b) used to

(c) is accustomed to

(d) always does

5The man wasn't telling the truth. He was ______ a lie.

(a) telling

(b) saying

(c) talking

(d) speaking

6He didn't catch the train that leaves _______ 8 o'clock.

(a) on

(b) ----

(c) at

(d) in

7It broke down so the man _____ it.

(a) can't catch

(b) mightn't catch

(c) couldn't have caught

(d) mightn't have caught


8Of course I do, _______the man.

(a) replied

(b) responded

(c) returned

(d) told

9My employer will _____that I was there on time.

(a) assure

(b) be sure

(c) make sure

(d) certify

10He didn't notice anything unusual. He didn't notice anything

(a) out of the ordinary

(b) unused

(c) unaccustomed

(d) inquisitive

11And you didn't notice anything unusual?’‘_______not.

(a) Certainly

(b) Surely

(c) Doubtlessly

(d) Truly

12He didn't catch the 8 o' clock train. He ______it.

(a) lost

(b) didn't find

(c) escaped

(d) missed

Sentence structure句子结构

Rewrite this sentence, then check your answer against the text. 改写以下句子,然后对照课文第13行,核对你的答案。

In my opinion you are not telling the truth.

I suggest _____________________________________________.


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