






发布者: yingy1ng | 发布时间: 2010-10-29 19:44| 查看数: 1076| 评论数: 0|

  Lindsay Lohan is reportedly "struggling to cope" while in rehab for the fourth time.

  The Machete actress is currently undergoing treatment for drug abuse at the Betty Ford Clinic in California and is said to be finding life at the facility lonely. However, she's using the time to try to get her career back on track.


  A source said: “At the moment she is finding it tough being in rehab and she misses her friends and family. She only has one hour of Internet access per day and she is using this to stay in the loop with her family and friends while trying to do some career stuff too.

  正在加利福利亚洲的Betty Ford疗养院接受根除毒瘾治疗的林赛-罗汉生活寂寞无助。而将院中精力都投入服装设计的她极力想挽回危在旦夕的事业。有知情人士透露,“她发现这次入院的经历相当的难熬,林赛十分地想念家人与朋友。她每天仅有一个小时的时间可以和他们在网上交流。”

  “Lindsay has not made any great friends inside the clinic, she is just trying to keep her head down and get on with things.”


  Lindsay -- who voluntarily entered the facility last month -- was told by a court last week that she must stay in rehab until January 3 and the troubled actress has been warned by Judge Elden Fox and her lawyer that this is her last chance at avoiding a long jail sentence.

  Judge Fox told the troubled actress -- who broke the terms of her probation when she failed two drugs tests for cocaine and amphetamines in September -- she would face six months in prison if she provided another positive drugs test before her next court appearance.

  Her lawyer Shawn Chapman Holley reportedly reiterated the judge’s words to Lindsay because “she wanted her to know the consequences if she messed-up again."


  The source added that Lindsay is “taking the counseling seriously though and knows that she is in a place where she is getting help for her problems.”



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