






发布者: christlulu | 发布时间: 2007-3-29 14:25| 查看数: 6840| 评论数: 3|



请看新华网相关报道:World champion Lin Dan seemed used up after a heart-stirring battle against Indonesian Olympic champion Taufik Hidayat on Monday.

"I failed to win the game in the opening set and I played below par in the final set," said a depressed Lin.

报道中的“to play below par”指“发挥失常,表现欠佳”,有时也可写做“to play under par”。

“Par”做名词时,常用来指“一般标准,一般水平”,相应的,below/under par表示“未达到期望值”或“低于一般水平”,而above par则用来形容“高于一般水准”。同时,“par”还可用作形容词,指“一般的”,如“par performance”(水平一般的表演)。

在商业术语中,“par”指“(股票的)票面价值”,常和介词at搭配,如:to sold the bond at par(照票面价值出售这张债券)。相应的,above par/below par指“高于票面价值/低于票面价值”。


adia404 发表于 2007-3-29 16:40:45
today, i played above par in the football match against your team, i played a hat trick.
zjj302 发表于 2007-3-29 21:32:11
kevin 发表于 2007-3-30 16:19:02
par 用法补充

▲If you say that two people or things are on a par with each other, you mean that they are equally good or bad, or equally important.

e.g.Parts of Glasgow are on a par with the worst areas of London and Liverpool for burglaries.

▲If you say that someone or something is not up to par, you are disappointed in them because they are below the standard you expected.

e.g.His performance was not up to par.

It's a constant struggle to try to keep them up to par.

▲If you say that something that happens is par for the course, you mean that you are not pleased with it but it is what you expected to happen.

e.g. He said long hours are par for the course.

△ par excellence

You say that something is a particular kind of thing par excellence in order to emphasize that it is a very good example of that kind of thing.

e.g.He has been a meticulous manager, a manager par excellence.

Also an adverb.

Bresson is par excellence the Catholic film-maker.
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