






发布者: katy | 发布时间: 2010-11-2 07:39| 查看数: 3019| 评论数: 9|

What do you think of “the third wheel” in romance?


Some say men become corrupted once they get wealthy. It makes sense somewhat. Many well-to-do men will have an affair with another woman against their wives. Some think “the third wheels” are flagrant, while some believe they are innocent.


View A: the third wheel is reprehensible since they have destroyed others’ family. What do they intend for? Isn’t it money that they desire for? Do they really fall in love with a man who is 20 years older? The harmonious family will not be destroyed when there is no “third wheel”!


View B: the involvement of the third wheel proves there is something wrong with the couple. It may indicate the end of romance and the two have to separate. It is better to be resolute to get divorced if they have no kids…


View C: the third wheel is more seriously hurt than anyone else. When the wife finds her husband having an affair, the husband has to return to his wife. The third wheel has to suffer two kinds of sorrow: the wife may condemn her; the man who was always declaring that he loves her may change abruptly by saying that she has seduced him and then ascribe everything to her.


What do you think of “the third wheel” in romance? What will you do to avoid “the third wheel”?




goodboylilibo 发表于 2010-11-2 10:02:34

Not onlymanandwoman,heorsheareallshouldavoid it .


参与人数 1鲜花 +20 收起 理由
katy006688 + 20


sookie 发表于 2010-11-2 10:03:57
Dont do the third wheels for yourself as possible as you can,protect you away from the harm.we are the girls , we have feelings ,maybe sometimes we dont know the feeling come-outothers families...


参与人数 1鲜花 +20 收起 理由
katy006688 + 20


C.Bei 发表于 2010-11-2 12:48:09
It depends on what's the attitude you put intoif you played a role as"the 3rd wheel",and how much you afford within your love.Love is pretty perfect in our lives.The real pure love is gracious and innocent even though you're not into a right role in love.But in other hand,don't try to break up the others' happy life to achieve some selfish purposes.that's enough.


参与人数 1鲜花 +20 收起 理由
katy006688 + 20


C.Bei 发表于 2010-11-2 12:54:03
Anyway,don't lose your heart if the man can't promise you anything.the real responsible man won't touch you without any promise.
piejesu 发表于 2010-11-2 16:42:06
I have heared one word--------" I can resist anything but temptation---Oscar Fingal O'Flahe"

So, the "extramarital affairs"seems to be one oftemptation for the married.

In my view, as a maturer, we should pay attention to the sense of respnosibility.


参与人数 1鲜花 +10 收起 理由
katy006688 + 10


Morpheus 发表于 2010-11-2 23:46:24
回复 2# goodboylilibo

{:soso_e141:} yes? it is man's nature to love the young and beauty woman, there is nothing can stand up with the test of time, love is aslo cna't escape{:soso_e151:}
Morpheus 发表于 2010-11-2 23:50:56
回复 5# C.Bei


yes? lots of woman give their virginity the men voluntarily? even a man of integrity can't bear a pretty woman 's lure, not to mention the other vicious guy{:soso_e151:} , so this is woman's fault
Morpheus 发表于 2010-11-2 23:55:40
{:soso_e141:}as I see, we can't conclude who is right or wrong in such thing, if a family was undermined by another woman, it is just proved that there has had something problems in this family, of course some girls are eager to attract some successful man by their young and pretty in order to lead a comfortable life, maybe this phenomenon is induced by deeper social problems, moral decline, young guys want to get everything without any effort,
1029899932 发表于 2010-11-4 12:47:21
我 think小三啊她们从一方面看是悲剧的但是他们对love的追求甚至是 withtheirheart所以说也是幸福的但是现实的他们确实悲剧的
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