






发布者: christlulu | 发布时间: 2007-5-4 21:01| 查看数: 3344| 评论数: 9|



Nowhere in the world has the issue of wild animals been so much debated as in our society. Nowadays, the habitat of wild animals is being destroyed, but many people think that it to be insignificant to protect these wild animals. The above point is absolutely wrong, this essay will outline three reasons.

The main reason is that people should not master existent right of animals. Not only people but also wild animals have the right to live. More and more wild animals are rapidly disappearing from this globe, it couldn’t be divided with that natural environment was destroyed. It is unfair to wild animals whose existent rights are being ignored.

Another reason is that biologic diversity should be protected. In the future, it will be terrible and alone definitely if only people survive on this globe. Also, the variety of species has an important scientific value. For instance, invention of radar was based on ultrasonic of bat.

Last but not the least reason is many wild animals are not protected, it means the natural balance will be broken, people will face challenges and problems. People destroyed environment of nature, resulting a smaller in habitat for wild animals. Also, the problems of environment have already affected oneself of people. If people couldn’t amend current status, it will be the biggest bale of them.

In conclusion, people ought to pay out plenty of money for improving existent environment of wild animals. This behavior doesn’t have the meaning of alms. On the contrary, it just means atonement.


Biological diversity has never been so threatened as it is today as a result of the process of human civilization. The various forms of pressure created by human activity have destroyed natural balance, led to the deterioration of natural habitats, genetic erosion and the rarity, even disappearance, of a number of plant and animal species.

As the pace of civilization accelerates, more people, taking more space, needing to use more natural resources, engaging in ever-growing consumption, impose severe deterioration on the habitat of animals. An increasing number of people come to realize that the disappearance of animals will result in serious threat to the equilibrium of ecosystem. Simply put, the extinction of hawks, a rat-eating bird seen in many regions, will result in the rapid propagation of rats. And rats, further, will destroy the prairies and threaten the other animals like gazelles, zebras and others, who live on grass and green lands. The coexistence of animals and human beings creates perfect harmony and brings about the vividness to our planet.

It is hard to imagine what our world would be like without animals. Sociologists also point out that the disappearance of animals can cause social and economic problems. Animal trade, as a supporting sector to the world economy, was very active before. However, the situation is beyond control since animal trade is very profitable and alluring. Many species cannot escape the adversity of being killed.

Certainly, our diet cannot be without meat. There are living stocks, which can provide us with sufficient and nutritious produce. Therefore, we need not to resort to wild animals, especially the endangered ones. To protect animals is to protect our living environment. Every individual should join efforts to keep the diversity of animals. (288 words)


christlulu 发表于 2007-5-4 21:05:21

With the development of society, there are more and more problems brought to our attention, one of which is that wild animals have no place to survive in the 21st century. Some people think that the protection is a waste of resource. From my point of view, I disagree with this statement for some reasons below.

Firstly, the animals and human beings are creatures created by God. Although as Darwin said, “ Survival is the fittest.” we are human beings who have thought. We can’t behave like barbarians and destroy the environment where animals live. We need places to survive and so do animals. Therefore, we ought to give them a wonderful and natural place to survive.

Secondly, there are a lot of species of animals on the earth. They are just like our neighbor. For example, in my childhood, I went to my grandparents’ home in the countryside every weekend. Not far away from the house, there is a forest. Sometimes, I go there with my cousins and brothers. We met a lot of little wild animals there such as, monkeys, snakes, rabbits and so on.

However, there are a lot of people who may agree and have their own opinion concerning this case. From my angle, we, human beings, can’t deprive the survival rights of animals. On the contrary, we have to protect them from extinction. Just imagine how horrible the world would be if human is the only creature in the world. Hence, the government should educate people to preserve and protect our neighbor, natural wild animals.


Nowhere in the world has the issue of animals been so much debated as in our society. Nowadays more and more meat was provided for people, therefore many people think that animals are being killed just for food, and this kind of action is cruel for animals. The above point is absolutely true; this essay will outline three reasons.

The main reason is that people should not master existent right of animals. Not only people but also animals have the right to live. More and more wild animals are rapidly disappearing from this globe, it couldn’t be divided with that animals were hunted and killed cruelly. It is unfair to animals whose existent right was only exchanged with people’s food.

Another reason is that if people do not eat meat, their health will not be affected. The tenet of Chinese Buddhism forbids monks to kill any animals and eat them. Moreover the Chinese Kongfu comes from the Chinese temple that is famous in the world. The Chinese monks’ healthy physique proves that cookbooks do not need have meat.

Last but not the least reason is that people have already made all kinds of man-made meat, so they do not have to eat animal meat. Man-made meat contains enough nutrition for healthy people, but it taste isn’t better than animal’s meat. At least, we do not have to kill animals in order to satisfy our appetite.

In conclusion, the important thing is to stop killing animals before it’s too late. Otherwise we will lose them.
christlulu 发表于 2007-5-4 21:09:01








The living standard gap between city and countryside is bigger and bigger. In my country, dozens of rural young people have been absorbed high salary and comfortable living in the big city. So more and more young people select to work in the city and abandon farming for a better future. In this essay we will examine the problem of the increasing living standard gap between city and countryside and the solutions, such as improving educational level and economy in the country.

The main reason is the different standard of education between the city and the countryside. Because of poverty, dozens of country students lose the chance to study at school. So country people’s educational level is too low to find jobs of high salary. Commonly high salary requires high educational level. Manual labor means low salary: therefore, the country people will be poorer. It will become a bad circle.

Another reason is that economic development is not balanced between city and countryside. Such as both Traffic and transport are not convenient, information to be received slowly and industrial institution is too simple, all of them are the direct and primary reasons to induce this kind of problem that the growth of countryside’s economy less than city’s.

As result of the gap in living standard between the city and the countryside, the outlook is somewhat grim. People already realize this problem exists and are trying to solve it.

For one solution, developed cities should spend plenty of money on building country schools and helping poor country family that they have the ability to support their children to go to school.

The second solution is uniting city and based on country conditions of nature to progress local economy specially. In most of the countryside, plenty of natural resources aren’t utilized and developed. On the contrary, developing cities need lots of resources. They can help each other.

The important thing is that developed cities should provide help to change the country, in order to reduce the living standard gap between the city and the countryside.


As the step of economic development accelerates, the gap between the city and the countryside becomes more and more overt, which arouses colossal concerns. Take a further look at the phenomenon, there are three major causes.

Firstly, the insufficiency of investment in the rural areas accounts mainly for the issue. China, for example, covers a very large area. Due to the emphasis on the development in the coastal areas, the government devotes more investment in the large cities, such as Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou. The investment, undoubtedly, is repaid by the threefold increase of economy and commerce in these cities. However, this is not the case in the rural areas and the western regions. The lack of investment barriers the productivity and economic development and sharpens the gap between the city and the countryside.

Secondly, the low education level in the rural areas contributes partly to the gap of living. Education is the prime force of productivity. Keeping this in mind, many countries and governments give priority to the development of education. China’s education witnessed a rapid growth in the past decade. However, the education level in the countryside still keeps very low. The enrollment of primary schools and secondary schools is much lower compared with the advanced regions, not to mention the developed countries in the world. Without good education, the development of economy and technology would be a dream difficult to be realized.

Finally, the influx of migrant workers to the cities from the countryside deteriorates the undeveloped condition in the rural areas. The life style in the urban areas is very attractive to the people in the countryside. To seek more working opportunities, many people abandon the fertile lands and leave them uncultivated. If the situation continues, it will lead to serious unbalance of economic and regional development.

To sum up, only when the government renders more concerns over the issue, can the gap between the cities and the countryside be bridged. (325 words)


Introduction 48 words) When you look back to the last century, amazingly you will find that not only all world's largest

populated cities had experienced different population growth rates, but also the difference between

the city and the countryside had grown accordingly. Two reasons of mine can examine this tendency as following.

Topic sentence 1: The glamorous city life allures lots of human resources to

move to/agglomerate in the city, taking major contribution to the gap. (20 words) Supporting sentences: In the city, there are many advantages to attract those talented people to settle down--more

job opportunities, cultural activities, sporting events, you name them. Therefore, even those

well-educated people who are originated from the country intend to lead a dynamic city life

instead of returning to face the static country view. If the rural government can work out some

favorable policies such as low prices of land occupied for industrial uses, with the combination

of low cost of workforce, investors are willing to establish factories in the countryside. The

improvement of employment situation will enormously help pull back some intellectuals

and lessen the gap. (104 words)

Topic sentence 2: In the second part, I would mention the factor of transportation. (11 words) Supporting sentences: The vital resistance of economic development in the countryside is the inconvenient transportation. It has been witnessed in China that almost all leading cities are scattered along

the coastline. They take advantages of sea, air and other sophisticated transport facilities to

enjoy high economic growth rates. I suggest that the central government should fund on

infrastructure for the whole nation, including rural areas, to build up a nationwide transport

network. Consequently tourism as well as housing in the countryside will be boosted, and the

difference between the city and the country would be minimized. (94 words)

conclusion (48 words)

To sum up, intelligent resources would determine who is the winner or loser of the intense

competition; moreover, transit systems also play an important role in developing economy. If

both issues were tackled properly in the countryside, gap between the city and the country

would never be overwhelming.
christlulu 发表于 2007-5-4 21:12:24







Nowhere in the world has the issue of children’s education been so much debated as in our society. Nowadays, many parents let their children attend all kinds of courses that will help children to get a better future; therefore, some people think that the postnatal nurture is more important than the congenital factors for personal growth and progress. The above point is certainly true; this essay will outline three reasons.

The main reason is that success of a child would not be separated from right teaching and personal effort. Currently, lots of famous scientists and politicians gain huge success in the world, as they are long-term to hard work. Moreover, the main reason why plenty of developing countries drop behind is their poor education.

Another reason is that if people do not work hard but only depend on their high intellect, they will be far from successful. For instance, the little Bronte was quite clever during his childhood; he was particularly adept at writing. But he was so satisfied with his superior intellect that he did not study carefully. Finally, he became an idle person. However, his sisters became famous authors as a result of their hard study. They are Charlotte Bronte and Emily Bronte. Charlotte wrote “Jane Eyre “, “Wuthering Heights” was written by Emily.

Last but not the least reason is the advantages of natural factors that are more and more similar. Plenty of advanced technological products are invented and widely used. They can supply people’s gaps. In the past, the difference of mathematical ability was remarkable. With the invention of the calculator, people can hardly find out the difference.

In conclusion, scientific and proper teaching is the most significant factor for personal growth and development. If people are satisfied with their advantages, they will become the biggest failures.



Difference between children’s education

IN certain respects, children are the same all over the world. But many factors affect the development of children, both parental support and education being major influences. There are vast differences between schooling styles, and parental attitudes towards children, in China and the West.

Some of these differences have obvious causes, for example, the "Little Emperor" syndrome in China. Parents everywhere have dreams for their offspring. However, the concentration of energy invested into planning for a child’s future is noticeable in China, as it is not diluted by the presence of siblings.

This adoration can be seen in other ways. One of the most common is spoiling children, giving them everything they want. Some of the time this is a reward for good work, although there are children who receive all they want merely because they demand it from their parents.

Hard work?

Parents also have this tendency to spoil children in the West. If a child does start to see itself as the all-deserving star of the Universe, usually its siblings will tease and bully the child until it stops feeling self-important.

Another contrast between the upbringing of children in China and the West is in schooling. Without a doubt, Chinese children work harder than their European and American counterparts. Their industriousness is admirable, and in comparison, Western students are lazy. In European countries, teenagers will often have a Saturday job, or holiday job, to supplement their allowance. This is rare in China, where education is considered of paramount importance, and time working detracts from study. The same contrast is true of romantic relationships between teenagers. I spoke to Han Li, a 16-year old student in Huhhot, about boyfriends. She said: "I have no time for a boyfriend, even if I did want one. I must study hard, there is a lot of pressure on me to get good grades and go to university."

The style of teaching is very different in China from in the West. The notion of "repeating after a teacher’’ seems old-fashioned and redundant in America and Europe. Large class sizes may be the reason for the popularity of this teaching method. In England, any class over 30 is considered large enough to impair learning. However, I have noticed that this parrot-style of learning is being replaced with more progressive methods of education in many Chinese schools.

The perfect solution would be to combine Western and Chinese education methods. Combat the laziness and apathy of Western students; encourage initiative within Chinese students, by expecting independent thought as opposed to mindless repetition. As for spoilt kids anywhere, some of these children would benefit from a smack on the bum.

Genevieve Roberts graduated from Leeds University, England. She has spent the last eight months teaching in China. Anyone with unusual cultural or social experiences who wants to share them with us here at 21st Century can send a copy to elt@21stcentury.com.cn.

By Genevieve Roberts, SPECIAL TO 21ST CENTURY
christlulu 发表于 2007-5-4 21:23:05






Companies should encourage old employees (55 years old) to retire, in order to give opportunities to the new generation. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Nowadays, plenty of old employees who are more than 55 years old must retire because of company policy; therefore, many people think that the development of a company cannot be separated from the number of young employees. The above point is certainly true; this essay will outline three reasons.

The main reason is that plenty of young employees mean that the company is infused with lots of young blood. With the development of technology, more and more new technological products have been developed. The new generation masters advanced technology and has the energy to exploit. They have learned lots of knowledge in university; therefore it is definitely useful for the development of companies.

Another reason is that old employees cannot adapt themselves to the rapid pace. Old employees find it difficult to rapidly learn new things. With their limited physical strength, they are not capable of heavy manual work. So old employees are not a patch on young employees, it means not only intellect but also physical strength.

Last but not the least reason is old employees have already worked for more than half their lifetime, so they should retire to enjoy life. The old employees have already paid out too much in order to look after their family and career. So they should pursue their
christlulu 发表于 2007-5-4 21:24:21







Nowhere in the world has the issue of competition and cooperation been so much debated as in our society. Nowadays, the competition is more and more furious between different groups, but many people think that parents teach competition to children that it will be bad for their growth, let them learn how to cooperate that is the most important. Above point is certainly true; this essay will outline three reasons.

The main reason is that children’ intellect is not enough capable to analyze right and wrong competition. If children do not have correct teaching, the competition easily leads children to a wrong way. For instance, children usually pay attention to match their clothing and toys; in fact, it is really worth competing thing that their study is being ignored.

Another reason is that if children work together, they could easily find out and supply their gaps. Because of limit of age, in order to children’s knowledge is limited so that they have the different strongpoint. When they work together, they can learn the merit from others, and quickly correct their mistakes.

Last but not the least reason is the cooperation means common progress. A people’s ability is limited, but group’s power is unlimited. Lots of things are really difficult to complete by personal power. Nevertheless, people work together to solve problems that will become really easy and simple. Thus, it is important to let children get to know signification of cooperation.

In conclusion, children ought to learn signification of cooperation and how to work together, in order to their better future.


Nowadays, dozens of money was devoted to build all kinds of places of entertainment by our government, such as cinema and stadium. However plenty of people considered that lots of money should be devoted to more significant places, such as iatric ensure and education. The above point is certainly true, this essay will outline three reasons.

The main reason is that people’s concept of entertainment have already changed hugely, traditional concourse of entertainment couldn’t be adapted people’s new require of entertainment. In this paying attention to times of personality, more and more items of entertainment could be selected, such as disco and amusement park. If government also spend plenty of money on building theater and stadium that they will be insignificant definitely.

Another reason is that lots of money should be spent on iatrical ensure and iatrical research by government. In this society, lots of handicapped and patients were suffering from ill; they need our kind help and care. Government should spend more money on this weak group to save their life. As well as they also have the right to enjoy a good health.

Last but not the least reason is that government should devote plenty of money to education. Lots of children lost chance of study at school, because of familial poor. The Asia had the largest number (37,000,000) of the students who unable to go to school. The children mean the future of the world, therefore children's education problems should be widely paid attention to by government.

In conclusion, government should spend more money on iatrical ensure and education, in order to the weak groups, such as handicapped and students who unable to go to school.
christlulu 发表于 2007-5-4 21:27:21









Nowhere in the world has the issue of female rights and interests been so much debated as in our society. Nowadays, plenty of universities limit the number of female students who study in some of subjects; therefore, many people think universities should accept equal numbers of men and female study in every subject, but others have a negative attitude. As far as I am concerned, I think men and women should gain equal educational opportunities, but accepting equal numbers of male and female, in every subject, is unnecessary and impossible. Therefore, I disagree with the view that universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students in every subject. My argument in support of my view is as follows.

The main reason is that mode of thinking is different between female and male. Everyone, male and female, has equal right to study in universities, nevertheless, due to difference of in thought and views. Men and Women may represent varied study capability. A case in point is that men may possess more talent than women in mathematics, physics and like stuff. In the study of language, on the other hand, female shows stronger ability than male. In the history of human beings, most scientists, especially those who research abstract theories, are male.

Another reason is that nature decides different directions of development between men and women. Today, although female’s right is being increased, female still plays a different social role. Women are by nature good at housekeeping since the biological function of a woman is first to bring children into the world and then to bring them up and it has been proved by some scientists that women are not good at business management, political administration, etc. So, in the study of business and management, requiring equal numbers of male and female is not essential.

From what has been discussed above, we may draw the conclusion that accepting equal numbers of male and female students in every subject is impossible and I also disagree with this point of view.
christlulu 发表于 2007-5-4 21:29:09

Museums illuminate the culture, history and arts of the world. Every country and government spare no effort or money to enrich the collection of museums to cater for different tastes or needs of people, for the benefit of the present and future generations. There are bounteous museums all over the world.

The British Museum, which is maybe the largest one in the world, provides visitors with all-round knowledge about the world culture and arts. The visitors to the museum are all overwhelmed by the magnificence of the culture and history of mankind. If one wants to know about the development of human science and industry, he can have a tour to The Museum of Science and Industry located in Chicago, the United States, where a detailed scientific progress is presented vividly. You cannot miss every achievement human beings have made in history and you are sure to be shocked by the civilization our forefathers created. If one wants to have a browse of the important events in the past, American Museum of Photography is the best choice. It abounds in precious historical pictures and gives visitors unforgettable memory. Apart from the state-owned museums, there are also innumerable private museums whose purpose is to exhibit their cherished collection and popularize knowledge.

With a view to giving people updated information and rendering them a more detailed overview, many countries invest a great deal of money in the foundation of museums, because museums disseminate human knowledge and culture, which are more significant for the development of the young generation. Besides, entrepreneurs and individuals should also lay a fund for the improvement and rebuild of museums. The prosperity of human culture is not only the responsibility of the government, but also the responsibility of every individual and organization. (295 words)


Nowhere in the world has the issue of museum’s progress been so much debated as in our society. Nowadays, more and more museums have to face the serious economic problem. Therefore, many people doubt museum’s existent signification. In this essay we will discuss the existent signification of museum and the solutions, such as buying by government and supporting by society

Firstly, museum is considered the historical symbol that it exhibits traditional culture of a nation. Nations of difference have different culture and history. The museum is the best way to let the younger generation savvy their ancestor’s history and let visitors and foreigners know varied culture and tradition.

Secondly, museum could save plenty of cultural relics that they are not destroyed and lost. The equipments of museum could perfectly save all kinds of displays.

As a result of the future of museum, the outlook is somewhat grim. People already realize this problem exists and are trying to solve it.

For one solution, the government ought to buy all museums. If museum belong to government, it will means main economic problem of museum is solved.

The second solution is that society ought to donate lots of money to maintain development of museum. The museum protects our history and culture, so we have obligation to support progress of museum.

The important thing is to protect current museums before it’s too late. Otherwise we will lose them.
christlulu 发表于 2007-5-4 21:32:02

1.visitor imitate 后有什么坏处

2.如果来本国的visitor needn't imitate的话有什么好处

3.to accepting difference doesn't mean .....

4.To you mind,you agree with the former or the latter view.


Some people think visitors to other countries should imitate local custom and behaviors. Some people disagree. They think the host country should welcome cultural difference. What do you think?

Nowhere in the world has the issue of culture shock been so much debated like in our society. Nowadays culture shock stands out particularly between tourists and host countries, therefore dozens of people considered visitors should try to adapt local traditional culture and habit of living. The above point is certainly true, this essay will outline three reasons.

The main reason is that respecting the custom and behavior of the host country can help tourists understand its culture. For instance, in Islamic countries, their belief is that the people can’t eat pork; they think that pig is not a symbol of spotlessness and pig will sully their holy belief. Therefore, when the visitors come to the Islamic countries, they should accept the custom, and then they will be greeted by indigene. There is no better example than this to demonstrate the strength of this point.

Another reason is that it is the best way to express tourists’ respect. Everyone state owns her behaviors and custom; history saw the development of this country. For example, when tourists go to visit host country, perhaps some of things are so out of fashion. However visitors also admire local culture and custom,
JANASON 发表于 2007-5-7 00:12:56

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