






发布者: david | 发布时间: 2007-5-14 10:26| 查看数: 2062| 评论数: 0|

An Israeli archaeologist has found the tomb of King Herod, the legendary builder of ancient Jerusalem and the Holy Land, Hebrew University said Monday.


  The tomb is at a site called Herodium, a flattened hilltop in the Judean Desert, clearly visible from southern Jerusalem. Herod built a palace on the hill, and researchers discovered his burial site there, the university said.


  The university had hoped to keep the find a secret until Tuesday, when it planned a news conference to disclose the find in detail, but the Haaretz newspaper found out about the discovery and published an article on its Web site.


 Herod became the ruler of the Holy Land under the Romans around 74 B.C. The wall he built around the Old City of Jerusalem still stands, and he also ordered big construction projects in Caesaria, Jericho, the hilltop fortress of Massada and other sites.


  It has long been assumed Herod was buried at Herodium, but decades of excavations had failed to turn up the site. The 1st century historian Josephus Flavius described the tomb and Herod's funeral procession.

  长久以来人们猜测希律王被埋葬在希律堡,但是几十年的挖掘均无成果。一世纪历史学家Josephus Flavius曾经描述过希律王的墓穴和送葬队伍。

  Haaretz said the tomb was found by archaeologist Ehud Netzer, a Hebrew University professor who has been working at Herodium since 1972. The paper said the tomb was in a previously unexplored area between the two palaces Herod built on the site. Herod died in 4 B.C. in Jericho.

  Haaretz说希伯利亚大学考古学家Ehud Netzer从1972年开始研究希律堡并最终发现了希律墓。报纸上说墓穴位于希律建造的两座宫殿中间,此区域之前未被人探索过。公元前4年希律王逝世于耶利哥。

  Herodium was one of the last strong points held by Jewish rebels fighting against the Romans, and it was conquered and destroyed by Roman troops in A.D. 71, a year after they destroyed the Second Temple in Jerusalem.



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