





Lesson 11 Not guilty 无罪

发布者: 上官飞飞 | 发布时间: 2007-5-14 23:42| 查看数: 5208| 评论数: 0|

Summary writing摘要写作

In not more than 80 words describe the experiences of the writer while he was going through the Customs. Do not include anything that is not in the passage.

Answer these questions in note form to get your points:

1Did the writer have anything to declare or not?

2What did the Customs Officer make him do?

3Did the Customs Officer search the case carefully or not?

4What did he find?

5What did he think was in the bottle?

6What did the writer tell him the bottle contained?

7Who had made it?

8Did the Customs Officer believe him or not?

9What did the writer encourage the Officer to do?

10What convinced the Officer that the writer was telling the truth?

11Did the Officer let the writer pass through the Customs or not?


Give another word or phrase to replace the following words as they are used in the passage: troubled (1. 5); clearly (1. 7); packed (1. 13); dreadful (1. 14); cap (1. 22); nostrils (1. 22); convinced (1. 23).


Imagine that a man tries to smuggle something valuable through the Customs. Expand the following into a paragraph of about 150 words.

When the Customs Officer . . . the man said that he had nothing to declare. The Officer asked the man to . . . Although the case contained only . . . and . . . it was very heavy. This made the Officer suspicious, so he . . . The case was soon empty and when theOfficer . . . he found that . . . The Officer examined the case carefully and saw that . . . He . . . and removed the bottom part of the case which contained . . . While the Officer was looking at . . . the man tried to . . . For a moment, the man disappeared among . . . but he was soon . . . and placed under arrest. (93words)

Letter writing书信写作

A friend has written to you asking you to lend him some money. Write a letter of about 80 words telling him you cannot afford to. Supply a suitable Introduction and Conclusion. Use the following ideas to write the Purpose: sorry you cannot help ---- have a great many expenses ---- you are in debt yourself ---- suggest someone who might help.

Key structures关键句型

He said that . . . He told me . . . He asked me . . . 间接引语 (IKS 87) (参见第2册第87课关键句型)


Answer these questions:

Lines 16-17

What did the Customs Officer tell the writer he should have done?Why did he tell the writer this?

Lines 18-19

What did the writer tell the Customs Officer?

Line 21

What did he tell the Customs Officer to do?

Special difficulties难点

Capital letters大写字母

Note how capital letters have been used in these sentences:

The train came into the station. It arrived at five o'clock.

George lives in Canada. He is Canadian. He is not an American.

I'll see you on Tuesday, January 14th.

Have you read Great Expectations?


Write this paragraph again using full stops and capital letters where necessary:

because tim jones cannot speak french or german he never enjoys travelling abroad last march, however, he went to denmark and stayed in copenhagen he said he spent most of his time at the tivoli which is one of the biggest funfairs in the world at thetivoli you can enjoy yourself very much even if you don't speak danish.

Multiple choice questions多项选择题

Choose the correct answers to the following questions.


1What makes really honest people feel guilty when going through Customs?

a.Having five hundred gold watches hidden in their suitcases.

b.The particularly officious way Customs Officers always ask questions.

c.The fact that they are treated as potential smugglers.

d.Carrying things which are not exempt from import duty.

2What made the Customs Officer's face light up?

a.Knowing how difficult it would be for the writer to close his case.

b.Seeing the bottle of hair gel which he could charge duty on.

c.The idea of having found something which should have been declared.

d.Discovering an unopened bottle of perfume at the bottom of the case.

3The writer was in a hurry to get away because ______ .

a.he had grown impatient at having taken so long to get through Customs

b.he was anxious to get away from the unpleasant smell

c.he was afraid he might still be stopped for smuggling

d.he was trying to escape with precious chalk marks


4The Customs Officer asked him ______he had anything to declare. (1. 9)





5‘Have you anything to declare? ’ he asked, looking ______ . (1. 9)

a.direct to me

b.me directly

c.directly at me

d.in my direction

6‘Would you ______ __please? ’ (1. 11)

a.unlock kindly this suitcase

b.kindly unlock this suitcase

c.unlock this suitcase kindly

d.be kind to unlock this suitcase

7He told him he ______ it. (1. 16)

a.ought to have declared

b.must have declared

c.had to declare

d.needed to declare

8______ the cap, the Officer put the bottle to his nostrils. (1. 22)

a.Having unscrewed


c.Being unscrewed

d.With unscrewedVocabulary词汇

9Customs Officers are quite tolerant these days. They are ______ . (11)





10A hardened professional smuggler feels ______ his behaviour. (11. 4-5)

a.unashamed of

b.unwronged by

c.unshocked by

d.guiltless of

11As I expected, he was ______ . (1. 20)





12I was able to hurry away with precious chalk marks on my ______ . (11. 23-24)






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