





Lesson 36 A chance in a million 百万分之一的机遇

发布者: 上官飞飞 | 发布时间: 2007-5-17 22:52| 查看数: 3244| 评论数: 0|





Give short answers to these questions in your own words as far as possible. Use one complete sentence for each answer.

1How did many nineteenth century novels end?

2Why was Mrs. Bussman struck by the workman's appearance?

3How did Mrs. Bussman find out the identity of the workman?


Explain the meanings of the following words and phrases as they are used in the passage: credulous (1. 1); a conclusion (1. 2); improbable (1. 4); presumed (1. 6); plotting(1. 7); totally (1. 8); bring about(1. 9).

Summary writing摘要写作

In not more than 80 words write an account of what happened to Hans Bussman from the time he was wounded to the time he was reunited with his brother. Use your own words as far as possible. Do not include anything that is not in the last paragraph.


In not more than 250 words write an imaginary account of Franz Bussman's life story up to the time he was reunited with his brother. Use the ideas given below. Do not write more than four paragraphs.

Title: The past.

Introduction: Tried to get information about Hans ---- none available ---- gave up search.

Development: Found it hard to settle down ---- moved from place to place and from job to job ---- how he met Mrs.

Bussman ---- marriage ---- settled down at last ---- became a cook ---- disliked the work ---- went into partnership with a friend ---- became a taxi driver ---- once visited home town ---- block of flats where his house used to be ---- no one remembered him.

Conclusion: Future plans now that Hans has been found.

Letter writing书信写作

Write a letter of about 100 words in three paragraphs to your employer informing him that you will be absent from work for a few days because you are ill. Point out anything important that should be attended to in your absence and say when you hope to be back.

Key structures


Special difficulties关键句型和难点


1We are less credulous than we used to be. In the nineteenth century, a novelist would bring his story… (11. 1-2). Supply used to and would in the following:

When I was young I ______ have a lot more free time than I do now. I ______ live near my work and … always get home early. Sometimes I ______ do a bit of gardening or go for a long walk. (IKS 55b) (参见第2册第55课关键句型b)

2Readers happily accepted the fact. (1. 4) Write two sentences illustrating the difference between accept and agree. (ISD 65b) (参见第2册第65课难点b)

3the hero's mother (1. 5). Supply apostrophes in the following: Georges umbrella; that womans handbag; Keats poetry; the childrens clothes; the soldiers uniforms; in six hours time; a hundred pounds' worth. (ISD 13) (参见第2册第13课难点)

4After having been wounded… (1. 18). Write two sentences beginning with After having been… (IKS 69) (参见第2册第69课关键句型)

Multiple choice questions多项选择题

Choose the correct answers to the following questions.


1What would a modern reader find totally unacceptable in a novel today?

a.Having for a hero a man once presumed dead.

b.The happiness a hero might feel on being reunited with his mother.

c.Any character being so wicked as to plot against the hero.

d.Two brothers, each presuming the other long since dead, meeting again by chance.

2When Mrs. Bussman suggested that the workman might be Franz's brother ______ .

a.she was told for the first time that Hans had been killed

b.Franz objected to the idea of being associated with a workman .

c.Franz was so sure his brother was dead he did not take her seriously

d.they were both too shy to ask the workman if this was so themselves

3What did Hans Bussman do immediately after the war was over?

a.He went to hospital to have his wounds attended to.

b.He deserted his unit and walked back to his home town.

c.He inquired after his family's whereabouts but found no trace of them.

d.He settled in a village near his home, hoping his family would find him.


4---- his readers with a series of coincidences ______ wildly improbable. (11. 2-4)

a.mostly being

b.most of which were

c.most of them were

d.which would be most

5A long-lost brother had not in fact died and ______ to bring about the hero's downfall. (11. 5-7)

a.wickedly plotting

b.wickedly plotted

c.been wickedly plotting

d.had been wickedly plotting

6He stopped ______ . (11. 11-12)

a.in order to talk to a workman

b.a workman for a talk

c.talking to a workman

d.so that he talked to a workman

7She sent a boy to ask the workman ______ . (1. 16)

a.what was he called

b.what he was called

c.how he was called

d.if he was called

8Meanwhile his unit was lost and ______ had been destroyed. (11. 20-21)

a.each of his records

b.all records of him

c.all records of his

d.every record of his


9He found a brother who was thought to have been killed twenty years ______ . (11. 10-11)



c.before hand


10Mrs. Bussman told her husband that he and the workman ______ … (11. 12-13)

a.had a close look

b.had the same look

c.looked very alike

d.looked the same way

11---- there was the ______ chance she might be right. (1. 15)





12---- how it had ______ that he was still alive. (1. 18)




d.come about


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