





Lesson 35 Space odyssey 太空探索

发布者: 上官飞飞 | 发布时间: 2007-5-18 19:06| 查看数: 4343| 评论数: 0|





1 “根本不可能,不要浪费我的时间。”

2 “可能,但不值得做。”

3 “我一直说这是个好想法。”

如果有相当数量的人永久性地住在太空,征服火星的计划—一个比月球远160倍的星球—就可以明确地从第2 阶段进入第3阶段。火星对未来的星际旅客来说有着特殊的魅力。美国、俄罗斯和欧洲都有许多热心此项事业的人—其中的不少人是认真和资深的科学家,他们一直梦想着把人送上火星。他们的目标是可以理解的。火星是太阳系里与地球最接近的一颗行星。这是一个红色沙漠的世界(因而得名:红色行星),无云的天空,凶猛的沙暴,比大峡谷还宽的裂缝,起码有一座山有珠穆朗玛峰的近两倍高。看起来,它很适合居住。

Comprehension 理解

Answer these questions:

1 Why would a rocket leave the surface of the moon more rapidly than it leaves the surface of the earth?

2 Give two reasons why space travel from the moon would be cheaper than space travel from the earth.

3 When will people begin to consider seriously the possibility of colonising Mars?

Vocabulary 词汇

Refer to the text to see how the following words have been used, then write sentences of your own using significant (1.16); like (1.19); ideal for settlement (1.21).

Summary 摘要

Write a summary of the first two paragraphs (‘The Moon… cousins’) explaining why the moon is likely to become the industrial centre of the Solar System. Do not write more than 90 words. Your answer should be in one paragraph.

Composition 作文

A Write a list of ideas in note form about the future of space travel. Follow up the ideas introduced in the passage to predict what space travel might be like in fifty years' time.

B Drawing on your list of ideas, write a composition of about 400 words.

Key structures 关键句型

A Supply the missing words in the following. Do not refer to the passage until you have finished the exercise:

1 The Moon is likely to become the industrial hub ______the Solar System, supplying the rocket fuels_____ its ships, easily obtainable ______the lunar rocks ______the form ______liquid oxygen. The reason lies ______its gravity. Because the Moon has only an eightieth ______ the Earth's mass, it requires 97 per cent less energy to travel the quarter ______a million miles ______the Moon ______Earth-orbit than the 200 mile-journey ______Earth's surface ______orbit! (11.1-4)

2 To escape ______the Earth ______a rocket, one must travel ______seven miles per second. The comparable speed ______ the Moon is only 1.5 miles per second. Because the gravity ______ the Moon's surface is only a sixth ______Earth's (remember how easily the Apollo astronauts bounded ______), it takes much less energy to accelerate ______ that 1.5 miles ______second than it does ______ Earth. Moon-dwellers will be able to fly ______space ______only three per cent ______ he cost ______ similar journeys ______their terrestrial cousins. (11.5-10)

3 The idea ______colonising Mars----a world 160 times more distant ______ the Moon----will move decisively ______the second phase ______the third, when a significant number ______ people are living permanently ______ space. (11.15-16)

4 Mars has an extraordinary fascination ______ would-be voyagers. America, Russia and Europe are filled with enthusiasts----many ______them serious and senior scientists----who dream ______sending people ______it. Their aim is understandable. It is the one world ______ the Solar System that is most like the Earth. (11.17-19)

B Note the use of the verb sound in this sentence:

This may sound fantastic, but it is easily calculated. (1.5)

Supply suitable forms of the verbs sound, seem, taste, feel and look in place of be in these sentences.

Sometimes more than one replacement is possible.

1 It is very hot today.

2 This chocolate is very bitter.

3 You can see from her face that she isn't well.

4 The price is about right, but I hope they can offer us a bigger discount.

5 How much did you say? That is expensive!

Special difficulties 难点

A Study the following pairs of words and then write sentences of your own to bring out the difference.

1 industrial (1.1)---- industrious

Japan is an industrial nation.

The Japanese people are very industrious.

2 supplying (1.1)----providing

Who supplies you with fresh vegetables?

Our parents provided us with everything we needed while we were growing up.

3 less (1.3)----lesser

His new novel had less success than expected.

This is a lesser problem compared with pollution.

4 bound (1.7)---- bounds

A great black dog came bounding out towards us.

There are no bounds to his ambition. (=limits)

5 bind----bound for

Don't bind that so tight. A bandage bound as tight as that will restrict the patient's circulation.

Where are you bound for?----I'm off to Scotland for a week.

6 fly (1.9)----flow

It's hard to imagine that anyone could fly some of the old planes you see in museums.

Originally, the river flowed several miles north of this point.

7 idea (1.11)---- ideal

Whose idea was it that we should invite him?

You'll find an ideal place for a picnic on the other side of the lake.

8 at least (1.21)----at last

There isn't much news about the missing climbers, but at least we know they're safe.

After days of anxiety, at last we learnt the climbers were safe.

B Supply alternative words in place of the words in italics:

1 The Moon is likely to become the industrial hub of the Solar System.

2 This may sound fantastic… (1.5)

3 It takes much less energy… (1.8)

C Note the use of who in the sentence:

There are would-be voyagers who dream of sending people to Mars. (compare 11.17-18)

Supply who or which:

1 In my opinion, this laptop computer is the only one ______ is light enough to carry when you're travelling.

2 Some of the buildings ______were put up in the 1960s are in very bad shape.

3 The giant panda is one of those animals _______is most at risk of extinction.

4 There are a lot of people ______ are prepared to take business risks.

5 I think it was your mother ______answered the phone.

Multiple choice questions 多项选择题

Choose the correct answers to the following questions.

Comprehension 理解

1 The moon is likely to become the centre of the Solar System because _______.

a.it has only an eightieth of the Earth's mass

b.it will be be an industrial centre

c.it will be cheaper and easier to launch rockets from there

d.there is plenty of fuel available on its surface

2 Compared with the earth, you need to travel ______ to take off from the moon.

a.much faster

b.at far less speed

c.seven miles per second

d.one sixth of the speed

3 We will only be ready to think of colonising Mars when ______ .

a.there are enough enthusiasts to volunteer

b.we have passed three phrases

c.quite a few people have permanently left the earth

d.we are prepared to travel 160 times further than the Moon

4 According to the writer, Mars seems ideal for settlement because ________.

a.it is the planet that most closely resembles the earth

b.many senior scientists are in favour of it

c.it is a world frull of red sandy deserts

d.it is a fascinating place

Structure 句型

5 ______escape from the Earth in a rocket, you must travel… (1.5)

a.For to

b.In order

c.If you want to


6 How much energy ______to accelerate 1.5 miles per second? (1.7)

a.does it take

b.it takes


d.takes it

7 _________ a significant number of people are living in space can we move from the second phase to the third. (11.15-16)


b.Not until



8 Many serious and senior scientists are ______enthusiasm. (11.17-18)

a.filled of

b.full of


d.full with

Vocabulary 词汇

9 This may sound _______, but it is easily calculated. (1.5)





10 They will be able to fly at only three per cent of the cost of _________ journeys by their terrestrial cousins. (11.9-10)


b.the same



11 I said it was a good idea _______. (1.3)

a.a long time


c.all the time


12 Mars has an extraordinary fascination for would-be __________. (1.17)






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