





西班牙女性最会网上调情 美国倒数第二

发布者: smile* | 发布时间: 2010-11-7 14:35| 查看数: 1221| 评论数: 0|

本帖最后由 NCE1-smile001 于 2010-11-7 14:47 编辑

Spanish women "online world's top flirts"

0023ae98988b0e3ca0c20f.jpg A woman walks by a car covered in snow in Madrid January 11, 2010.

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Spanish women are the most flirtatious in the world online, according to a survey by a dating website which said the results belie lingering perceptions of a socially conservative country.Badoo.com found Spanish women are more likely to initiate Internet dating contact with a man than women from any other country in which the site operates.Badoo, which boasts 80 million registered users across more than 240 countries said it studied 90 million contacts made over a month.It showed that the average Spanish woman initiates 1.33 contacts with a man per month -- almost double the figure for women in either Britain (0.78) or France (0.69) and more than double that for women in the United States (0.63)."First the (soccer) World Cup, now this," Badoo marketing director Lloyd Price said in a statement. "Another global win for Spain."The league table ranking the 20 top countries on the number of contacts with a man initiated per month by the average woman put Poland second, followed by the Dominican Republic, Italy and Argentina. Latin countries (Spanish, Italian, or Portuguese-speaking) occupied eight of the top 10 places.Men however were still far more likely to initiate contact in Spain and elsewhere.British women ranked 14th in the list of Badoo's top 20 countries, while US women ranked second-last, just ahead of Ecuador.John Hooper, British author of a book on modern-day Spain, said the results of the analysis may surprise those who have an outdated notion of a Spanish society which has changed dramatically since dictator Francisco Franco died 35 years ago."Until the mid-1970s, the status of women in Spain was lower than in any other European country, except Turkey. Spanish women couldn't open a bank account without their husband's permission," said Hooper, author of "The New Spaniards.""Now, you have a country where the proportion of women directors on the boards of big companies is greater than in, for example, a northern European country like Belgium."The survey's top 10:1. Spain2. Poland3. Dominican Republic4. Italy5. Argentina6. Brazil7. Chile8. Portugal9. Canada10. Venezuela(Read by Nelly Min. Nelly Min is a journalist at the China Daily Web site.)根据一家约会网站的调查,西班牙女性是全世界最会网上调情的女性。该网站称,这一结果颠覆了西班牙一直以来在人们心目中的保守印象。社交网站Badoo.com发现,在有该网站运营的国家中,西班牙女性比其他国家的女性更容易主动和男性在网上聊天。Badoo网站在240多个国家拥有8000万注册用户。网站称对一个月内的9000万组聊天记录进行了研究。调查显示,西班牙女性平均每个月在网上主动和一位男性发起聊天1.33次,几乎是英国女性(0.78次)和法国女性(0.69次)的两倍,而且是美国女性(0.63次)的两倍多。Badoo网站的销售主管罗伊德•普莱斯在一项声明中说:“先是世界杯,现在又是这个。西班牙再次赢得了世界冠军。”该榜单列出了平均每月主动同男性聊天次数最多的20个国家的女性,位居榜单第二的是波兰,随后是多米尼加共和国、意大利和阿根廷。拉丁语系国家(西班牙语、意大利语或葡萄牙语国家) 占据了前十名中的八个位置。尽管如此,不论是在西班牙还是在其它国家,男性网上聊天要比女性主动得多。英国女性在上榜的前20个国家中排名第14位,而美国女性在该榜单上的排名则是倒数第二,仅领先于厄瓜多尔。一部关于现代西班牙的书的英国作家约翰•胡珀说,分析得出的这些结果可能会使那些对西班牙社会仍持有陈旧观念的人感到吃惊。自从西班牙独裁者弗朗西斯科•佛朗哥在35年前去世后,西班牙社会已经发生了巨大的变化。这位《新西班牙人》的作者说道:“直到20世纪70年代中期,西班牙女性的地位还比除土耳其以外的其它任何欧洲国家女性的地位都要低。当时,西班牙女性还不能在未经丈夫许可的情况下开立银行账户。”“在今天的西班牙,女性在许多大公司的董事会中所占比例已经超越了像比利时这样的北欧国家。”调查结果前十名:1.西班牙2.波兰3.多米尼加共和国4.意大利5.阿根廷6.巴西7.智利8.葡萄牙9.加拿大10.委内瑞拉相关阅读美国调查:调情=不忠?德国大学教电脑专业学生“调情”互联网成美国人觅偶重要途径大雪封门 英国已婚男女上网寻一夜情研究:一夜情或一世情 五官密码告诉你自恋狂自卑者更爱上社交网站网上约会流行 纽约当选最佳单身城市

Vocabulary:belie: to show that something cannot be true or correct 显示(某事)不正确;证明(某事)错误boast: to have something that is impressive and that you can be proud of 有(值得自豪的东西)Francisco Franco: 弗朗西斯科•佛朗哥,法西斯主义独裁者,1936年领导发动了对西班牙共和国的叛乱,宣布自己为国鲜花首和叛军最高统帅。第二次世界大战结束后,佛朗哥在国内仍推行其恐怖统治,把世界上最后一个法西斯独裁政权维持了近40年。


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