






发布者: zjsyfox | 发布时间: 2010-11-8 13:51| 查看数: 7454| 评论数: 3|

在服务里常说我们提供什么什么服务,但是有用provide的 ,有用offer的,这两个词有什么区别吗,我怎么决定什么情况用哪个词呢??



offer,provide和supply都有“供给、提供”的意思,但用法不同。 provide指有远见,为应付意外、紧急情况等作好充分准备而“供给、提供”, 可用于provide sb.(with sth.)或provide sth.(for sb.)结构。 He persuaded other people to provide money or to give help. 他说服别人提供钱或给予帮助。 The school provided food for the students. 学校为学生提供伙食。 They provided us with all the books we need. 他们为我们提供所 ...


love-lemon 发表于 2010-11-8 13:51:33


可用于provide sb.(with sth.)或provide sth.(for sb.)结构。

He persuaded other people to provide money or to give help.


The school provided food for the students. 学校为学生提供伙食。

They provided us with all the books we need.


supply通常指定期“供应”,强调替代或补充所需物品,常用于supply sb. with sth.或supply sth. to sb.结构。

The cars will be supplied to people all over the country.


Cows supply us with milk. 母牛供给我们牛奶。

In Britain milk is supplied to each house in bottles.


offer侧重表示“愿意给予”,常用于offer sb. sth.或offer to do sth. 结构,后不能接宾语从句。

She offered me a cup of tea. 她给我端了杯茶。

He offered to go instead of me. 他主动提出代替我去。

注 意:

provide不如supply常用,但前者可跟双宾语,而后者无此用法。有时它们可互换,可说provide/supply sth. to sb.,也可说provide/supply sb. with sth.。

The bank provided/supplied him with a loan $100,000.

love-lemon 发表于 2010-11-8 15:02:07

provide sb with sth.


On Sundays his landlady provided dinner as well as breakfast.



Somehow she managed to provide her children with food and clothing.



The law provides that these ancient buildings must be preserved.


offer sth.to sb.


He offered me a glass of wine.



They offered to help me.


He offered to lend me some books.


offer 指“提出,提供,呈现”,表示向别人提供可接受也可拒绝的某物,如帮助、服务或物品,这可能是对方要求也可能是自己主动提出的。例如:He offered me a job, but I didn't accept.


provide 指“供给,提供,装备,准备”,强调有预见,并通过储存或准备的方式为某事做准备,以在需要时提供所需物品。例如:We provided them (with) board and lodging. 我们给他们提供食宿。


supply 指“供给,补充,弥补”,还可作名词,意为“供给(量),物资,存货”。例如:We are well supplied with foods. 我们的食品供给充足。


参与人数 1鲜花 +20 收起 理由
tezukazyunko + 20 good~thx.


love-lemon 发表于 2010-11-8 15:03:13
动词词义辨析:offer, provide与supply

1. offer: verb.

* verb

1) offer sth ( to sb) (for sth) | offer sb sth: to say that you are willing to do sth for sb or give sth to sb. 主动提出;自愿给予

eg.(1)He offered 4000 pound for the car. 他出价4000英镑买这辆车。

(2)He offered some useful advices. 他提出了一些有用的建议。

(3) They decide to offer Jo the job. 他们决定让乔做这件工作。

(4) Taylor offered him 500 dollars to do the work. 泰勒愿出500美元雇他做这项工作。

* offer to do: 主动要求做某事

eg. The kids offered to do the dishes. 孩子们主动要求洗盘子。

2)to make sth available or to provide the opportunity for sth 提供(东西或机会);供应

eg.(1) The hotel offers excellent facilities for families.本旅馆提供优良的家庭服务设施。

(2)The job didn't offer any prospects for promotion. 这份工作没有任升迁的希望。

(3)He did not offer any explanation for hs beaviour. 他没有对自己的行为作出任何解释。

* offer sth /sb (up) (to sb) (formal) : to give sth to God奉献;祭献(给上帝)

eg. (1) We offered up our prayers for the men's safe return.我们祈求上苍保佑他们平安。

IDM:have sth to offer: to have sth available that sb wants

2. provide:

* provide sb with sth | provide sth for sb: to give sth to sb or make it available for them to use 提供;供应;给予 [SYS]supply

eg. (1) The hospital has a commitment to provide the best possible medical care. 这家医院承诺要提供最好的医疗服务。

(2) We are here to provide a service for the public.

* provide that -clause: (formal) (of a law or rule法律或法规)to state that sth will or must happen规定 [sys]stipulate:

(1) The final section provides that any work produced for the company is thereafter owned by the company.最后一节规定,此后为公司创作的作品均为本公司所有。

PHR v :

1)provide against sth : (formal) to make preparations to deal with sth bad or unpleasant that might happen in the future预防;防备

2)provide for sth :(a) to make preparations to deal with sth that might happen in the future 为……作好准备 (b)(of a law, rule, etc. 法律、规定等) to make it possible for sth to be done 作出规定

3)provide for sb :to give sb the things that they need to live, such as food, money and clothing提供生活所需

* * provided / providing that: used to say what must happen or be done to make it possible for sth else to happen 如果;假如;在……条件下 [sys] if.

eg. (1) We'll buy everything you produce, provided of course the price is right. 当然了,倘若价格合适,我们将采购你们的产品。

(2) Provided that you have the mony in your account, you can withdraw up to 100 pound a day.只要账户存款足够,每天可提取不超过100英镑。

3. supply v.

supply - supplies - supplying - supplied - supplied

supply sb /sth (with sth) | supply sth (to sb/sth): to provide sb / sth with sth that they need or want, especially in large quantities (尤指大量)供应,供给,提供

eg. (1) Foreign governments supplied arms to the rebels. 一些外国政府向反叛者提供武器。

(2) Foreign governments supplied the rebels with arms.一些外国政府向反叛者提供武器。

(3) Local schools supply many of the volunteers.许多志愿者来自当地学校。
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