





[原创] Let's talk!

发布者: david | 发布时间: 2005-10-9 16:14| 查看数: 8328| 评论数: 14|

Written by BOBO<BR>[4741098]
Since you are not a native speaker of English, making mistakes is very common in the conversation, so Rule 1, never be afraid of making mistakes when speaking English, no matter it is unproper words, unmatched phrases, or strange grammatical mistakes, just speak out! anyone who listens to you will try his or her best to understand what you have said, but not what kind of mistakes you have made. Remind of how we learned Chinese, we got it by using it again and again, the same thing can be introduced to the learning of English, so Rule 2, think and express in English in every possible occasion, try to make the lines which interests you most in a movie clear, and apply it in your daily life, accumulation is extremely important in learning English, this may cost a lot of time and energy, and may even make you suffer much, remember Rome was not built in a day!<BR>Come on my dear friends, let's talk! Say you, say me!


bison 发表于 2005-10-11 12:39:01
   i don't agree with you more ,david!but these days i feel my stress on school work strongly  .that is why i didn't come in our family .when i found that i didn't use english several days ,i was very amazed .actually i have seen the worst result---if i forget our family ,it is the high time to give up english for me !
   maybe the best way to persist on english studying is coming here ,our english family .cause i can soak up knowledges and hold passion and craze for english from all of you !
   if i have enough time ,i will talk with you in english .i know ,if you are crazy for english ,you are dying for communicating with others .and no one care your mistakes ,it doesn't matter at all .
Quickie 发表于 2005-10-11 14:08:59
I agree with Bobo's idea, but I just want to add one thing to it.
Never mind others when they correct you. Correction may intimidate one's confidence, but it is the best way to learn. So always ask them to correct you when you speak your English wrong. The more correction you recived, the better your English will be in the future.
~~~~~~ Wolf talks~~~~~~
Lindarling 发表于 2005-11-27 14:57:00
Very good ideas !!
To learn just like to live,everybody need to be corrected and helped by others,then progress could come soon.But that should be based on a positive &amp; willing heart.[em07]
coolcmy 发表于 2005-11-28 22:35:48
it's true, but difficult to be realized. I will try my best to follow those rules.
July 发表于 2005-12-12 19:50:17
<FONT size=4>those rules,i'm afraid that i don't think so,except that, we must read more articles as often as we can,that's my experiences.</FONT>
leave 发表于 2005-12-20 18:20:42
let's talk!
kevin 发表于 2005-12-21 12:28:03
practice makes perfect, talk , talk, talk ...
Loewe-wei 发表于 2005-12-21 19:57:26
actually we do not need to discuss this problem but talk as other BBS.different from other BBS we talk here with enlish.
RealKevin 发表于 2006-1-6 19:21:11
david's got the point...try to use it as much as possible...that's the right and effective way of learning english...one more thing, dont spend too much time on ur vocabulary books...
lyyenglish 发表于 2006-1-6 21:27:46
thank you for your rules ,I think it will help learning english.
AlexWu 发表于 2006-1-7 00:44:45
It is okay to make mistakes if there is someone to CORRECT you.
If there is no one to CORRECT you, your mistake will be life long....
AlexWu 发表于 2006-1-7 00:46:39
BTW David,
Original Writting means ORIGINAL, don't use others writting and post for them.  [em16]
tataoo 发表于 2007-9-3 13:40:37
i know..speak out and i'll have progress
chengblue 发表于 2008-9-19 16:42:33
yes .just speak it out.
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